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Example sentences for "found again"

  • But this difference has only a secondary interest, for when a sacred being divides and duplicates itself, all of its essential characteristics are to be found again in each of the fragments into which it is broken up.

  • Among the Iroquois, whose social organization has an even more pronouncedly totemic character, this, same idea is found again; the word orenda which expresses it is the exact equivalent of the wakan of the Sioux.

  • Our friends that lived godly here, Shall there be found again; The wife, the child, and father dear, With others of our train.

  • This writing, more ancient than the Ph[oe]nician characters, is a direct derivative of pictography; it is found again at Cyprus and in Asia Minor at the epoch of the AEgean civilisation.

  • In a variation of this legend, a prince, fifteen years of age, who has been lost by his parents, is found again by means of a riddle which they propose, and which he alone can solve.

  • The same cloud-monster is found again in the Ramayanam, under the name of Dundubhis, in the form of a terrible buffalo with sharpened horns.

  • A similar legend is found again in the third book of the Mahabharatam, under the form of an impenetrable forest, in which the king of the serpents envelops Bhimas.

  • It is found again in geometry, in the theory of conformal representation and in pure analysis, in that of imaginaries.

  • If one of them taught us a true relation, this relation is definitively acquired, and it will be found again under a new disguise in the other theories which will successively come to reign in place of the old.

  • This feature is found again in German #B#, #C# and in the Wendish version.

  • The same legend is found again in the Tuti-Name, with this variation that the vulture takes the place of the falcon, and Moses that of the Buddhist king.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "found again" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    coral islands; earn their; found again; found both; found chiefly; found dead; found her; found him; found itself; found many; found myself; found nothing; found out; found some; found sufficient; found that; found them; found time; found under; found upon; found useful; found water; founded upon; least three; personal devil; where have you been