I will here set downe a table of the best thorowfaires and townes of greatest trauell of England, in some of which there are twelue or sixteene such innes at the least, as I before did speake of.
I product Caerlile and Newcastell vpon Tine, (whose longest day consisteth of sixteene houres, 48.
Now forsomuch as in [Sidenote: A mouth ofsixteene foot wide.
The Cluda therefore and the Elwie being met, the confluence passeth on to the sea by Rutland castell, where it taketh in the Sarne, which commeth from by east, and hath a course almost of sixteene miles.
When the heads be raised and taken vp, they will remaine sixteene or twentie daies out of the earth or more: yea peraduenture a full moneth.
But in conclusion, the enemies beaten on all sides, and in so many sorts, with artillery were put backe, and vanquished, that there died that day at all the foure places fifteene or sixteene thousand.
The earle of Vandosme with sixteene hundred men of armes were ordered for a wing to that battell.
His armie conteined the number of sixteene thousand and foure hundred soldiers and men of warre of his owne purueiance, beside others.
So much the more our Caruers excellence, Which lets goe-by some sixteene yeeres, and makes her As she liu'd now Leo.
Some sixteene moneths, and longer might haue staid, If crooked fortune had not thwarted me 1.
I had rather Haue skipt from sixteene yeares of Age, to sixty: To haue turn'd my leaping time into a Crutch, Then haue seene this Gui.
You could for a need study a speech of some dosen or sixteene lines, which I would set downe, and insert in't?
All the other armes containe likewise sixteene leagues in length, sauing one small or narrow arme, which is called The riuer de los Beguaes; for this containeth fortie leagues in length.
You may haue a great steere that hath an hundred weight of tallow in his belly for sixteene shillings; and some one man hath 2000 head of cattel of his owne.
Presently after this, for the space of sixteene dayes we had wonderful foule weather, and then God sent vs a faire wind, vntill such time as we discouered the Iland called Faial.
And then for the vnwholesomnesse of the place they depart thencesixteene leagues further vp within the countrey, to a towne called Xalapa, a very healthfull soile.
Now whilest king Henrie was thus occupied in Poictou and Gascoine, William Marisch the sonne of Geffrie Marisch (by commandement sent from the king) was put to death at London, with sixteene of his complices on the euen of S.
On the morrow after being sundaie, and the eighteenth daie of September, the French king caused his host to be diuided into three battels or wards, and in each of them were sixteene thousand armed men, all mustered and passed for armed men.
But others affirme, that there were slaine of the princes part about sixteene hundred; which should seeme to be more like a truth, if the battell was fought so sore and fiercelie, as Froissard himselfe dooth make report.
There were not past sixteene hundred good fighting men on that side, as Thomas Walsingham plainelie writeth.
In the which was taken sir Hugh de Chatellon, master of the crosbowes of France, with other knights, esquiers, and burgesses of that towne, and about sixteene score of the French part slaine.
He had with him two of the kings sonnes, Lionell of Antwerpe, and Iohn of Gant, the elder of them being about sixteene yeares of age.
The prouince of Olam hath three score and sixteene thousand footemen, and twentie fiue thousande fiue hundred horsemen.
August, sixteene ships of our fleet which were sent to returne home, being in company together in the latitude of 36.
Sixteene in the head full right, And sixteene beneath I you plight.
There is a great City sixteene or twentie dayes iourney from Saint Helena Northwestward, which the Spaniards, call La grand Copal, which they thinke to bee very rich and exceeding great and haue bene within the sight of it, some of them.
M399) And considering that there stayed but sixe and twentie there, he caused the Fort to be made in length but sixteene fathome, and thirteene in breadth, with flankes according to the proportion thereof.
Laurence, and sent off our boat in the night with our Master and sixteene men to surprise the Spanyard, which lay in Litle S.
Also the first night of our being on this Island, we took fiue great Tortoses, some of them of such bignes, that sixteene of our strongest men were tired with carying of one of them but from the sea side to our cabbins.
Compare at the end of fifteene or sixteene yeares one of these collegiall Latinizers, who hath imployed all that while onely in learning how to speake, to such a one as I meane.
But let us a little feare this yong man speake, being but sixteeneyeares of age.
The said Cape standeth in two and twentie and a halfe: and all that coast is flatte, sixteene or seuenteene fadome deepe.
This citie chiefe of other sixteene is situated in a pleasant plaine abounding in all things necessarie, sea-fish onely excepted, for it standeth farre from the sea: of fresh fish so much store, that the market places are neuer emptie.
The next morning they carried vs downe to the shore where our shippe was cast away, which was some sixteene miles from that place.
This afternoone the winde came about, and wee went our course Southwest and by West, to goe cleare off the coast, wee ranne that night sixteene leagues.
They did not stay there, but presently passed to the town of Cuylan, which is inhabited with Portingals, and from Malaca foure hundred and sixteene leagues.
This day in the morning at fiue of the clocke we discouered land being distant from vs at the neerest place sixteene leagues, This land in generall lay Northwest and to the Westwards, being very mountainous.
Let vs make sixteene lots, and those foure that haue the foure shortest lots we will cast ouerboord preseruing the Master among vs all.
Ptolome knew not what was aboue sixteene degrees South beyond the Equinoctiall line, he was ignorant of all passages Northward from the eleuation of 63.
This sixteene yeares daily haue I liued vexed with disease: and might I liue sixteene more, how euer miserably, I should thinke it happie.
This Iland is so called, because of the Deare which often swimme thither from the Maine, when they are chased by the Woolves: Some have killed sixteene Deere in a day upon this Iland.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sixteene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.