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Example sentences for "what love"

  • What cause, what love, to this compared may be?

  • What love was e'er so just, so worthy, known?

  • He loves you; he demands your love: both know What love means in my language.

  • WHAT LOVE CAN DO "Yesterday you were unkind and ungallant.

  • WHAT LOVE IS "Well, now, Armand, what is it?

  • Yea, a stranger man has taught me what love is.

  • What love ye did bear to friends now dead, seeing they stand now in no need of it, let it fall as just legacy to Christ.

  • Oh, what love is it in Him that He will have such musicians as we are, to tune that psalm of His everlasting praises in heaven!

  • Oh what love my poor soul hath found in Him, in the house of my pilgrimage!

  • I understand now," his Grace had said to her as they talked, "why her ladyship says that 'twas you who first taught her what love meant.

  • Anne was the first creature to teach me what love meant.

  • Anne was the first creature to teach me what love meant," she said.

  • What Love to come into this dark, sin-cursed world, a world full of enemies.

  • What Love to leave that bright and glorious home and appear as man, made of a woman entering this world He had called into existence.

  • What Love we see in Him, in every step of that lonely path!

  • Or what love-secret, which I must not hear?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "what love" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    first violin; historical painting; social classes; what are; what becomes; what can; what comes; what concerns; what degree; what doth; what happens; what has been called; what hour; what manner; what others; what pertains; what place; what religion; what respect; what shall; what the; what time did you; what you might call; whatever happened; whatever might; whatsoever things are lovely