The lamentable request of vs the Britains, beseeching you of aid to bee ministred vnto the prouince of the Romane empire, vnto our countrie, vnto our wiues and children at this present, which stand in most extreame perill.
Thus Agricola being countermanded home to Rome, deliuered his prouince vnto his successor Cneus Trebellius, appointed thereto by the emperour Domitianus, in good quiet and safegard.
And hauing recouered the prouince which the enimies had gotten into their possession, he so restored it to the former state, that vpon his [Sidenote: A part of Britaine called Valentia.
But now being thus slaine by your souldiers, the subiects of your prouince were both preserued from further danger, and tooke pleasure to behold the slaughter of such cruell enimies.
This prouince desireth to see and knowe Captaine Cortez, for to render themselues vnto him, and nowe they stande in neede of our nation, wherfore it may please you to sende vnto vs thirtie Spaniardes.
And in euery fourescore dayes came the Iudges of euery prouince within the Mexican Empire, to consult with the Iudges of Mexico, but all doubtfull causes were reserued to the King, onely to passe by his order and determination.
In all the same portrayture did not appeare anye porte, skale, or sure roade, sauyng a gulfe that falleth out of the Mountaynes, which place is now called the harbor of Saint Martine, and Saint Anthonie in the prouince of Coazacoalco.
He that writte the former letter, was one of the Spaniardes that Cortez hadde sente to the prouince of Chinanta, a yeare paste, to enquire of the secretes of that place, and to séeke for golde and other commodities.
Tlaxcallan is properly in the Indian tong as much to say, as bread well baked, for there is more grayne called Centli gathered, than is in all y^e prouince round about.
I frier Odoricus of Friuli, of a certaine territory called Portus Vahonis, and of the order of the minorites, do testifie and beare wimesse vnto the reuerend father Guidotus minister of the prouince of S.
All the men of this prouince be artificers and marchants, who, though they be in neuer so extreme penurie, so long as they can helpe themselues by the labor of their hands, wil neuer beg almes of any man.
Then traueiling on still towards the East by many cities, I came vnto the noble and renowmed citie of Cambaleth, which is of great antiquitie being situate in the prouince of Cataie.
The breadth of the sayd prouince is fifty dayes iourney, and the length aboue sixty.
The men of this prouince are of a faire and comely personage, but somewhat pale, hauing their heads shauen but a litle: but the women are the most beautiful vnder the sunne.
Who all of them with one consent answered, that this prouince of Mancy hath mo then 2000.
While I was in the prouince of Mancy, I passed by the palace of a certaine famous man, which hath fifty virgin damosels continually attending vpon him, feeding him euery meale, as a bird feeds her yoong ones.
First of al therefore, hauing traueled many dayes iourney vpon the Ocean-sea toward the East, at length I arriued at a certaine great prouince called Mancy, being in Latine named India.
His godlie zeale borne towards the aduancing of the christian religion well appéered in the building of the church at Winchester, where the bishops sée of all that prouince was then placed.
Then asked he the name of the prouince from whence they were brought, and it was told him they were of Deira.
Middleangles, calling from thence that vertuous man Cedda, and assigning vnto him another priest to be his associat, sent them vnto the prouince of the Eastsaxons, there to preach the christian faith vnto the people.
Neither did king Penda forbid the preaching of the gospell within his prouince of Mercia, but rather hated and despised those whome he knew to haue professed themselues [Sidenote: The saieng of king Penda.
The first bishop in the prouince of Mercia, and also of Lindesferne and the Middleangles was one Diuma, who died amongst the Middleangles.
This yeere in a Prouince of Wales called Rosse, the Sepulchre of Wawyn, otherwise called Gawen, was found vpon the Sea shore.
From thence he sent thirtie horse men, and fiftie footemen to the Prouince of Caluça, to see if from thence hee might trauel to Chisca, where the Indians said, there was a worke of gold and copper.
The Gouernour tooke thirtie horsemen, and eightie footemen, and they went to Saquechuma (for so was the Prouince called of that chiefe man, which he said had rebelled.
Monsieur Roberual the kings Lieutenant generall in the Countries of Canada, Saguenay, and Hochelaga, departed toward the said prouince of Saguenay on the Tuesday the 5.
Word was brought me that we were in Wales a prouinceof England.
How the Gouernour departed from Cutifa-Chiqui to seeke the Prouince of Coça; and what happened vnto him in the way.
M598) Neither is it the least benefit, that they found salt made by the Indians at Cayas, and in two places of the prouince of Aguacay: the manner also how the Inhabitants make it, is very well worth the obseruation.
But I will first speake somewhat briefly of the prouince of Rezan, and the famous riuer of Tanais.
The prouince of Rezan, situate betweene the riuers of Occa and Tanais, hath a citie builded of wood, not far from the bank of Occa: there was in it a castle named Iaroslaue, whereof there now remainethr nothing but tokens of the old ruine.
The description of the regions, people, and riuers lying North and East from Moscouia: as the way from Moscouia to the riuer Petzora, and the Prouince Iugaria or Iuhra, and from thence to the riuer Obi.
In theprouince of Corelia, and about the riuer Duyna towards the North sea, there groweth a soft rocke which they call Slude.
Aurea Anus, called in the Moscouites tongue, Slata Baba, is an Idol at the mouthe of Obi in the prouince of Obdora, standing on the furthest banke toward the sea.
Southerly of the saide riuers mouth, or els that you shal trend about the very Northerne and most Easterly point of all Asia, passing by the prouince Ania, and then to the latitude of 46.
For the growth of flaxe the prouince of Vobsko, and the countrey about is the chiefe and onely place.
The eldest of the Sonnes was called Machomet, to whom the Prouince of Caramania was assigned.
The Prouince bestowed on Corineus for this exployt, was Cornwall.
Yet the archbishop of Canturburie complained to king Richard of the iniurie doone to him at that present by the archbishop of Yorke, presuming within his prouince to haue his crosse borne before him.
And againe no small summe of monie they had receiued of the archbishop of Burdeaux, when vpon an accusation brought against him by the cleargie of his prouince he should haue béene deposed.
Neere vnto this countrey there is another Prouince heretofore discouered by our men, where the people go naked without any thing before them: they are very hardly reduced to Christianitie, and they are valiant and stoute.
From this prouince I came into another called De Vera Paz, in which the chiefest city is also called after that name, where there dwelleth a bishop and about forty Spanyards.
By this there lieth the prouince of Iucatan, nere the Honduras by the North sea coast, where there is also another bishop, and a towne likewise named Iucatan, where there dwell a few Spanyards.
The Gouernour departed from Nondacao toward Soacatino, and in fiue daies iournie came to a Prouince called Aays.
The fourth day after his departure from Aguacay he came to the first habitation of a prouince called Amaye.
Yorke should be euer subiect to the archbishop of Canturburie, and come with all the bishops of his prouince to what place soeuer the archbishop of Canturburie should summon any councell within the realme of England.
And Southeast and by South from Lappia lyeth a prouince called Corelia, and these people are called Kerilli.
Sidenote: Preests of theprouince of Canturburie suspended.
Also to the prouince of Sussex he ordeined one Bernegus, and to Dorchester for the prouince of Mercia one Cenulfus.
Cedda, and assigning vnto him another priest to be his associat, sent them vnto the prouince of the Eastsaxons, there to preach the christian faith vnto the people.
In old time he onelie was called marquesse, Qui habuit terram limitaneam, a marchingprouince vpon the enimies countries, and thereby bound to kéepe and defend the frontiers.
The prouince of Canturburie was gouerned touching the ecclesiasticall state by archbishop Tacwine, and bishop Aldwulfe.
Also Inas the king of Westsaxons, about the 20 yeere of his reigne, diuided the prouince of the Westsaxons into two bishops sées, whereas before they had but one.
Sidenote: Britaine the first prouince that receiued the Gospell generallie.
And after this sort they say that Britaine was brought into the forme of a prouince by the Romans, from whom gouernors vnder the name of legats and procurators were sent that had the rule of it.
King Vulfhere being informed of Seghers apostasie, and how the people in his part of the prouince of Eastsaxons were departed from the [Sidenote: Bishop Iaruman or Iaroman.
Which Tyre is a very ancient Citie, the Metropolis of all Phoenicia, and hath bene accompted the chiefest Prouince of Syria, both for fruitful commodities and multitude of inhabitants.
Thus became Britaine the first prouincethat generallie receiued the faith, and where the gospell was freelie preached without inhibition of hir prince.
In old time he onelie was called marquesse, Qui habuit terram limitaneam, a marching prouince vpon the enimies countries, and thereby bound to keepe and defend the frontiers.
Hitherto of the prouince of Canturburie, for so much therof as now lieth within the compasse of this Iland.
I then demanded what prouince did he gouerne that needeth such an officer.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prouince" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.