Then, after keeping his eyes fixed for a few instants on the star-spangled sky, he entered the grotto.
Already, on two different occasions, enormous clouds of smoke spangled with sparks had whirled over the heads of the two men.
The sunlight, filtering through the spangled canopy, chequered their tunics with burning spots, danced on their spears and helmets, dazzled the spectators' eyes.
Of all the gods who tread the spangled skies, Thou most unjust, most odious in our eyes!
How long I lay there, I cannot tell; but as I rose, the first object that met my eye was Bembo at the helm; his dark figure slowly rising and falling with the ship's motion against the spangled heavens behind.
At the sound of the first gun from Fort Morro, Major Dean and Lieutenant Castle of General Brooke's staff hoisted the stars and stripes, while the band played the 'Star Spangled Banner.
When the soldiers entered Ponce the people sang the "Star-Spangled Banner" in a mixture of Spanish and English, and every time this tune was heard the police forced everybody to remove his hat!
This, then, seems likely to be the fairest of States, being like an embroidered robe which is spangled with every sort of flower.
The erection of a new flag pole in front of regimental headquarters furnished occasion for the formal formation when the Stars and Stripes are lowered to the strain of "The Star Spangled Banner" or the "Call to the Colors.
It was a warm, wonderful summer night; the sky was close and thickly spangled with stars.
There he gazed first at the sandy shore fifty feet or more below, then out over the glistening sea to the distant horizon, and finally at the deep-blue, star-spangled sky overhead.
They are like kaleidoscopes; and the wings, too, seem to be spangled with gold.
They had burnt all the feathers, as they thought; but I found a breast feather of a Spangled Dorking, and that was enough for me to give them in custody.
Hens and guinea-fowl strutted and ran in a wire wattle behind the kitchen, and on the wall, now straightened and repaired, a splendid peacock spread his barbaric plumage of spangled purple and screeched exultingly to his sober-hued mate.
Valiant's laugh rang out over the lake--to be answered by a sudden sharp screech from the terrace, where the peacock strutted, a blaze of spangled purple and gold.
The whole constellation, from head to foot, is gemmed with stars which escape the naked eye, but it sparkles like a bead-spangled garment when viewed with the glass.
Nearly on a line between Denebola and Arcturus, and somewhat nearer to the former, you will perceive a curious twinkling, as if gossamers spangled with dew-drops were entangled there.
By yon gorgeous banner's spangled folds, And by Kosciusko's name!
The meeting opened with O'mie's band playing "The Star-Spangled Banner.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
A steep Colonial stairway leads to a hall on the second floor, where again there are inscriptions on the walls to remind the visitor of his duties as a citizen of the nation over which the Star-Spangled Banner yet waves.
But, speaking of the black flag, I see the star-spangled banner floats o'er the deck of the free and the cabins of the brave.
The night was moonless, but extremely beautiful; the vault above looked like deep blue velvet, spangled with diamonds, and the atmosphere was exquisitely mild and pure, fragrant with the perfumes from the mountains.
The scene which he conjured up of Marie saved, Marie cured, affected him so deeply that he stopped short, his trembling arms uplifted towards the star-spangled vault of heaven.
Next a small choir of girls and boys (the girls dressed in the national colors and the boys wearing flag badges) sang the "Star Spangled Banner.
As the night wore on, Key took an old letter from his pocket, and on the blank sheet jotted down the lines of the immortal national song, "The Star Spangled Banner.
Dipping the star-spangled banner as a salute, I hauled it down, and the steamer was soon lost to sight in the darkness.
She wore a black dress, while a black lace veil, spangled with gold stars, covered her from head to foot.
These and other like sentiments called forth loud applause, the band playing "The Star Spangled Banner.
Lulu standing on the veranda steps, clapped her hands in delight as it was flung to the breeze and started "That Star Spangled Banner," all the others joining in and singing with a will.
How could she ever sing "The Star Spangled Banner" again so long as it waved over a country a portion of whose inhabitants groaned under a yoke of bondage!
Tis the Star Spangled Banner, O long may it wave O'er the land of the free And the home of the brave.
After a little time they struck up "The Star Spangled Banner," and then there followed a scene that the girl never forgot.