When intelligence first manifests itself form is a matter of necessity, and, as no form can possibly exist without matter, so Taurus is the first emanation of matter in its most etherealized state.
Pure, inner heat accompanies the appearance of the Lords of Motion; pure, spiritual light, that of the Lords of Wisdom; pure inner being is linked with the first emanation of the Lords of Will.
A still more definite proof of the identity of the alpha particle with the helium atom was obtained by removing the outer glass tube T and placing a cylinder of lead over the emanation tube in the open air.
The presence of helium in the spectrum tube can be detected after a shorter interval if a thin cylinder of lead is placed over the emanation tube, since the particles fired into the lead diffuse out more rapidly than from glass.
A large quantity of radium emanation was compressed into a fine glass tube A, about 1.
On introducing theemanation into the tube, the escape of the alpha particles from the emanation was clearly seen by the scintillations produced at some distance on a zinc sulphide screen.
The emanation also escapes into the air so that many observations made in various places show that the radium emanation is everywhere present in the atmosphere.
As helium is the resulting product of the alpha particles emitted by the emanation and other radio-active bodies, it is found in the soil air, soil waters, and atmosphere.
In addition, the spectral lines of uranium, radium, and the radium emanation have been reported as being found in the sun's spectrum and also in the new star, Nova Geminorum 2.
In order to be certain that the helium, coming possibly from some other source, had not diffused through the thin walls of the tube A, the emanation was pumped out and helium substituted.
This tube, which was sealed to a larger capillary tube B, was sufficiently thin to allow the alpha particles from the emanation and its products to pass through, but sufficiently thick to withstand atmospheric pressure.
The name radium emanation was given to the latter and it was found chemically and physically to belong to the class of monatomic or noble gases, such as helium, argon, neon, etc.
The emanation from the absolute, corresponding to the seventh principle.
Its legs are of Tyrian purple; swifter than those of the Zephyrs are its wings of flower-like blue dappled with rich gold.
They seemed a visible emanation of the room, so entirely did they represent what that sort of a room was meant to contain.
But it requires on the part of man cultivation and concentration of the imagination, and on the part of God the emanation of His spirit.
It is an emanation from life which can be distinguished only by the most sensitive contemplation.
I am perfectly sure that the voices that spoke to us last night were a subtle delusion, an emanation from our own bodies--or the work of a joker.
Light was venerated because it was an emanation from the sun, and, in the materialism of the ancient faith, light and darkness were both personified as positive existences, the one being the enemy of the other.
There it was revered because it was an emanation trom the sun, the common object of worship; but the theory advanced by some writers, that the veneration of light originally proceeded from its physical qualities, is not correct.
I believe in the immortality of man--not of his physical nature, but of that divine emanation breathed into the nostrils of man by his Creater that made him a living soul.
We argue that, being an emanation from God, they must of necessity partake of the nature of God, and are therefore indestructible, and eternal.
An impalpable emanationof feeling reached her from the other woman.
He felt some intimate emanationfrom her, turned towards her, and for the faintest fraction of time they looked at each other through a rent in the veil of life.
With the sigh, came an emanation from him of dispirited fatigue.
In the modus operandi of the emanation comes in, as I said, that partnership of the principle of totality with that of the identity of contradictories which so recommends the latter to beginners in Hegel's philosophy.
To see Suzanne, simply the hem of her gown, or her pretty spring hat crowned with bluebirds, to pass near the spot where she breathed and to inhale there some emanation from her, was his promised treat.
On the other hand, it was easy to subordinate the old gods to Brahman on the system of the emanation of everything in the world from Brahman.
Creation was not any longer the act of the ancient gods, though they are praised as creators in the Veda; it no longer took place by the emanation of being out of Brahman.
It suggests an exposition of the Sufi doctrine of the emanation of the mortal Creature from God the Creator, and his reabsorption into God.
Two different origins can be given for it: the idea of emanation from and return to the divine essence whence it came--what we call Neo-platonism.
The idea of emanation is essentially a poetical metaphor, and not a rational concept.
The first emanation from the One is called the Nous.
In so doing he incorporated the doctrine of emanation advanced by the Neo-Platonists, which held that out of God, the supreme unity, evolve the particular forms of goodness, and that eventually all things will return to God.
The prophets and psalmists, feeling the spirit of God upon them, considered it an emanation of the Deity.
Fundamentally the Cabbalah considered the soul an emanation from the divine intellect with a luminous character just like the philosophers.
Huber could not satisfy himself whether it was caused by the exposure of the wood to the atmosphere, by some emanation from the ants, or by the thin layers of wood being acted upon or decomposed by the formic acid.
Or was she but the emanation of all the beauty he had loved and must leave so soon?
The sun was down now, behind the house, and over the 'prospect' a luminous haze had settled, emanation of the long and prosperous day.
But for the life of me I can't find anything that telepathy, sub-consciousness, and emanationfrom the storehouse of this world can't account for just as well.
Whence came it, or was it ghost of scent--sheer emanation from memory?