Whilest the king was yet thus in speech, either armie so maligned the other, being as then in open sight, that eueris man cried; Forward, forward.
Whilest the siege laie there, and before the towne was entred, the duke of Bedford came thither vnto the king, bringing with him a faire retinue of soldiers out of England.
Whilest the king was thus occupied about his warres in Normandie, the Scots in great number, entring England, wasted the countrie with fire and sword whersoeuer they came.
In the meane time, whilest the watch was departed, and before other were come into their places to relieue it, the Englishmen setting vp their ladders, entered and brake open one of the gates to receiue the other that followed.
To whom the Palmer thus, The donghill kind Delights in filth and foule incontinence: 8 Let Grill be Grill, and haue his hoggish mind, But let vs hence depart, whilest wether serues and wind.
It fortuned, whilest thus she stifly stroue, And the wide sea importuned long space 8 With shrilling shriekes, Proteus abrode did roue, Along the fomy waues driuing his finny droue.
Whilest Antoninus thus negligentlie looked to his charge, the Britains began a new rebellion, not onlie those that were latelie ioined in league with the emperour, but the other also which were subjects to the Romane empire.
Thus haue ye heard with what successe the Britains mainteined warre in defense of their libertie against the Romans, whilest Claudius ruled the empire (according to the report of the Romane writers.
Which thingewhilest they do saye / they do not thincke this with themselues / that all synnes haue their proper wieght and burthen.
If therfor satisfaction be not made whilest a man is in this lyfe / he shall do it / when he is goone out this lyfe.
Wherfore Christian princes / whilest they do suffer them in their dominions / they owghte no otherwise to suffer them / then vpon suche condicyons as are aboue rehersed.
Whilest Moses with the Israelites abode, Thou seemdst content to worship Moses' God: But since he went & since thy master fell, Thou foundst a golden calf would do as well.
But thou noe party ever shalt adorn, To thy own shame & Nature's scandall borne: All shun alike thy ugly outward part, Whilest none have right or title to thy heart.
Off with the Crowne; and with the Crowne, his Head, And whilest we breathe, take time to doe him dead Clifford.
Now the hungry Lyons rores, And the Wolfe beholds the Moone: Whilest the heauy ploughman snores, All with weary taske fore-done.
He meanes, my Lord, that we are too remisse, Whilest Bullingbrooke through our securitie, Growes strong and great, in substance and in friends Rich.
A Crowne for Yorke; and Lords, bow lowe to him: Hold you his hands, whilest I doe set it on.
Eaten with Rats, Whilest he was living, for the wrong he did Unto the poore, the branches of our God.
And an Emperour die by the scratch of a combe, whilest he was combing his head?
I would have a man to be doing, and to prolong his lives offices as much as lieth in him, and let death seize upon me whilest I am setting my cabiges, carelesse of her dart, but more of my unperfect garden.
First, for that he had wrongfullie holden that bishoprike, whilestthe archbishop Robert was liuing.
In this meane time, and whilest king William was thus occupied in rooting out the English, Malcolme king of Scotland had wasted the countries of Theisedale, Cleueland, and the lands of S.
Whilest the old man falleth downe to worshippe the deuill, his sonne speedily shooting an arrow at the spirit so appearing, strooke a Foxe in stead of a man so suddenly was that shape altered.
If you then intend to enjoy for your portion a Kingdom hereafter, adhere not to the allurements of Vice; for she will soon perswade you to be an unthrift, to sell your Inheritance whilest it is but in Reversion.
Being over-perswaded with my protestations and vows to that purpose, she admitted me to sit down and discourse with her whilest she performed the office of a Milk-maid.
My Master all this while was breathing his last at both ends, whilest my Mistress leap’d out of Bed, and came to my Chamber door, bidding me in all haste to rise, for there were Thieves in the house.
Whilest he was gone, I took out the chiefest things and put in rubbish, or what I could get, and so lockt it again.
Shortly after their comming out of the Stoue, whilestthey were at breakfast, M.
I caus'd my 3 men to come out of my canoo & to stay ashore with 2 Englishmen whilest I went on board with the Captain.
Gather therefore the Rose whilest yet is prime, For soone comes age that will her pride deflowre; Gather the Rose of love whilest yet is time, Whilest loving thou mayst loved be with equall crime.
This night he counts the end of his renowne, The sence of feeling, she feeles by his power, And like a subiect yeelds to his request, Whilest Mahomet a virgin doth deflower.
No flattery within this breast shall lurke: For that to Princes eares is now grown common Whilest Mahomet to haue his pleasure fed, Doth loose the worlds sway for a fickle woman.
They contemn one another, and yet they seek to please one another: and whilest they seek to surpass one another in worldly pomp and greatness, they most debase and prostitute themselves in their better part one to another.
Or should it be so, that the light of a candle indeed is still bright and lightsome until it be put out: and should truth, and righteousness, and temperance cease to shine in thee whilest thou thyself hast any being?
These nine particular heads, as so many gifts from the Muses, see that thou remember well: and begin one day, whilest thou art yet alive, to be a man indeed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whilest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.