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Example sentences for "certain period"

  • For a certain period, the severe applications of the Roman people to policy and war suppressed the literary arts, and appear to have stifled the genius even of the historian and the poet.

  • The Romans became wealthy in pursuing their conquests; and probably, for a certain period, increased the numbers of mankind, while their disposition to war seemed to threaten the earth with desolation.

  • The first of these continue together while their united labours are beneficial to them; but when they reach a certain period of their life, they disperse and become solitary.

  • At a certain period in the life of the female, she ceases to be a girl, and becomes a woman.

  • In other words, they are sterile only during a certain period of their lives, and then, a change occurring in their temperament with age, they become fruitful.

  • After a certain period of improper and deficient diet in children, the appetite becomes permanently impaired, and the system is rendered incapable of appropriating the amount of matter necessary to proper development and growth.

  • Not only are diseases inherited which make their appearance at birth, but those which defer their exhibition until a certain period of life corresponding with that at which they showed themselves in the parents.

  • Within a certain period of time, as a rule twenty to twenty-four hours, the single deposits coalesce and form a membrane of greater or less extent.

  • On the sea-coast of Upper Brittany the popular opinion is that the fees are a fallen race condemned to an earthly exile for a certain period.

  • And according to this command they have been condemned to inhabit the places named for a certain period of time, and when it is expired before the consummation of the world, they will be seen as numerous as ever.

  • A line connecting or marking places upon the surface of the earth where height of the barometer reduced to sea level is the same either at a given time, or for a certain period (mean height), as for a year; an isopiestic line.

  • The aliment swallowed usually passes on into the stomach, upon relaxation of the spasm, after a certain period of detention varying from a number of seconds to many minutes.

  • This is direct evidence of the strongest kind in favor of the view that syphilis ceases to be transmissible by heredity at the end of a certain period, as we know that it ceases to be contagious or inoculable.

  • After a certain period in life, it is always with an effort that we admit a new author into the inner circle of our intimates.

  • Up to a certain period of growth they are eminently beautiful, their boughs disposed in the most graceful pagoda-like series of close terraces, thick and dark with green crystalline leaflets.

  • Sometimes the State engaged to pay back the capital at the end of a certain period, such for example as nine years, as was the case in regard to the mons novennalis, under Paul IV.

  • A capital was collected from which money was to be lent to the poor for a certain period on pledges without interest.

  • She vows that if she becomes pregnant within a certain period, six or nine months, she will make an offering of a certain value.

  • Besides the children who are dedicated to Khandoba, a man may become a Waghya either for life or for a certain period in fulfilment of a vow, and in the latter case will be an ordinary member of his own caste again on its termination.

  • It must be observed, however, that whatever may be the supposed annual importation of gold and silver, there must be a certain period at which the annual consumption of those metals will be equal to that annual importation.

  • In rice countries, where the crop not only requires a very moist soil, but where, in a certain period of its growing, it must be laid under water, the effects of a drought are much more dismal.

  • In Rome, also, at a certain period of its history, the {433} offence was magnified in proportion to the insignificance of the offender.

  • But the family priest departed this life, and was grilled for a certain period in a terrible hell as a punishment for what he had done.

  • If the offence were repeated, he would be degraded from his position or condemned during a certain period to wear "the dress of shame.

  • None are allowed to expose themselves to the sun during the greater part of the day; a cooling regimen is enjoined, and animal food is forbidden for a certain period.

  • At a certain period of the year--about six weeks in the whole--our boys are made to bathe every morning in the open sea, into which they are taught to leap from adjacent rocks.

  • Professor Ross quotes the statement made by the spokesman of the employers at Baku, adding that the men did strike and win: They ask that we grant leave on pay for a certain period to a sick employee.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certain period" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    and out; certain amount; certain days; certain destruction; certain distances; certain general; certain gentleman; certain hour; certain lands; certain limit; certain other; certain person; certain place; certain places; certain points; certain races; certain rate; certain relation; certain resemblance; certain sort; certain state; certain tree; certainly would; never fails; often the; will drink