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Example sentences for "moonlit"

Lexicographically close words:
moonlight; moonlighted; moonlighters; moonlighting; moonlike; moonrise; moons; moonseed; moonshee; moonshine
  1. Now as Betty crept cautiously about, peering and hoping with a half-fearing expectation, a sweet, threadlike wail trembled out toward her across the moonlit and shadowed space.

  2. The young woman did not reply, but stood perfectly still, gazing off into the moonlit wilderness.

  3. I call it Tieck's moon, because it is incontestably Tieck who is the originator of the Romantic moonlit landscape.

  4. I fixed it just for you," Thaine declared as he led the way to the moonlit lawn and shadowy seat.

  5. And then he remembered the moonlit night and his mother's blessing when he told of his longing for the open West, where opportunity hunts the man.

  6. For all his life, Asher Aydelot never forgot his mother's face, nor the sound of her low prophetic words on that moonlit night on the shadowy veranda of his childhood home.

  7. Swift through Asher's mind ran the memory of that moonlit April night on his father's veranda five years before.

  8. She was weary now and she sat in the doorway listening to the men, and remembering how on just such a moonlit September night she and Asher had sat together under the Sign of the Sunflower and planned a future of wealth and comfort.

  9. Carey and Thaine Aydelot sat watching the play of a fountain in a moonlit garden of tropical loveliness.

  10. And it was to be mine to rule this moonlit land; mine to preserve those sacred shrines, and cherish the honour of their Gods; mine to cast out the Ptolemy and free Egypt from the foreign yoke!

  11. And, within little more than an hour, having gained the great causeway, we saw the mighty pyramids towering up through the moonlit air and aweing us to silence.

  12. On a land where the faces are fair, though pale As a moonlit mist when the winds are still, She breaks like a morning in Paradise Through the palms of an orient hill.

  13. That lonely fir, which always seems As though it locked dark secrets in itself, Hideth a gentle elf, Whose wand shall send me soon a frolic troop Of rainbow visions, and of moonlit dreams.

  14. Would it not be wiser to forget the world's injustice in gazing on a moonlit ocean than in discovering in the illumined halls of Naples the baseness of the crowd which forms the world's power?

  15. Grief wanders in her moonlit walk and sheds no tear; and when thy crescent smiles the lustre of Joy's revelling eye is dusked.

  16. And then, in the evening, were moonlit walks with Mrs. Felix Lorraine!

  17. In the moonlit garden of the Casino at Monte Carlo Miles Chandon smoked a cigar pensively, leaning against the low wall that overlooks the pigeon-shooters' enclosure, the railway station and the foreshore.

  18. Finding him in this pensive attitude in the moonlit garden by the sea, you might guess that he was sentimentalising over his past.

  19. Triumphant listening--at the keyhole of the striped, moonlit night.

  20. One could see in his candid eyes that he felt himself done out of an illusion, an illusion of continuous dancing by girls in rope skirts on moonlit beaches.

  21. Through the hall window I caught sight of Anna Maria in the damp, moonlit garden; she was standing motionless, like a dark shadow, and looking out toward the dusky country.

  22. She seated herself quietly in her place and looked out over the moonlit tree-tops into the warm summer night.

  23. I stood at the open window, and looked out on the moonlit court; in the house all was still.

  24. And so I went, like a ghost, up the moonlit steps, and stole along the corridor to Susanna's door, and knocked softly.

  25. When it was over, I took her in my cutter and we drove together across the snow--along the moonlit shore.

  26. With Nick the Weaver on a moonlit bank I have waited for Titania and Puck and all that lightsome crew.

  27. The mare leaped away over the moonlit pasture.

  28. To the edge of the moonlit pool stepped Chupurosa.

  29. The coyotes ceased their insane laughter and scurried off to where jackrabbits played on moonlit pasturelands.

  30. Weirdly rose the chant to the moonlit night.

  31. We talked of the white snow prairies That lie by the Northern lights, And of woodlands where the fairies Are seen in the moonlit nights.

  32. Not so had Helen seemed yonder in the pillared hall when she stood in the moonlit space--not so had she seemed when he sware the great oath to love her, and her alone.

  33. But this bet was what compelled me to drag you all from Kadolzburg and its charms so early, and induce you to attend me on the reckless ride through the moonlit night.

  34. It was delightful to gaze, at this late hour, into the moonlit street, and she wondered that she had never enjoyed it before.

  35. The linden and the neighbouring houses cast dark, sharply outlined shadows upon the light pavement, and from the convent garden the song of the nightingale echoed down the quiet moonlit street.

  36. Sidonia had come,' said Lady Bertie and Bellair, gazing from the window of the Trafalgar on the moonlit river with an expression of abstraction, and speaking in a tone almost of melancholy.

  37. Wayne looked across the moonlit yard and saw Nicholas Ratcliffe, whom he thought to be dying, seated astride his big bay horse and lifting his hand to beat afresh upon the gate.

  38. Again Wayne lifted his head and looked straight in through the doorway, himself unseen across the moonlit strip of yard which stood between the garden and the kitchen.

  39. The sandbar sings in moonlit veils of foam.

  40. They marched through the moonlit woods gaily as to a merrymaking, but withal as silently as such men could march.

  41. She had spent her night of agony and struggle; had come down from the moonlit knoll strengthened, lifted up by a surrender to love, exalted by victory won over sordid temptations.

  42. There were few travellers entering Venice on one of its world-famous moonlit nights who were so sad at heart as were these two.

  43. In most of the gondolas coming from the station excited voices and exclamations of delight broke the calm of the moonlit evening as the tourists rejoiced in the beauty that is Venice.

  44. It seemed but yesterday that they had plighted their troth in that moonlit pavilion; and nothing lay between, save one long night which now had passed away, leaving the dawn of a day that was radiant with sunshine.

  45. Then was Walter ashamed to look on her, seeing that there was a man with her, and gat him back to his bed; but yet a long while ere he slept again he had the image before his eyes of the fair woman on the dewy moonlit grass.

  46. But Walter went out into the moonlit night, and wandered about for an hour or more, and stole warily into the hall and thence into his own chamber.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moonlit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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