Then answered Vulcan straight and said that that coast sure was his.
For not long since, when the king of the Frankes sent certaine of his subiects ambassadours to Constantinople vnto Iustinian the Emperour, he sent English men also, ambitiously boasting, as though the sayd Isle had bene vnder his iurisdiction.
The captaine Ottauia of Rimini, successourto the captaine Francesco Bugon.
The captaine Hector of Brescia, thesuccessour to the captaine Cæsar of Aduersa.
The captaine Simon Bagnese, successourto the captaine Dauid Noce.
In the Mahábhárata the king and the princes stand for a time in the smoke belching from the altar, to be cleansed of their sins.
It runs:— Let us meditate on that excellent glory of the divine Vivifier, May he enlighten (or stimulate) our understandings.
A characteristic find on Acklam Wold, Yorkshire, may be referred to.
If the Brown race predominated in the Aryan blend during the Vedic Age, we should have found the Great Mother more in prominence.
It is the immemorial tradition that the soul is eternal and everlasting, but the corporeal frame of all creatures is subject to destruction here (below).
Then Kriti's son, Ruchiparvan, mounted on his car, quickly rushed against Bhagadatta, scattering showers of arrows and advancing like the Destroyer himself.
As regards Partha, the very gods and the Asuras together headed by Indra, cannot advance against him in battle.
The care of appointing a successour has long disturbed me; the night and the day have been spent in comparisons of all the characters which have come to my knowledge, and I have yet found none so worthy as thyself.
The sultan, that had advanced him, was murdered by the janizaries, and his successour had other views, and different favourites.
And in this state that represser of foes for the flowers began to survey all the mountain, inhabited by Yakshas and Gandharvas and celestials and Brahmarshis.
She is truly devoted to me and suffereth this distress for my sake.
That the Pape is not the successour of Petir, but whare he said, "Go behynd me, Sathan.
I am afraid, that his majesty or his successour may be advised by sycophants and slaves to trust the guard of his person to the trusty Hanoverians, and advised to place no confidence in the natives of Britain.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "successour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.