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Example sentences for "lightened"

Lexicographically close words:
liggen; light; lighte; lighted; lighten; lighteneth; lightening; lightens; lighter; lighterage
  1. There must be ditching and delving, sowing and reaping, hammering and sawing, and all the severe physical exertion which, however lightened by tools and machinery, yet can never be other than labour in the ordinary sense of the word.

  2. In the next place, the sadness of the world could not be lightened for the Greeks by the vision that the modern theory of evolution has opened up to us of the long advance in the history of life on the planet.

  3. The crew immediately agreed to throw their cannon overboard, in hopes that when the ship was lightened she might be brought to float again.

  4. The skies lightened for a time, and then there came rolling up from over the range to the southwest great jagged rifts of black clouds, ugly "thunder heads," which seemed to presage a deluge.

  5. We soon grounded on the shallows and I was obliged to get out and tow the lightened boat to the tail of the race, where deeper water was henceforth assured.

  6. She had waving brown hair, which formed a sort of halo round her face, a pale complexion, and grey eyes which looked at you with a straight long glance, and then lightened as if they liked what they saw.

  7. Her face had lightened with immeasurable relief at the sound of the friendly voice, and the talkative tongue once loosened could not resist the temptation to enlarge on the reply.

  8. You perceive that I am already smiling through my tears--You have lightened my heart, and my frozen spirits are melting into playfulness.

  9. So my heart is lightened of the fear of opposition: and the only means of regaining whatever portion of earthly happiness is not irremediably lost to me by the Divine decree, I am free to use.

  10. For my own part, my dearest Mrs. Martin, my heart has been lightened lately by kind, honest Dr.

  11. The change made by James was, therefore, highly imprudent; shorn of its antique traditionary usages, the yoke of conscience was lightened at a moment when it required a double ratification.

  12. It has lightened the valley, removed the fear of death, and illumined immortality.

  13. Into how many hearts, bruised and broken by grief, has it brought its hymn of comfort and healing How many darkened prison cells it has lightened and cheered!

  14. And I remarked in many other cases, that it was not so much the degree of help afforded as the manner of helping, that lightened the burdens.

  15. Our labor was lightened by looking forward to the attainment of our wishes.

  16. It was so ordered and contrived by the Lord of this valley, that if any one stretched out his hand to lighten a neighbor's burden, in fact he never failed to find that he at that moment also lightened his own.

  17. He had a warm heart concealed beneath that rough exterior; he had long followed the daring profession, seen much suffering, lightened many a sorrowing heart.

  18. Nature has not made every one insensible to the voice of woe; he saw and felt for the boy's grief, and he lightened the bands of slavery by buying them both.

  19. In this extremity a heavy bag of despatches was thrown out, and the balloon thus lightened again rose to a considerable height, where another current of air carried it over the land.

  20. As he was passing over England after successfully crossing the Channel, he threw out his package of despatches, but this so lightened his balloon that it mounted quickly and was soon far out over the Atlantic.

  21. His style is lightened by frequent figures of speech, mostly illustrative, and really illustrative, of his ideas, while his intellectual ingenuity cannot fail to interest even those whom his prejudices and preconceptions repel.

  22. The novel, thus lightened and sharpened, was conquering new fields.

  23. Moreover, it was necessary to begin quietly, and organize some system by which confusion in the crowded camping-grounds might be avoided, and the physical strain upon everyone lightened as much as possible.

  24. He turned here, to look about him, and his eye lightened as he did so.

  25. Mr. Pickwick's eyes lightened with honest exultation at his own foresight, as he spoke thus.

  26. But Tavannes smiled; a broader smile lightened the faces of the six iron-clad men behind him; and for some reason the gang of ruffians thought better of it and slunk aside.

  27. He saw that the men had run to other windows which looked that way; and his face lightened and his form dilated with triumph.

  28. The glow of battle, the stress of the moment, had displaced the cloud from his face; the joy of the born fighter lightened in his eye.

  29. The mist hid all, but the knowledge that they were there set her heart beating, brought tears to her eyes, and lightened the long road to Challans.

  30. I replied, my heart inexpressibly lightened by what he had said of mademoiselle, that I placed the fullest confidence in the justice of the King of Navarre.

  31. His friends were few, and they dropped one by one, nor is there any evidence to show that their loss was ever lightened by any hope of meeting them again; the lights of his life went out one by one, and left him alone and in the dark.

  32. Another and a heavier explosion momentarily lightened the darkness and then rent the air.

  33. The moon had arisen, and though somewhat hazed by clouds, had lightened the night.

  34. A dumpy, grumpy little woman, with the parboiled hands and complexion of long years at the wash-tubs, her present state of comparative freedom from bondage had not lightened her heart.

  35. He vows that, because his heart is full of the great mercies of his delivering God, he will order all his active life as under the consciousness of God's eye upon him, and then it will all be lightened as by a burst of sunshine.

  36. The outward deliverance may tarry, but ever there come before it, as heralds of its approach, the sense of a lightened burden and the calmness of a strengthened heart.

  37. If day but copies day may we not hope for Ireland, after its long cycle of night, such another glory as lightened it of old, which tradition paints in such mystic colours?

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lightened" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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