Tone made by the vocal bands is re-inforced by vibration in the chambers of the body, and the connection of these chambers with the outer air sets into vibration the air of the room.
That initial tone, always a quiet one, will be re-inforced by vibration in the mouth and will issue forth large and round.
Wherin ambition and couetousnesse preuailed aboue conscience and law of nature, and the gealous desire of dominion inforced his disposition (otherwise abhorring bloud) to that vile action.
Moreouer, there arriued at Neuhauen, in Normandy, being by tempest inforced so to doe, one of the foure great Galliasses, where they found the ships with the Spanish women which followed the Fleet at their setting forth.
Manie disputable opinions may be had of warre without the praising of it, as onelie admittable by inforced necessitie, and to be vsed for peace sake onelie, where here the Scots sought warre for the loue of warre onelie.
Wherefore Cesar being thus preuented, inforcedyet to land with his people, though he saw that he should haue much a doo.
But though Lewes inforced his whole endeuour to win that castell, yet all his trauell was in vaine.
Boheme: whervpon our men issued out in great hast and ioined battell with them, but wereinforced to retire.
Insomuch as they were inforced again to remove the Children out of the House.
In this yeare the king contrarie to his oth reuoked the iustices foorth of Ireland, whom by constraint (as before ye haue heard) he was inforced to banish, thereby to satisfie the noble men that would haue it so.
He brought before them a plan which he had for the conquest of Louisburg in the next spring, before it could be re-inforced from France.
What inforced me to goe to visit and serue the excellent Lord Gouernour your father in Autiamque, which you should haue remembred, where I offered my selfe with all loyaltie, faith and loue, during my life to serue and obey him?
Of our ships none escaped sauing the Minion and the Iudith: and all such of our men as were not in them were inforced to abide the tyrannous cruelty of the Spaniards.
The Assembly was now on the defensive, the governor of the province having been very considerably re-inforced by the energetic measures of the imperial authorities.
In August, Sir George Prevost had been re-inforced with sixteen thousand men from the Garonne.
And they saide: If it please your highnesse, Christians we were borne, and so we will remaine, beseeched the king that they might not bee inforced thereunto.
My heart will sigh when I miscall it so, Which finds it an inforced pilgrimage.
And Columella vtterly forbiddeth all acquaintance with Witches, wherby ignorant people are inforced to expence detestable Arts, and mischieuous deeds.
I must withdraw, and weepe Vpon the spot of this inforced cause, To grace the Gentry of a Land remote, And follow vnacquainted colours heere: What heere?
My heart will sigh, when I miscall it so, Which findes it an inforced Pilgrimage Gau.
Tedious it were to tell, and harsh to heare, Sufficeth I am come to keepe my word, Though in some part inforced to digresse, Which at more leysure I will so excuse, As you shall well be satisfied with all.
Briefly, the place is so pleasent, that those which are melancholicke, would be inforced to change their humour.
Cornwall was thus cleared of the enemy, and secured for the King; and the Cornish infantry were available for service elsewhere: they were accordingly re-inforced by a body of cavalry under Prince Maurice, and the combined troops met at Chard.
AS all reasonable Provisions should be made both for the Sound and Sick, who perform Quarantaine; so the strict keeping of it ought to be inforced by the severest Penalties.
If, therefore, I see a prospect of being re-inforced from Peshawur within the period for which my provisions and ammunition will last, I propose to hold this place on the part of the government, until I receive its orders to the contrary.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inforced" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.