But this difference has only a secondary interest, for when a sacred being divides and duplicates itself, all of its essential characteristics are to be found again in each of the fragments into which it is broken up.
Among the Iroquois, whose social organization has an even more pronouncedly totemic character, this, same idea is found again; the word orenda which expresses it is the exact equivalent of the wakan of the Sioux.
Our friends that lived godly here, Shall there be found again; The wife, the child, and father dear, With others of our train.
This writing, more ancient than the Ph[oe]nician characters, is a direct derivative of pictography; it is found again at Cyprus and in Asia Minor at the epoch of the AEgean civilisation.
In a variation of this legend, a prince, fifteen years of age, who has been lost by his parents, isfound again by means of a riddle which they propose, and which he alone can solve.
The same cloud-monster is found again in the Ramayanam, under the name of Dundubhis, in the form of a terrible buffalo with sharpened horns.
A similar legend is found againin the third book of the Mahabharatam, under the form of an impenetrable forest, in which the king of the serpents envelops Bhimas.
It is found again in geometry, in the theory of conformal representation and in pure analysis, in that of imaginaries.
If one of them taught us a true relation, this relation is definitively acquired, and it will be found again under a new disguise in the other theories which will successively come to reign in place of the old.
This feature is found again in German #B#, #C# and in the Wendish version.
The same legend is found again in the Tuti-Name, with this variation that the vulture takes the place of the falcon, and Moses that of the Buddhist king.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "found again" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.