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Example sentences for "stipulates"

Lexicographically close words:
stipple; stippled; stippling; stipulate; stipulated; stipulating; stipulation; stipulations; stipules; stipulis
  1. One of them stipulates that "every act of the President of the Republic shall be countersigned by a minister.

  2. The constitution stipulates that there shall be at least one session a year, and, furthermore, that it shall be obligatory upon the Emperor to convene the body whenever a meeting is demanded by one-third of the total number of votes.

  3. The constitution stipulates that the Reichstag and the Bundesrath shall meet annually.

  4. The new treaty stipulates that neither Government shall assume jurisdiction in the punishment of crimes committed exclusively within the territory of the other.

  5. The documents, however, which the Imperial Government, by the third article of the convention, stipulates to furnish to the Government of the United States have not yet been received.

  6. This agreement stipulates that its execution shall be in full accord with the Charter of the United Nations Organization.

  7. I proceed to the third subject and last article in the treaty--the article which stipulates for the mutual surrender of fugitive criminals.

  8. Pay that money too yourself, and not through the hands of any servant, who always either stipulates poundage, or requires a present for his good word, as they call it.

  9. Ernestine Vert-Puis under the community of goods regime, which stipulates that the husband and wife shall hold and enjoy their property in common.

  10. Therefore, unless a previous treaty stipulates it expressly, no duty exists for a State, according to International Law, to remain neutral in war.

  11. Article 22 of the Hague Rules stipulates distinctly that the right of belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited, and this rule does not lose its binding force in a case of necessity.

  12. The treaty of arbitration, further, as a rule, stipulates the procedure to be followed by the arbitrators who are investigating and determining the difference.

  13. If a treaty previously entered into stipulates such occupation, it cannot be granted without violation of neutrality.

  14. And article 3 expressly stipulates that belligerents must not take advantage of the harmless character of the said boats in order to use them for military purposes while preserving their peaceful appearance.

  15. And this article stipulates expressly that after having touched a port of their own or of a neutral country, such vessels are no longer privileged.

  16. A son of ABD AL-AZIZ rules the country today, and the country's Basic Law stipulates that the throne shall remain in the hands of the aging sons and grandsons of the kingdom's founder.

  17. Instead of marrying the rich and not otherwise undesirable man whom her parents urge on her, and who is deeply in love with her, she runs away with her teacher, and stipulates in advance for life in three rooms.

  18. Must I remind you that he who stipulates for his reward, risks in some sort his character for generosity, and, worse still, implies a distrust of the one he serves?

  19. If the offeror stipulates in his letter that the offer must be accepted by any stipulated time, the offer, of itself, lapses at the expiration of that time.

  20. If a mortgagor stipulates in the mortgage that he waives, or will not enforce his equity of redemption, the law does not permit the mortgagee to enforce such a stipulation.

  21. A tenant may, unless the lease stipulates otherwise, transfer his interest in a lease.

  22. If A stipulates that the hogs are to be delivered F.

  23. If the lease expressly stipulates that the premises are in a certain condition as to plumbing, etc.

  24. If the lease stipulates that it can be terminated at the will of either party, it is a lease at will.

  25. If the lease stipulates that it is to cover a definite period, and continue for similar periods unless either party terminates it by notice to the other, it is a lease from year to year.

  26. If the mortgage stipulates that a mortgagor cannot sell his interest, this stipulation is binding.

  27. If a person stipulates in his letter of guaranty that he requires notice of acceptance of his guaranty, the creditor must give him such notice to hold him.

  28. If a mortgagor stipulates in the mortgage that he waives his equity of redemption can this stipulation be enforced against him?

  29. A common carrier usually stipulates by special contract with a shipper the amount of charges for carriage.

  30. The law expressly stipulates the quality and quantity of provisions.

  31. But the charter solemnly stipulates that the conscription shall be abolished, while conscripts are and have been regularly drafted yearly, ever since the signature of Louis XVIII.

  32. Sometimes reconfirmation is given in this very precise way, that a new treaty stipulates that a previous treaty shall be incorporated in itself.

  33. The fact that article 23 stipulates expressly the power of the United States temporarily to establish fortifications would seem to indicate that it was intended to exclude permanent fortifications.

  34. If a cession of territory is the outcome of war, it is the treaty of peace which stipulates the cession among its other provisions.

  35. The additional article of this Convention of London stipulates that any other State whose subjects fish around the Faroee Islands and Iceland may accede to it.

  36. Hague Convention of 1907, concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land, which stipulates that a State is responsible for all acts committed by its armed forces.

  37. Thus, article 6 of the Hague Convention with respect to the laws and customs of war on land stipulates the possibility of future adhesion of non-signatory Powers, although accession is meant.

  38. The case, however, is different when a treaty expressly stipulates that it should not be considered broken by violation of merely one or another part of it.

  39. It stipulates that there shall be peace, and that the troops of the United States may pass "through the country of the Delaware Nation," upon paying the full value of any supplies they may use.

  40. Another Article stipulates that, if any of the Delawares are worthless or idle, the President can withhold their share of the moneys.

  41. One article of the agreement stipulates for "the reaffirmation to the Cherokee Nation of the right of local self-government.

  42. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty which stipulates that the vessels of all nations shall be treated on terms of entire equality.

  43. The exception in question, however, (we refer to the clause which stipulates that the combat shall take place in New Orleans!

  44. It incidentally stipulates that Rumania shall grant an amnesty to its subjects for their political conduct or military conduct based upon political grounds during the war.

  45. This stipulates that various rights shall be accorded to German churches and schools in Rumania.

  46. The treaty demands that a further Consular treaty shall be concluded as soon as possible, and stipulates for the indemnification of all damage suffered during the war by Consular officials or done to Consular buildings.

  47. This stipulates an amnesty for offenses committed by prisoners of war, interned men, and certain others.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stipulates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.