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Example sentences for "worked hard"

  • At that picture I worked hard, my mother being my model for Our Lady, and an old ciociara from the Trinita steps for St. Elizabeth.

  • I worked hard at the schools and in the country throughout 1867, and, with many ups and downs, progressed in the Life class.

  • I worked hard at "The Reveil," and finished it in that unconventional workshop.

  • During the next three years he worked hard, and finished a number of pictures that since then have made history.

  • After his return to London he worked hard at solving the problem of creating tone which would suggest atmosphere with as little subject matter as possible.

  • Whistler was never wholly one of us," Mr. Armstrong tells us; Drouet does not think that Whistler worked hard, certainly not in usual student fashion at the schools.

  • He worked hard, with considerable success, and with but little instruction until, at the age of eighteen, he went to London for the first time.

  • Vandyck went first to Venice, where he worked hard to copy and learn to imitate the rich color and refined manner of Titian and other Venetian masters.

  • He was very poor when he first went to Rome; but he worked hard, and began to be known and to receive orders for pictures.

  • I had one only son; and my John was a fine stout fellow, and he worked hard, and he would not leave his old mother.

  • In Prussia the whole movement was unpopular, and Bunsen, though he worked hard to render it less so, was held responsible for much which he himself had disapproved.

  • Heaven knows that I worked hard enough on it, and, what was a great deal to boast of in those days, never profited one farthing beyond free tickets to plays, which I had little time to use.

  • There I studied French, and began to learn to draw, but made little progress, though I worked hard.

  • Worked hard to-day and only took a half hour's walk with Hector Macdonald!

  • I worked hard when I came in, and finished five pages.

  • Worked hard to-day, and in morning and evening made out five pages and a half, as much perhaps as one should attempt, yet I was not overworked.

  • Wherefore in his leisure time he worked hard at his desk.

  • He worked hard at his profession, practising occasionally and reading voraciously all books bearing on his studies.

  • In consequence of this calamity Jerome remained some time in Milan, and during these months he worked hard at mathematics; but he was not destined to return to Pavia as a student.

  • He looked at me and nodded, and I went out to a great pump in the middle of the yard with a hook on its spout, upon which I was able to hang the stable pail as I worked hard to throw the long handle up and down.

  • Sidenote: =Becomes a successful lawyer and speaker=] Like many another young lawyer he had numerous difficulties and disappointments, but he worked hard and in time became a successful lawyer.

  • He worked hard at his trade, and read more books than before.

  • Sidenote: =Works hard for the success of the army=] During the War of 1812 he worked hard in Congress for the success of the American army.

  • Cornelius had acquired great facility and worked hard; I sat to him nearly all the day long; we rested together, and he then put by his own fatigue to cheer and amuse me.

  • For a week I had looked up to this evening, worked hard for it, and thought with pride of the progress of which I could not but be conscious, and which Cornelius could not but perceive.

  • He worked hard, yet he found time to read, borrowing books from whoever would lend them.

  • The next four years of Burns's life were eventful years, for though he worked hard as he guided the plow or swung the scythe, he wove songs in his head.

  • But although he worked hard he was always cheerful and merry.

  • He worked hard, for from the very beginning he meant to get on, he meant to be rich and powerful.

  • For many years he worked hard as a reporter for the press, while diligently preparing himself for the practice of his profession.

  • At sixteen he was articled to a clerk in Chancery; worked hard; was admitted to the bar; and his industry and perseverance ensured success.

  • On the contrary, he determined to abandon it; but returning to Cambridge, he took his degree; and that he worked hard may be inferred from the fact that he was senior wrangler of his year.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "worked hard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    betook himself; but too; coronoid process; early stages; full consideration; good neighbour; had time; last came; little farther; live according; microwave radio; mither dear; must never; orders from; presidential elections; slavery movement; small class; this point; what course; worked from; worked hard; worked out; would accompany; your good