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Example sentences for "stande"

Lexicographically close words:
standardized; standardizing; standards; standart; standby; standen; stander; standerd; standers; standes
  1. Chauses yerely iiij^s viij^d: But what shall wee stande uppon the Antiquyte and gentry of Chaucer, when the rolle of Battle Abbeye affirmeth hym to come in with the Conquerer.

  2. Go and stande and speake in the temple to the poeple all the wordes of this lyfe.

  3. And whan the husbande loked up, and sawe the potte stande there on hyght, he sayd thus: Lo!

  4. Now he had hyred two men to stande at the gate with a boxe (as the facion is), who toke of euery persone that came in a peny, or an halfe peny at the least.

  5. I fonde her never so wylly to noon as sche is to hym, zyf it be so that his londe stande cleer.

  6. And if ze thinke it to many lerned men, take ze one, and he another; and if they may not accorde, ze and I to be umpere, for we stande bothe in like cas.

  7. Thomas Erpyngham, it was accordyd bytwen the seyd William and Walter that thei schuld stande and obeye to the ordinaunce and award of alle the seyed matiers of twenye of these iiij.

  8. LXXIV Then Cloudesley cast his eyen asyde And saw hys brethren stande At a corner of the market place, With theyr good bowes bent in theyr hand.

  9. XXII ‘Your castles and your towres, father, Are stronglye built aboute, And therefore of the Kyng his sonne of Spaine Wee neede not stande in doubt.

  10. Teneriffa and the great Canary called Gran Canaria, and the West part of Forteuentura stande in seuen and twenty degrees and a halfe.

  11. O Lorde, howe necessarie it is nowe of dayes, That eche bodie liue vprightly all maner wayes, For lette neuer so little a gappe be open, And be sure of this, the worst shall be spoken Howe innocent stande I in this for deede or thought?

  12. I will stande here a while, and talke with them anon, I heare them speake of Custance, which doth my heart good, To heare hir name spoken doth euen comfort my blood.

  13. Well, ye must therin declare your selfe to stande cleere, Else I and you dame Custance may not ioyne this yere.

  14. Then spake the good yeman Clym of the Clough, And swore by Mary fre, And if that we stande long wythout, 35 Like a thefe hanged shalt thou be.

  15. Your castles and your towres, father, Are stronglye built aboute; And therefore of the king of Spaine[448] Wee neede not stande in doubt.

  16. Willm Paint{er} confesseth that all those things that stande nowe charged upon Thearle of Warrewicke by the twoe bookes delivered by M{r.

  17. And for as much as I know him to be a diligent man, learned, and of great reputation, and one that may stande vs to great stead in this busines, I thought good not to conceale or kepe from your knowledge my aduise herein.

  18. I thynke yt better that thou envy me, Then I sholde stande at rewarde[196] of thy pytte.

  19. But stande ye styll and take a lyttell payne, I wyll come to you, by and by, agayne.

  20. And, after all this, then shall my hedde wayte Uppon my tayle, and there stande at receyte.

  21. Stande ye styll a whyle, and I wyll go prove Whether that the god wyll be brought in love.

  22. For in excesse of rayne at any flood Your myllys must stande styll; they can do no good.

  23. I will stande here a while, and talke with them anon, I heare them speake of Custance, which doth my heart good, To heare hir name spoken doth even comfort my blood.

  24. Well, ye must therin declare your selfe to stande cleere, 15 Else I and you dame Custance may not joyne this yere.

  25. Up, Gammer, stande on your feete; where is the olde hore?

  26. This nomber is smale, there lacketh twayne of ten, And yet, by the masse, amonge ten thousand men No one thynge could stande more wyde from the tother; Not one of theyr sewtes agreeth wyth an other.

  27. Thynke ye I may stande thrustyng amonge you there?

  28. But, syns ye can not agree, I wyll desyre Jupyter to set you both in suche rest As to your welth and his honour may stande best.

  29. And some, farre off on flowers freshe doe fall, Yet all at nighte vnto their home repaire: And euerie one, her proper hiue doth knowe Althoughe there stande a thousande on a rowe.

  30. Health+ You may soone catch them, if ye wil stande a syde From this place they two, wyl not longe abide.

  31. Lybertie on vs is glade to wayte ye stande to farre in your owne conceyte I wys lybertye ye ran make no bayte To catche vs at your will.

  32. The Prophet went on, saying: Heare the word of God: I sawe the Lord sitting in his seate of maiestie, and all the hoste of heauen stande about him on his right hande, and on his lefte hande.

  33. For as seruaunts stande before their maisters to fulfill their commaundement, euen so are the Angels prest and ready to serue God.

  34. Feare not saithe Christ, those whiche slay the bodie, but cannot kill the soule, but rather stande in awe of him, who can cast both bodie and soule into hell fire.

  35. If these things (quoth he) be true, (for I will not go about to refell that which maister Parson hath saide) I will stande in this my opinion.

  36. Let me see: does no bodye stande in his way to be removed?

  37. I pray thee tender my declyninge age, Stande allways neare that I may never faynte; For thou inspyrst in me more strengthe and life Then mightie nature when she made me younge.

  38. Nu ic geare geseo minne sodhan Cyning; ic stande on his gesihdhe to him me gebiddende.

  39. Dhadha hi up to heofonum starigende stodon, dha gesawon hi dhaer twegen englas on hwitum gerelan, thus cwedhende, Ge Galileisce weras, hwi stande ge dhus starigende widh heofenas weard?

  40. They haue moreouer an other sorte of temples, wherein both uppon the altars and also on the walles do stande many idoles well proportioned, but bare headed.

  41. Somtymes they walke abrode in the fieldes to make the souldyers shoot at prickes with theyr bowes, but theyr eatyng passeth: they wyll stande eatyng euen when the other do drawe to shoote.

  42. Of Folys that stande to moche in theyr owne conceyte.

  43. Than shall he rewarde the in heuen right gloriously So mayst thou be callyd vnto thy maker kynde Of folys that stande so well in their owne conceyt that they thinke none so wyse, stronge, fayre, nor eloquent, as they ar themself.

  44. The playne labiall compassing about the quadrant Orchyard comming out from the walles as a seate for these aforesayde garden pottes and trees to stande vppon, was subcoronized with golde by excellent lyneamentes wrought and adorned.

  45. Vppon the backs of these three, dyd stande rysing vp a massiue Spyre of Gold, three square, sharpning vp to the toppe, fiue tymes as high as broade below.

  46. And euerie one beeing sette in his appoynted place, the high and mightie Princesse did commaund a company to come in, and stande vppon the diasper checkers, neuer the like before seene or imagined of anie mortall creature.

  47. His innumerable outrages in the Netherlandes have inforced the Flemynges to those termes which nowe they stande at.

  48. Than spake that good yeman Clym of the Clough, And swore by Mary fre, ‘If that we stande long wythout, Lyke a thefe hanged shalt thou be.

  49. Then Cloudesle cast his eyen asyde, And saw hys brethren stande At a corner of the market place, With theyr good bowes bent in theyr hand, Redy the justyce for to chase.

  50. Bothe these proporcions be sothe,' quod I, 'and wel mowe stande togider; wherfore this case as possible I admit.

  51. The highe god, of his justyce alone, The right which longeth to thy regalye Declared hath to stande in thy persone; 10 And more than god may no man justifye.

  52. Now I suppose that they mowe 15 stande togider: prescience of god, whom foloweth necessite of thinges comming, and liberte of arbitrement, thorow whiche thou belevest many thinges to be without necessite.

  53. And thus, whan humble pacience is pryded, The remenaunt, which that they shulde reule, No wonder is, though it stande out of reule.

  54. Stif stande in that, and ye shul greve and grame The fo to pees, the norice of distaunce; That now is ernest, torne it into game; Dampnable fro feith were variaunce!

  55. And trewly, my good child, if these thinges be wel understonde, I wene that non inconvenient shalt thou fynde betwene goddes forweting and liberte of arbitrement; wherfore I wot wel they may stande togider.

  56. Purchace pees, and sette it by thy syde, And suffre nat thy people be devoured; 125 So shal thy name ever after stande honoured!

  57. And the same saturday beyng Whytson euen the mayre with all the aldermen and the craftes of the cyte prepared aray in a good order to stande and receyue her and with rayles for euery crafte to stande and leane from prease of people.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stande" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.