I see you were mixed up with the suffragettes yesterday," was the Attorney General's first remark to the gentleman.
Well, the suffragettes have made themselves exactly that--a problem!
If the suffragettes stuck to ladylike speeches and circulars they would be merely a joke at the club.
I've got a scheme that will do more in a month than all the suffragettes have accomplished in fifty years.
ARE votes for women worth the similar evils which British suffragettes are drifting into?
Even among men who viewed the matter from an unprejudiced standpoint many felt that, necessary as woman's suffrage is, the policy of the suffragettes rendered the moment unfavourable for its adoption.
The suffragettes have done their best to stimulate that element of obstinacy.
But the immense advantage of the activity of the suffragettes has been indirect.
Some suffragettes have argued, in this matter, that in political crises men also have acted just as badly or worse.
One hears womensuffragettes declare that this is the only kind of argument men understand.
Therefore it may fairly be held that even if the methods of the suffragettes were really adequate to secure women's suffrage, the attainment of the franchise by those methods would be a misfortune.
If we hold the foregoing considerations in mind it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that neither in their direction nor in their nature are the methods of the suffragettes fitted to attain the end desired.
It is a significant fact that in the countries which have so far granted women the franchise no methods in the slightest degree resembling those of the suffragettes have ever been practised.
Even the opposition to woman's suffrage which the suffragettes are responsible for, and the Anti-Suffrage societies which they have called into active existence, are not an unmitigated disadvantage.
There can be no doubt that in this way the suffragettes have performed an immense service for the cause of women's suffrage.
In other words, it is only fair to state, however hurriedly, the superficial objection to the Suffragettes before we go on to the really subtle questions behind the Suffrage.
Now the Suffragettes cannot raise civil war in this soldierly and decisive sense; first, because they are women; and, secondly, because they are very few women.
Well, to get this honest but unpleasant business over, the objection to the Suffragettes is not that they are Militant Suffragettes.
It is exactly this unmilitant quality in theSuffragettes that makes their superficial problem.
Suppose presently that these irritated, mishandled suffragettes did some desperate irreconcilable thing, assassinated for example!
A wild ambition to emulate the extremest suffragettes seems to have seized upon them.
On the other hand, many of the fires attributed to the suffragetteswere really cases of ordinary crime, and the whole number was an insignificant percentage of the total.
New York Suffragettes have been discussing the question, "Ought women to propose?
The essence of the campaign of the suffragettes is opposition to the Government.
The suffragettes have gone with petitions to the head of the Government, as our representatives will go in a few days to the authorities in Washington.
In 1914 it kicked up so great a dust that the Germans counted on the Suffragettes as one of the great forces that were to paralyse England in the war.
And as I have before remarked, the Germans counted on the suffragettes as one of the great forces that were to paralyse England in this war.
Numbers of the poor suffragettes are composed of these.
Neither the suffragettes with their organization nor Waldron with his money could break his hold on the hearts of his people.
If the Suffragettes still hatch their plots under our roof, they are denied the use of it for carrying them out.
I went that way to see what was up and soon discovered that it was a body of English suffragettes making an attempt to exercise their claimed right to petition parliament.
Incensed at the repeated chicanery of politicians who alternately made and evaded their promises, a group of suffragettes known as the "militants" resorted to open violence.
The weakness in the attitude of the militant suffragettes is their senseless destruction of all kinds of property and the constant danger to which they subject innocent people by their outrages.
Furthermore, the English suffragettes have completely outgeneralled the professional politicians.
He said a few words to the crowd, shut the door, and followed the suffragettes into the long passage.
The little woman had pluck, for she went out to cajole the crowd, and kept it in play while her husband smuggled the suffragettes through the garden and orchard and away across the fields.
The Militant Suffragettes need a navy as well as an army.
What kind of Suffragettes are you to need a chaperone?
She reflected an instant, then fired off the names of three famous Suffragettesand was astonished to hear that the well-known leaders rarely had time to address drawing-room meetings.
Articles by Annie Kenney, Mrs. Lawrence, Christabel, Other Suffragettes as well.
My husband is so very much opposed; I like to do all I can in a quiet way to show him that the Suffragettes are not all--can't you really?
I thought all the Suffragettes picked oakum in Holloway, and that was why they--never mind!
I think the reason why the Londoners turned so viciously on the suffragettes was not because of the things the suffragettes clamored for, but because they clamored for them so loudly.
Hence impatient Socialists and extreme Suffragists united in proclaiming that the Labour Party was no longer of any use, and that "direct action" by Suffragettes and Trade Unionists was the only method of progress.
In the eighties the rebels were Communist Anarchists, and to us at any rate they seemed more portentous than the mixed crowd of suffragettes and gentlemen from Oxford who before the war seemed to be leading the syndicalist rebels.
Do you picture the Suffragettes sitting in sackcloth?
Oh--the night the Suffragettes made their customary row.
But the government has not treated the matter seriously; hence the suffragettes have declared war.
The suffragettes then adopted militant tactics, making the government their point of attack.
The suffragettes give the government conclusive proof of their political power when they oppose Liberal candidates at all by-elections and contribute to the defeat of the candidates or cause a reduction of their votes.
Two Suffragettes who were charged, last week, at Bow Street with obstructing the police, refused to give their ages.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suffragettes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.