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Example sentences for "sixt"

Lexicographically close words:
sixfold; sixpence; sixpences; sixpenny; sixscore; sixteen; sixteene; sixteenth; sixteenths; sixth
  1. The effect was to excite their greater vigilance.

  2. Colin," said Harry, when their companion and the child had joined them, "you must keep the woman away from you.

  3. On his face appeared a hideous smile, a smile that made most of those who beheld it shudder with a sensation of horror.

  4. Being so near their own they had made an effort to reach it without extending their journey into another day.

  5. And here he goes against himselfe in the twenty sixt Chapter of his Rep.

  6. I doe remember me, Henry the Sixt Did prophecie, that Richmond should be King, When Richmond was a little peeuish Boy.

  7. Oxford, how haps it in this smooth discourse, You told not, how Henry the Sixt hath lost All that, which Henry the Fift had gotten: Me thinkes these Peeres of France should smile at that.

  8. The second Part of Henry the Sixt with the death of the Good Duke Hvmfrey Actus Primus.

  9. The first Part of Henry the Sixt Actus Primus.

  10. God saue King Henry of that name the sixt Glo.

  11. First I aske thee what they haue done, thirdlie I aske thee what's their offence, sixt and lastlie why they are committed, and to conclude, what you lay to their charge Clau.

  12. Enter the Coarse of Henrie the sixt with Halberds to guard it, Lady Anne being the Mourner.

  13. So stood the State, when Henry the sixt Was crown'd in Paris, but at nine months old 3.

  14. The third Part of Henry the Sixt with the death of the Duke of Yorke Actus Primus.

  15. On the sixt hower, at which time, my Lord You said our worke should cease Pro.

  16. Next day the battle spread to the north, blazing up along the right of the British Second Army (General Plumer), the army of General Sixt von Armin attacking in another early-morning mist between Armentieres and Hollebeke.

  17. French had been able to occupy Ham and Chauny, while the British were going forward; and General Sixt von Armin was forced cautiously to retire from the Ypres salient.

  18. For of two different formes thereof, the one of them by the spreading of the Euangell, and conquest of the white horse, in the sixt Chapter of the Reuelation, is much hindred and become rarer there through.

  19. Now for the distances vsually obserued in our vulgar Poesie, they be in the first second third and fourth verse, or if the verse be very short in the fift and sixt and in some maner of Musickes farre aboue.

  20. Therefore in a verse of twelue sillables the Cesure ought to fall right vpon the sixt sillable: in a verse of eleuen vpon the sixt also leauing fiue to follow.

  21. For now came the wind about euen as he would haue it, sith all his imagination tended to this effect, to haue king Richard subdued, and to haue the lines of king Edward, and king Henrie the sixt againe raised and aduanced.

  22. On the morow, being the sixt daie of Iulie, the king with queene Anne his wife, came downe out of the White hall into the great hall at Westminster, and went directlie into the kings Bench.

  23. Thus farre the tragicall historie of Henrie the sixt depriued of his roialtie.

  24. Sidenote: King Henrie the sixt in person goeth with an armie into France.

  25. On the sixt daie of Nouember, being the daie of saint Leonard, king Henrie in the eight yeare of his reigne was at Westminster with all pompe and honour crowned king of this realme of England.

  26. Henrie the sixt and manie of the nobilitie had written to the conuent of the church of Elie, to choose William Alnewicke (doctor of both lawes confessor to the king and keeper of the priuie seale) to be their bishop.

  27. Shortlie after hir arriuall, she was conueied to the towne of Southwike in Hamshire, where she with all nuptiall ceremonies was coupled in matrimonie to king Henrie the sixt of that name.

  28. The sixt was sir Thomas of Woodstocke, William of Winsore was the seuenth and last.

  29. Oxford, how haps that in this smooth discourse You told not how Henry the sixt had lost All that Henry the fift had gotten.

  30. The sixt was William of Windsore, Who dyed young.

  31. The sixt Article, which att first view seemes to Inable the Comissioners, will evidently evince the Contrary.

  32. This agreement was made the sixt of Iulie in the yeare 1419.

  33. George, the second with the armes of Normandie, the third of king Arthur, the fourth of saint Edward, the fift of France, and the sixt with the armes of England and France.

  34. The king first lodged a mile off in a castell, and sent the duke of Excester to begin the siege, which he did according to his instructions, vpon the sixt of October.

  35. In the sixt yeare of king Henries reigne, he sent the earle of Warwike, and the lord Talbot, to besiege the strong castell of Dampfront.

  36. In this yeare, the one and twentith of October deceassed the gentle and welbeloued Charles French king the sixt of that name, who was buried at S.

  37. Sixt took a considerable part in this movement, a fact that greatly enhances the value of his book.

  38. In the sixt yeare of king Ethelreds reigne, a new armie of great force [Sidenote: Basreeg and Halden.

  39. Thus farre the sixt booke comprising the first arriuall of the Danes in this land, which was in king Britricus his reigne, pag.

  40. What a great many stories might be told of all that had happened to poor Mawde's children and children's children since that dreary "sixt of November" when they were left motherless!

  41. General Sixt von Arnim put down some candid notes in his report to Prince Rupprecht.

  42. That night even the German guns stopped their drumfire, as though Sixt von Arnim's army was in mourning for its dead.

  43. Sidenote: The sixt yƩere of Agricola his government.

  44. Wherfore we changed our course the sixt day, and sailed Southeast and by South eight and fortie leagues, thinking thereby to find the Wardhouse.

  45. Note that the sixt day we passed by the place where Sir Hugh Willoughbie, with all his company perished, which is called Arzina reca, that to say, the riuer Arzina.

  46. Now the sixt time published, with some new Additions.

  47. A sixt hundred of Epigrammes', with title, verses to the reader and table of contents.

  48. The sixt shyre beareth name Quianci, as also the principall citie thereof, wherein the fyne claye to make vessels is wrought.

  49. Given at Our Court at Whitehall the sixt day of January, in the sixt yeere of Our Reigne.

  50. Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the foure and twentieth day of November, in the sixt yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France and Ireland.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sixt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    sixteen dollars; sixteen feet; sixteen guns; sixteen hours; sixteen hundred; sixteen inches; sixteen millions; sixteen shillings; sixteen thousand; sixteen years; sixteenth century; sixth century; sixth dynasty; sixth year; sixty cents; sixty days; sixty dollars; sixty feet; sixty grains; sixty guns; sixty miles; sixty millions; sixty pounds; sixty thousand; sixty yards; sixty years