The brother of my Lord de la Warre stood up with the groom, the brother of my Lord of Northumberland gave away the bride and was the first to kiss her, and the President himself held the caudle to their lips that night.
Whan kynge Antiochus had prepared to make warre to the Romayns, he caused his armye to mustre before Anniball.
Farre be it from your thought, my honourd Lord, To wrest the hazardous fortune of the warre Into the bloudyer censure of the Law.
I doe not like the fancie in his hat; That gules is warre and will be ominous.
Here be very many elephants which they goe to warre withall.
After noone we past by a man of warre being a Hollander, that lay at anker, and he hoysed anker to follow vs, about euening wee spake with him, but because of the wind wee could hardly heare what hee said, yet hee sailed on with vs.
If any other king haue one, and will not send it him, he will make warre with him for it: for he had rather lose a great part of his kingdome, then not to conquere him.
They haue many villages vnder them which they quietly possesse in time of peace, but in time of warre the enemie is maister of them.
Dissen- cion and cruellwarre was emong the[m], through the diuersitie of diuers kinges in the lande.
The host (as is declared) was deuided into foure parts, their instrumentes of warre were hunters hornes, and drummes called attabals made like a caldron and couered with vellam.
I haue also a hundred thousand men of warre my friends to beséege this Citie, who are (as you know) y^e valiantest men in all these parties.
Our men stoode in great perill, as well of the losing of Mexico as of their owne liues, if this warre and mutinie had not soone bene qualified: for why?
Straunge sort of fight, three valiaunt knights to see 2 Three combats ioyne in one, and to darraine A triple warre with triple enmitee, 4 All for their Ladies froward loue to gaine, Which gotten was but hate.
What opinion others had thereof, and chiefly the Generall himselfe, I forbeare to deliuer: But he tooke it for Bonum Omen, reioycing that he was to warre against such an enemie, if it were the deuill.
Islanders haue warre with those of the maine, for many of them are sore wounded, which wounds they receiued vpon the maine land, as by signes they gaue vs to vnderstand.
They make nets to take their fish of the finne of a whale: they do their things very artificially: [Sidenote: These Islanders warre with the people of the maine.
Thebes is razed, the people not racked; towers throwne downe, bodies not thrust aside; a conquest without conflict, and a 5 cruell warre in a milde peace.
Fall not from the armour of Mars to the armes of 60 Venus, from the fierie assaults of warre to the maidenly skirmishes of love, from displaying the eagle in thine ensigne to set downe the sparrow.
My court shal be a schoole wherein I wil have used as great doctrine[821] in peace as I did in warre discipline.
Have not you a Proverbe, whiche fortefieth my reasons, whiche saieth, that warre maketh Theves, and peace hangeth theim up?
What proporcion have the souldiours, whiche are requiset to bee in the warre with those, whiche in the peace are occupied?
The fyrste way is dooen with keepyng saulfe the thynges of some of those whiche he hath aboute him, as to save in the warre their menne and their possessions, renderynge theim their children, or other their necessaries withoute raunsome.
Sidenote: Warre ought not to be made in winter; Rough situacions, colde and watrie times, are enemies to the oder of warre; An overthrowe caused by winter.
But wherefore do not you a mightier waie Make warre uppon this bloodie tirant Time?
Therefore brave Conquerours, for so you are, That warre against your own affections, And the huge Armie of the worlds desires.
One quotation or two will be sufficient to establish this fully: Our Scottish king sal come ful keene, The red lyon beareth he; A feddered arrow sharp, I weene, Shall make him winke and warre to see.
This law was then established and is inuiolablie kept to this day: in the which it is first commanded that none whatsoeuer, vpon paine of death, shall make or begin warre in any part without his licence.
The occasion why they haue her in reputation of a saint is: There was a certaine captaine of the king of China, whose name was Compo; he was sent vnto a kingdome not farre from thence to make warreagainst the king.
In the chapter past you do vnderstande what care these Chinos haue in the time of peace as well as in warre for to defend their citties, and what preparations they haue generrally throughout al the countrie.
Then began he to makewarre vpon the Sumongals or Tartars, and slewe their captaine, and after many conflicts, subdued them vnto himselfe, and brought them all into bondage.
Sidenote: Counsel how to wagewarre against the Tartar.
You freed the State from warres abroad, but 'twas To spoile at home more safely and divert The Parthian enmitie on us; and yet The glory rather and the spoyles of warre Have wanting bin, the losse and charge we have.
The perfection of all Spanyards; Mars in little; the best booke of the art of Warreprinted in these Times: as a French Doctor I woo'd have given you pellets for pills, but as my noblest Lord rip my heart out in your service.
I must confesse, being all on fire We cryed for warre and death.
If we have any warre it's beyond Rhene And Euphrates, and such whose different chances Have rather serv'd for pleasure and discourse Then troubled us.
High and weightie causes as well betweene men of warre and other he would gladlie heare, and either determined them himselfe, or else for end committed them to others.
And of the Frenchmen were slaine aboue twelue hundred of the best men of warre they had, so that they gained not much.
When the messenger was come backe to the French host, the men of warre put on their helmets, and caused their trumpets to blow to the battell.
Thus was France afflicted, and in euerie part troubled with warre and diuision, and no man to prouide remedie, nor once put foorth his finger for helpe or succour.
All the men of warre which had not paid their ransoms, he sware them on the holie euangelists, to yeeld themselues prisoners at Calis by the feast of saint Martine in Nouember next.
Dailie were issues made out of the citie at diuerse gates, sometime to the losse of the one partie, and sometime of the other, as chances of warre in such aduentures happen.
Vpon whose returne, with this answer, it was incontinentlie on the French side proclamed, that all men of warre should resort to the constable to fight with the king of England.
Sidenote: Either part was appointed to bring with them not past two thousand and fiue hundred men of warre as Tit.
He praised his capteins and men of warre when they were dead, and lamented their losse more than he shewed to loue them when they were aliue.
These things being thus ordered at Paris, euerie man resorted to his charge, that he might prouide for the warre with all spéed conuenient.
Wherevnto the French king answered, that he would not giue ouer to make warre till he had Berrie, and the countrie of Veuxin or Veulgesine wholie in his possession.
Now after his comming to land, he repaired vnto Alencon, increasing his power by gathering vp souldiers and men of warre out of Normandie and other his countries on that side the sea.
Sidenote: Baldwin archbishop of Canturburie exhorteth men to go to warreagainst the Saracens.
Wherevpon he caused William bishop of Sens, and Theobald earle of Blois to go to king Henrie, and to promise vpon forbearance from warre for a time, to find means to reconcile him and his sonnes, betweene whom vnnaturall variance rested.
Prouided, that if vpon any vrgent necessitie he chanced to go into Spaine to warre against the Saracens there, then so long space of time as he spent in that iournie, he might deferre his going into the east parts.
King Ethelwulfe gouerned his subiects verie politikelie, and by himselfe and his capteins oftentimes put the Danes to flight, though as chance of warre falleth out, he also receiued at their hands [Sidenote: Simon Dun.
At length king Osred by the traitorous means of his coosens that arreared warre against [Sidenote: King Osred slaine in batell.
King Edward in reuenge of his daughters death mooued warre against the two brethren, Aulafe and Godfrie, and in battell finallie vanquished them, but was slaine in the same battell himselfe.
He slue in battell an earle of his countrie named Oswin, who arrearing warre against him, fought with him in a pitcht field at Eadwines Cliue, and receiued the worthie reward of rebellion.
At home he shewed himselfe godlie and religious, inwarre he became [Sidenote: The archbishops sée restored to Canturburie.
Danes with a nauie of 35 ships, were arriued on the English coasts, and began to make sore warre in the land.
Thus Warre hath giuen thee peace, for y art still, Peace with his soule, heauen if it be thy will.
And I my selfe, Rather then bloody Warre shall cut them short, Will parley with Iacke Cade their Generall.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "warre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.