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Example sentences for "metallic"

Lexicographically close words:
metacarpus; metagenesis; metal; metall; metalled; metallically; metallick; metalliferous; metalline; metallurgic
  1. Pigeon; its belly is white, and its back black, with a metallic lustre.

  2. The colour of the Wild Turkey is brown, mixed with blue and green, giving out a diaphanous metallic brilliancy.

  3. They are remarkable for their vivacity, and grave, sombre plumage, lit up with brilliant metallic reflections of green and blue.

  4. When at maturity the side-feathers develop themselves in delicate lines or elegant panicles, while their plumage, richly coloured, is brilliant with diaphanous metallic reflections.

  5. The ground of their plumage is black, with a green or blue metallic reflection.

  6. Many Serpents and Lizards glitter with radiant metallic reflections, and some of them present extremely varied combinations of colour.

  7. Elk MacNair; "what a metallic soul must Jabel's be!

  8. The great surveyor was at that instant bending down over a small metallic object which he was examining through the medium of a lens.

  9. It was not porcelain, however, but a red stone-ware, very hard, and with a metallic ring when struck.

  10. Fine metallic lines divide the surface into spaces or cells shaped according to the details of the design, and are fixed to the biscuit by means of a fusible glass.

  11. There are many other pieces which, from their metallic lustre and blue ornamentation, are also credited to Malaga, and date from the middle of the fourteenth century.

  12. Living at the time when the demand for metallic lustre was at its height, he applies it with a boldness and effectiveness in harmony with his brilliant coloring.

  13. The same rule will apply to the metallic lustre.

  14. He concludes, also, that the art of applying the metallic lustre may have been communicated by Persian potters, or by others who had learned it from them, to the eastern potteries of Italy.

  15. Leaving out of view the questions as to the priority of Chaffagiolo to Faenza and Pesaro's precedence in metallic lustring, we may begin with Tuscany.

  16. The application of metallic lustre was Persian.

  17. The flames being allowed to play directly upon the wares, the carbon in the smoke decomposed the salts contained in the metallic oxide, and the metal was left glittering and iridescent upon the surface.

  18. The ware is not at all close in texture, and the silicious glaze was colored by metallic oxides, of the properties of which the Egyptians had an intimate knowledge.

  19. To the Persians and Arabians the application of metallic lustres was known at a very early period.

  20. A ware somewhat similar in appearance is made in England and France, where an artificial metallic glaze is employed to produce the madreperla lustre.

  21. It is observable that the metallic lustre does not appear in the earlier pieces, which have an unmistakably Persian style of decoration.

  22. Whence did she draw her skill in the application of metallic lustre?

  23. We have seen what may here be especially recalled, enamels and metallic lustre applied to pottery, with an almost bewildering brilliancy.

  24. Our own judgment and practice are in favor of the union of the bones by means of metallic sutures.

  25. I had no doubt they were close to me now, and felt sure they were watching me and my movements with lynx-like glances from their dark metallic eyes.

  26. These hills also have the metallic clang of the Bell Rock, and are highly magnetic.

  27. Misshapen head, twisted body, covered with hide plated with metallic scales, it stood tall above them.

  28. A skin of leathery hue, plated in metallic scales that gleamed in light of candle.

  29. Now we know that there is no substance which is transparent to light, that will carry electricity by metallic conduction.

  30. The suits were equipped with a thin vibrating diaphragm that made speech easy, but Wade's voice came through with a queerly metallic ring.

  31. Most of the other metallic elements were present in quantities approximating those of Earth, except for an element called "morlus".

  32. No substance capable of carrying electricity by metallic conduction is transparent.

  33. It is a black solid melting at 570 degrees; it is a metallic looking element, will conduct electricity somewhat, oxidizes in air to form an acidic oxide, and forms strong oxygen acids.

  34. It consists of insoluble gun-cotton and nitro-glycerine, together with metallic nitrates and an organic substance used as a deterrent or regulator.

  35. It is based upon the fact that mercuric fulminate, when heated with a large volume of water under high pressure, splits up into metallic mercury and non-explosive mercurial compounds of unknown composition.

  36. In a paper read before the British Association, Clerk-Maxwell proposed to protect powder-magazines from the effects of lightning by completely surrounding or encasing them with sheet metal, or a cage of metallic conductors.

  37. It is essential that the cartridge machines should have no metallic contacts inside.

  38. He places all metallic bodies, if they are of any considerable size, in communication with the conducting system in such a manner as to form closed metallic circuits.

  39. Detonators~, or caps, are metallic capsules, usually of copper, and resemble very long percussion caps.

  40. The metallic cases for solid charges may be much lighter than for those built-up, since with the former their function is merely to prevent the loss of moisture from wet gun-cotton, or to prevent the absorption of moisture by dry gun-cotton.

  41. In addition, they may be added to metallic fusions, for deoxidizing and also to communicate to the commercial alloys (such as bronze, brass, etc.

  42. It is well known that in the fining of copper by oxidation there is left in the fined metal the suboxide of copper, which must then be removed by the refining process, using carbon to reduce the copper to its metallic state.

  43. While many investigators have tried to form alloys of copper and manganese by combining them in the metallic state (that is to say, by the simultaneous reduction of their oxides), the Hensler Bros.

  44. The metallic pencil, c, which is capable of displacing itself on the cardboard in a horizontal direction opposite a groove on the other side of the disk, traces, when pressure is brought to bear on it, a spiral curve.

  45. Dillenburg, have found it best to first prepare the metallic manganese and then to alloy it in proper proportions with other metals.

  46. The Latin term Umbella is applied by botanists to those blossoms which are clustered at the extremities of several spokes, radiating from the common stem like the metallic props of the Umbrella.

  47. The rod was a metallic tube, and contained a spiral spring which acted upon and pressed upwards an inner rod.

  48. In 1877, during the progress of certain work in the cathedral at Santo Domingo, a crypt was disclosed on one side of the altar, and within it was found a metallic coffin which contained human remains.

  49. The archbishop Señor Roque Cocchia then took up the search, and upon the other side of the altar were found two crypts, one empty, from which had been taken the remains sent to Havana, and the other containing a metallic case.

  50. As you walk the streets their metallic clink-clink-clink sounds from all quarters--small noises which to most men are lost among the louder noises of a populous town.

  51. It was perhaps a very rare thing--one of those effects of light on plumage which we are accustomed to see in birds that have glossed metallic feathers, and, more rarely, in other kinds.

  52. There was a long silence, broken by the rustle of falling clothes, the metallic click of buttons and hooks.

  53. Leave that door open for the entrance of metallic money.

  54. Is not this a clear indication of the intent of the constitution to restrain the states, as well from establishing a paper circulation as from interfering with the metallic circulation?

  55. The metallic and wool schedules are unequal and unjust.

  56. Putting his hand on her arm, he said in a tone that had lost its metallic ring: "How fearfully changed since I saw you last!

  57. A strand of metallic hair slipped over her eyes.

  58. A gigantic truck, drawn by plunging horses whose armored hoofs were ringed in pale flame, passed with a shattering uproar of its metallic load.

  59. But crystallization has for the most part disappeared in it; and it is only in cavities that crystals shoot out, like the ores in metallic veins.

  60. Metallic ores are those which have the three properties of fire, are superlatively heavy, yielding light or colour, and fusible.

  61. The mechanical theorist upon metallic veins must assume an attraction on the part of the veins for the ore-particles in water; but how could this attraction have drawn these particles for miles in extent out of the water?

  62. The Metallic recedes wholly from the salt and from the earth.

  63. The iron as being the first transition from the Earthy into the Metallic has the highest grade of fusion, and all metals which approximate to this, belong to the retinue of iron.

  64. The determinants of terrestrial magnetism are the metallic veins, or the metallic beds in the crust of the earth.

  65. The visibility of the world is based upon its metallic character.

  66. Nor can they ever be so, because we shall never become acquainted with the metallic beds.

  67. According to this also, the sea had rushed in first, when the metallic veins were present.

  68. The essence of metallic poison thus appears to reside in the endeavour on the part of the metals to suppress the metallic character and convert themselves into the formless elements.

  69. If all metals are in idea magnetic; so must the metallic veins, as products of magnetism, be magnetic lines.

  70. There were also a number of wood-pigeons of the same metallic green, so that the whole place was a symphony in a not very pleasing colour.

  71. They were of a curious bright metallic blue and are the only eyes I have ever seen, though one reads and hears so perpetually of them, which really seemed to flash as he warmed to his subject.

  72. With metallic pounds sterling, it is not denied that my 130l.

  73. The tone was not loud--indeed the low roll of the thunder had been well-nigh as loud--but there was in the intrusive metallic cadence a peculiar suggestion to the dormant mind.

  74. The bell was ringing in the steeple of the little Catholic church below, and the high metallic sound came to him with a mysterious and potential familiarity.

  75. There was no one in it, but somewhere in its interior a muffled whirring throb beat evenly like a double, metallic heart.

  76. Beneath, from the breast downwards, was pure white, with the softness and gloss of silk, and across the breast a band of deep metallic green separated this colour from the red of the throat.

  77. The ground colour of the plumage is intense black, but with beautiful bronze reflections on the neck, and the whole head scaled with feathers of brilliant metallic green and blue.

  78. The head and neck is of a pure straw yellow above and rich metallic green beneath.

  79. The general colour of this bird is a delicate olive-brown, deepening to a loud of bronzy olive in the middle of the back, and changing to a delicate ashy violet with a metallic gloss, on the crown of the head.

  80. Down the middle of the breast is a broad band of scaly plumes of the same colour, while the chin and throat are of a rich metallic bronze.

  81. Its chief ornament, however, consists in the group of broad plumes which spring from the sides of the breast, and which are dilated at the extremity, and banded with the most vivid metallic blue and green.

  82. Parrots and Tories and cockatoos, of a dozen different binds, were suspended on bamboo perches at the doors of the houses, with metallic green or white fruit-pigeons which cooed musically at noon and eventide.

  83. Above each eye was a round spot of the same metallic green; the bill was yellow, and the feet and legs were of a fine cobalt óille, strikingly contrasting with all the other parts of the body.

  84. They declared that the plumage was glossy black, with metallic green breast as in my species, but that the white shoulder plumes were twice as long, and hung down far below the body of the bird.

  85. The head, back, and shoulders are clothed with a richer yellow, the deep metallic green colour of the throat extends further over the head, and the feathers are elongated on the forehead into two little erectile crests.

  86. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "metallic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    brassy; brazen; coarse; cracked; dry; gruff; guttural; harsh; hoarse; husky; metal; metallic; ragged; raucous; rough; rude; stertorous; strangled; thick; throaty; tinny

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    metallic arsenic; metallic copper; metallic currency; metallic iron; metallic lead; metallic luster; metallic lustre; metallic oxides