A spacesuited figure scrambled down the ladder and sprinted across the deadly sand of the valley floor.
Wayne watched the six spacesuited figures step one at a time to the wall, withdraw one of the metal tabs, and affix it to the outer skin of his suit.
And suddenly there was Daley, standing before them and holding the limp spacesuited form of Jerry Jones in his arms.
The spacesuited stranger had not moved in the slightest.
A spacesuited figure suddenly appeared in the tiny airlock, holding a coil of rope.
The spacesuited man climbed into it and began strapping down so that the rush of air would not sweep him outward when the other seal was released.
It was not quite two miles from the Star Queen when its emergency airlocks opened and spacesuited figures plunged out of it to emptiness.
In automatic reaction, the man in control of the liner cut her drive and offered to turn back and pick up the spacesuited figures in emptiness.
And surely on any world a spacesuited man looked more like a monster than a man although he was vulnerable in a spacesuit, even more vulnerable than a naked man because he could only run awkwardly.
He looked down and saw Chandler's spacesuitedbody there, the two arrows protruding from his chest.
How the braves had mistaken the spacesuited man for a monster.
Far to his left, beyond Glaudot's spacesuited figure, he could see the projectile-shaped spaceship resting on its tail fins.
It would be impossible to visualize him as a helmeted giant stripped to the waist, breasting wild seas at the helm of a Viking ship or a spacesuited giant in a colorama with a present-day background.
Its outer door was just barely big enough to admit a spacesuited person.
There was a minute of silence, while Zaino pictured the spacesuited figure with its awkwardly long burden, walking away from the creeping menace to the relative safety of the tractor.
The spacesuited figure shot off, tumbling end over end, into the void.
He caught a glimpse of a spacesuited figure with the light behind it.
Braigh's helmet appeared, then the whole spacesuited figure floated up before the spot where Tremont was watching.
The spacesuited rescuers went to the "back" of each asteroid and injected sleep-gas into the oxygen line that ran from the tank to the spacesuit of the prisoner.
The airlock in the side of the ship opened, and a dozen spacesuitedmen leaped out.
Underwood could not see the speaker because the ring of lights blinded them, but now one of the spacesuitedfigures stepped forward into the light of the other lamps and gestured imperiously.
The spacesuited figures of Terry Bernard and his assistant, Batch Fagin, clung to the surface, moving about like flies on a blackened, frozen apple.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spacesuited" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.