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Example sentences for "hete"

Lexicographically close words:
het; hetaerae; hetaira; hetairae; hetairai; hetep; heterocercal; heteroclite; heterodox; heterodoxy
  1. And ofte tyme, I finde that they mette With blody strokes and with wordes grete, Assayinge how hir speres weren whette; 1760 And god it woot, with many a cruel hete Gan Troilus upon his helm to bete.

  2. O deeth, sin with this sorwe I am a-fyre, Thou outher do me anoon yn teres drenche, 510 Or with thy colde strook myn hete quenche!

  3. For hete of cold, for cold of hete, I deye.

  4. Redresse of sorweful, O Cytherea, That with the stremys of thy plesaunt hete Gladist the cuntreis of al Cirrea, Wher thou hast chosyn thy paleys and thy sete.

  5. Whan the flawme of the verry brond, That Venus brought in hir right hond, Had Bialacoil with hete smete, 3755 Anoon he bad, withouten lette, Graunte to me the rose kisse.

  6. For the sonne made no brenning hete in love, but freesed envye in 105 mennes hertes, for feblenesse of shyning hete; and the moone was about, under an olde cloude, the livinges by waters to distroye.

  7. Who hath no cold, of hete hath no deynte, The toon for the tother asked is expresse; And of plesaunce knoweth non the certeynte 355 But it be wonne with thought and hevinesse.

  8. This eyre by his hete contrarieth water that is cold; but thilke contrariouste is oned +by 50 moysture; for bothe be they moyst.

  9. O wrecched foole that I am, fallen in-to so lowe, 65 the hete of my brenning tene hath me al defased.

  10. As Elynour bie the green lesselle was syttynge, As from the sones hete she harried, She sayde, as herr whytte hondes whyte hosen was knyttynge, 210 Whatte pleasure ytt ys to be married!

  11. The hete of this seed is the love of god, and the desiring of the Ioye perdurable.

  12. This hete draweth the herte of a man to god, and dooth him haten his sinne.

  13. And anon his brother · in that grete hete Made his men to fette staves · Gamelyn to bete.

  14. And ther-for doute thee no-thing; for of this litel spark thyn hete of lyf shal shyne.

  15. And ofte tyme, I finde that they mette With blody strokes and with wordes grete, Assayinge how hir speres weren whette; 1760 And god it woot, with many a cruel hete Gan Troilus upon his helm to-bete.

  16. The rage ne the manaces of the see, commoevinge or chasinge upward hete fro the botme, ne shal not moeve that 5 man; ne the unstable mountaigne that highte Vesevus, that wrytheth out through his brokene chiminees smokinge fyres.

  17. O deeth, sin with this sorwe I am a-fyre, Thou outher do me anoon in teres drenche, 510 Or with thy colde strook myn hete quenche!

  18. Mas on hiȝt ovir his hede for hete of the sone, Sylours of sendale to sele ovire the gatis, And sammes thaim on aither side with silken rapis, And then he caggis up one Cordis, as curteyns it ware.

  19. In that See of Libye, is no fissche: for thei mowe not lyve ne dure, for the gret hete of the sonne; because that the watre is evermore boyllynge, for the gret hete.

  20. And the wommen haven no schame of the men; but lyen alle to gidre, syde to syde, tille the hete be past.

  21. In Ethiope alle the ryveres and alle the watres ben trouble, and thei ben somdelle salte, for the gret hete that is there.

  22. And men of Nubye ben Cristene: but thei ben blake as the Mowres, for grete hete of the sonne.

  23. But there is so grete hete in tho marches, and namely in that ile, that for the grete distresse of the hete, mennes ballokkes hangen doun to here knees, for the gret dissolucioun of the body.

  24. And undrestondethe, that zif zee wil putte a litylle bawme in the pawme of zoure hond, azen the sonne, zif it be fyn and gode, zee ne schulle not suffre zoure hand azenst the hete of the sonne.

  25. In that contree ben manye manere of serpentes and of other vermyn, for the gret hete of the contree and of the peper.

  26. In this ile and many othere, men berye not no dede men: for the hete is there so gret, that in a lityle tyme the flesche wil consume fro the bones.

  27. And thei lyen alle in the watre, saf the visage, for the gret hete that there is.

  28. Lead so I thee hete (command) under the ark-board thy progeny.

  29. Wilhem alsa hete hira tat, hi was vreste Alderman thera Juttar, that is vrste Grevetman jefta Greve.

  30. A variant is, ‘on hete and on wete,’ OEH i.

  31. For may no derthe be hem deere, 9260 Droghte ne weet hem greve, Ne neither hete ne hayll; Have thei hir heele, Of that thei wilne and wolde Wanteth hem noght here.

  32. And in hete of the sonne wery wayfarynge and trauelynge men haue lykynge to have reste and to hele themself in the shadow.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hete" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.