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Example sentences for "kynde"

Lexicographically close words:
kyart; kyat; kyll; kylled; kynd; kyndely; kyndes; kyndly; kyndnes; kyne
  1. And on a mountaigne that myddel-erthe Highte, as me thoughte, I was fet forth By ensamples to knowe Thorugh ech a creature and kynde My creatour to lovye.

  2. The kyng and the commune, And kynde wit the thridde, Shopen lawe and leaute, Ech man to knowe his owene.

  3. For every cristene creature Sholde be kynde til oother, And sithen hethen to helpe, In hope of amendement.

  4. Kynde hath closed therinne Craftily withalle A lemman that he loveth Lik to hymselve; Anima she hatte.

  5. Kynde wit wolde That ech a wight wroghte, Or in dikynge or in delvynge, Or travaillynge in preieres; Contemplatif lif or actif lif Crist wolde thei wroghte.

  6. And thanne cam kynde wit, And clerkes he made, For to counseillen the kyng, And the commune save.

  7. Catel and kynde wit Was combraunce to hem alle.

  8. Thilke that God gyveth moost, Leest good thei deleth; And moost un-kynde to the commune That moost catel weldeth.

  9. And how that Ymaginatif In dremels me tolde Of Kynde and of his konnynge, And how curteis he is to bestes, And how lovynge he is to briddes On londe and on watre.

  10. The creatures that crepen Of kynde ben engendred.

  11. And if it is forgendred and not shred and pared and not clensed of superfluyte: th[=e]ne it gooth out of kynde and chaungeth in to a wylde rose.

  12. For Nature never gaue forme or shape of m[=a]kynde to an herbe.

  13. And springeth out of a thorne that is harde and rough: netheles the Rose folowyth not the kynde of the thorne: But she arayeth her thorn wyth fayr colour and good smell.

  14. To this citie victualles and all kynde of corne is brought from Arabia Fælix, and Babylon or Alcayr, and also from Ethiope, by the Redde Sea, which is from this citie but four dayes journey.

  15. Fyrste, I thynke it expedyent to speke of the nature & kynde of this warre / and after that of the greatnes thereof / and than to shewe how an hede or chiefe capy- tayne of any army shulde be chosen.

  16. And there is no difference betwene this kynde and an history / saue that in hi- stories we be more briefe and vse lesse curi- ositie.

  17. Of the thyrde kynde of ora- cions / called Iudiciall.

  18. IN this kynde we vse but selden hole narracions / oneles we make our ora[-] cion afore them that know nat the history of the acte or dede whiche we be aboute to prayse.

  19. The other kynde of Iustice whiche men call Equitie is whereby a man neyther taketh nor gy- ueth lesse nor more than he ought / but in gyuynge taketh good hede that euery ma[n] haue accordynge as he deserueth.

  20. The Diffinicion and cause had: I come to the thyrde place called partes to knowe whether there be but one kynde of Iustice or els many.

  21. Of the whiche partes mencyon shall be made herafter in euery kynde of oracions / for they are nat founde generally in euery oracion / but some haue moo partes / and some lesse.

  22. DOcilite whereby we make the mater playne & easy to be per- ceyued / is nat greatly required in this kynde of oracion / for it is belonging properly to derke [B.

  23. The seconde kynde of an oracion demonstratiue is: where in is praysed or dyspraysed / nat the persone but the dede.

  24. Than shall he rewarde the in heuen right gloriously So mayst thou be callyd vnto thy maker kynde Of folys that stande so well in their owne conceyt that they thinke none so wyse, stronge, fayre, nor eloquent, as they ar themself.

  25. These also wyll picke and steale as the vpright men, and hath their women and metinges at places apoynted, and nothinge to them inferiour in all kynde of knauery.

  26. These kynde of Caterpillers counterfet great losses on the sea; these bee some Western men, and most bee Irishe men.

  27. The vpright men be very familiare with these kynde of wemen, and one of them helpes an other.

  28. And thus I end wyth these kynde of vacabondes.

  29. My brother John knowyth myn entent weel i now heer to ffoor in this mater; I will be ffownde to hym as kynde a brother as I may be.

  30. Most worschypfull and kynde moodre, I comande me to yow, and beseche yow off yowr dayly blyssyng and remembraunce.

  31. Aftre dew recomendacion, my most tendre and kynde moodre, I beseche yow off yowr dayly blessyng.

  32. Ryght reverend and my most tendre and kynde moodre, I recomaunde me to yow.

  33. And it is ryghtyly called the temperate kynde of speakyng, because it is very nygh vnto the small, and to the greate kynde, folowyng a moderacion and temper betwyxt thẽ.

  34. The difference of kynde is knowen to euerye man: [Sidenote: Age.

  35. Such as cã not hãdsomly vse them selues in that mery conceyted slendernes of wordes, fall into a drye and feble kynde of oracion.

  36. The small kynde of indighting, is in a subtile, pressed, and fyled oracion, meete for causes that be a lytel sharper then are in the comon vse of speakynge.

  37. For it is a kynde of oracion that is lette downe euen to the mooste vsed custume of pure and clere speakyng.

  38. The sixt kynde of rethoricall descripcion is Pathopeia, that is expressyng of vehement affeccions and perturbacions, of y^e whych ther be two sortes.

  39. There is another kynde of amplyfienge that is by comparison contrary to increase.

  40. Vertue, or as we saye, a grace & dygnitye in speakynge, the thyrde kynde of Scheme, is when the sentence is bewtyfied and lyfte vp aboue the comen maner of speaking of the people.

  41. For her kynde were more · to y-clense diches Than ben to sopers y-set first · and served with sylver.

  42. And first of the kynde of the sesoun of Somer.

  43. Quhat kynde of sapience efferis to Kingis, Princis, and grete Lordis.

  44. Ane hure-maister, or commoun hasarture[223], Sulde in the Kirk get ony kynde of cure!

  45. With gude kynde Cristiane Anderson, Quhair ye will be weill treatit.

  46. The remnaunt of the Night they lay together, where hee vsed hir wyth all sutch kynde of flatteringe and louinge Speech, as a Louer (of longe tyme) a Suter could deuise to do to hir, whom at length he dyd Possesse.

  47. Surely you gather the thing together with good reasõ but that notwithstandynge, in what countrie shall you fynde any such mynde, that knoweth not it selfe gyltie and culpable in some kynde of euell, HEDO.

  48. Nowe, if pleasure brynge felicitie wyth it, or helpe in anye wyse vnto the furderaunce of vertue: we see playnly that this kynde of lyfe is fardest from al pleasures.

  49. Hit cometh by kynde of gentil blode To cast away al heuynes And gadre to-gidre wordes good The werk of wisedom berith witnes Et sic est finis ****.

  50. And of clene beastes and of beastes that are vnclene and of byrdes and of all that crepeth vppo the erth/ came in by cooples of every kynde vnto Noe in to the arke: a male and a female: even as God commaunded Noe.

  51. When his brothren sawe that their father loued him more than all his brethern/ they hated him and coude not speke one kynde worde vnto him.

  52. And all the beastes/ and all the wormes/ and all the foules/ and all that moved vppon the erth/ came also out of the arke/ all of one kynde together.

  53. This letter was immediately followed by another from Lord Clinton summoning every inhabitant of the city "usinge the exercise of eny kynde of water crafte" before the lord high admiral or his deputy at Deptford on a certain day.

  54. Wherfore, of kynde pure, her mercy with grace of good helpe shal she graunte; and els I shal her so strayne, that with pite shal she ben amaystred.

  55. To me art thou moche holden, that in thy kynde course of good mening I returne thy mynde.

  56. Trewly, greet excellence in vertue of linage, for the more part, discendeth by kynde to the succession in vertues to folowe.

  57. And ye thanne, that wol not passe the kynde werchinge of your sectes by general discrecion, I wot wel, ye wol so enclyne to my prayere, that grace of my requeste shal fully ben graunted.

  58. Thus kynde in every thing his kyndly cours and his beinge-place sheweth.

  59. The kynde of vertues, in thy Margaryte rehersed, by strength of me in thy person shul werche.

  60. Wiste thou not wel that al the lawe of kynde is my lawe, and by god ordayned and stablisshed to dure by kynde resoun?

  61. I leve that kynde her made with greet studye; for kynde in her person nothing hath foryet[en], and that is wel sene.

  62. Water and fyr, that ben contrarious, mowen nat togider ben assembled; kynde wol nat suffre suche 60 contraries to joyne.

  63. This day we carid the present to the Emperour Shongo Samme, whoe receved it in kynde parte, Codgscon Dono and Shongo Dono assisting us in the matter.

  64. What kynde of sin the practizers of these vnlawfull artes committes.

  65. Bvt I thinke it very strange, that God should permit anie man-kynde (since they beare his owne Image) to fall in so grosse and filthie a defection.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kynde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.