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Example sentences for "spaniels"

Lexicographically close words:
spangle; spangled; spangles; spangling; spaniel; spanischen; spank; spanked; spanker; spanking
  1. This is not allowed if it is known; but spaniels now and then steal away privately, and so frequently make for a hole like this that when their absence is discovered it is the first place visited in search of them.

  2. When the brooks are frozen is almost the only time when the dabchick can be got to rise: at other times this bird will dive and redive, and double about in the water, and rather be caught by the spaniels than take wing.

  3. In like sort we have of water spaniels in their kind.

  4. But how truly this is affirmed let the learned judge: only it shall suffice for Doctor Caius to have said thus much of spaniels and dogs of the gentle kind.

  5. Here the reflected light on the gauntlets, like that on the spurs beside the King Charles Spaniels and on the helmet near the Sleeping Bloodhound, adds an effective touch to the composition.

  6. The spaniels of our picture were the pets of a certain Mr. Vernon, who not unnaturally deemed the beautiful little creatures a worthy subject for a master's brush.

  7. Finally, we reckon also among hunting dogs some very happy crosses between the spaniels and the barbets, which in England are called retrievers or water spaniels.

  8. It is quite curious to find that for three or four centuries back there have been no spaniels in Spain.

  9. Pointers and setters will both stand them steadily, and cocking spaniels chase them with ardor.

  10. The smaller field spaniels, used in hunting woodcock, are called cocker spaniels (see Cocker).

  11. Field spaniels are remarkable for their activity and intelligence.

  12. This blood I traced for about half a mile, till I came to a large clump of bushes into which my spaniels dashed, evidently close to their game.

  13. After crawling on my hands and knees for some time, I found Dick and two other of my spaniels in furious combat with an enormous wild cat, who when I came up was holding her own against the dogs.

  14. He mentions land spaniels, setters, and water spaniels, besides the small spaniels which were kept as pet and lap dogs.

  15. It is difficult to say at what date these dogs were first introduced into our country; we only know that by the second half of the sixteenth century spaniels were a common dog in England.

  16. The heads of small Spaniels should resemble those of small Setters, and have no tuft on them.

  17. There is a whole tent full of Toy Spaniels and other exquisites in upholstered pens.

  18. Although I sometimes see some of the old liver and white, roan, blue and black Spaniels about, I certainly think they are not so popular as they were some years since.

  19. A pair of graceful spaniels crouched at the feet of the children, and behind them was a curtain of some rich foreign stuff.

  20. I thought so;" and looking up to the picture, he saw the pretty spaniels quite alone against the rich drapery.

  21. Spaniels are better than any other dogs for working thick hedgerows, into which rabbits have been previously bolted by ferrets.

  22. The spaniels had fallen asleep--using the coats as beds.

  23. We'll call for the spaniels at Ponder's cottage.

  24. Neolithic period a domesticated dog of middle size existed, which in its skull was about equally remote from the wolf and jackal, and partook of the characters of our hounds and setters or spaniels (Jagdhund und Wachtelhund).

  25. In compactness of shape these spaniels almost rival the pug, but the length of coat adds greatly to the apparent bulk, as the body, when the coat is wetted, looks small in comparison with that dog.

  26. Japanese spaniels are quite one of the derniers cris of fashion.

  27. Toy spaniels in general are not difficult dogs to deal with.

  28. The Prince then sent out several spaniels to reconnoitre, and they had the good luck to discover a horse laden with provisions stuck fast in the snow.

  29. After passing through a few wide streets, well paved, and adorned with avenues of fine trees, they drove into the courtyard of a grand palace, which was full of spaniels who were evidently soldiers.

  30. News of his approach had evidently been received, for all the inhabitants were at their doors and windows, and all the little spaniels had climbed upon the wall and gates to see him arrive.

  31. In this carriage he continued his journey very comfortably, passing many similar equipages upon the road, and being always most courteously saluted by the spaniels who occupied them.

  32. She was accustomed to spaniels who crawled humbly up after a beating to solicit another beating rather than remain unnoticed.

  33. The King Charles spaniels were very like lovely English blondes, with their golden-brown ears hanging like long curls on each side of their innocent, milk-white faces.

  34. There were beautiful spaniels of all shades, and little Maltese terriers.

  35. It seems to be the general opinion, with which I agree, that pointers and spaniels are the most suitable dogs to keep, for they appear to work the cover and to stand the climate better than other breeds.

  36. The best way is to select clumps of medium size, place a gun on either side to keep well in advance, and turn two or three dogs, spaniels for choice, in at one end.

  37. My spaniels delighted in the change, and worked the bush thoroughly as we proceeded along the route, occasionally flushing two or three red-legged partridges.

  38. I advised them to leave this "useful dog" behind, as hostilities might be declared by my three English spaniels in the event of his swallowing a wounded hare.

  39. The day after my arrival I strolled outside the town and exercised my three spaniels which had come out direct from England.

  40. Hester, however, had slept all through it, and had dreamed that ponies were running away with her towards a country entirely peopled by black spaniels and governed by a grey queen in top-boots.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spaniels" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.