The Mexicans yeare is thrée hundered sixtie dayes, for they haue in their yere eightéene monethes, and euery moneth contayneth twentie dayes.
Whose Sangiacks and petie Captaines be three hundred sixtie eight, euery of which retaining continually in pay from fiue hundreth to two hundreth Souldiers, may be one with another at the least, three hundreth thousand persons.
There are to the number of fiftie or sixtie inhabitants, which are Greekes, and they liue chiefly on milke and cheese.
He say farther, that a Tunne of the sassafras of Florida is solde in Spaine for sixtie ducates: and that they haue there great store of Turkie cocks, of Beanes, of Peason, and that there are great store of pearles.
M64) Wee continued our course so farre to the Southwest, that wee brought ourselues into the latitude of fourtie foure degrees and an half, hauing sayled fiftie or sixtie leagues to the Southwest of Cape Briton.
He commanded his men to goe prouided with Maiz for sixtie leagues of desert.
M63) While wee lay foure leagues South of Cape Briton wee sounded and had sixtie fathomes black ozie ground.
Dutch men, sixtie of Spaniards, sixe of high Germans, and seuen bands of English fugitiues, vnder the conduct of sir William Stanley an English knight.
The sixt ship named Utrecht of the burden of two hundreth andsixtie tuns.
The fift was called Zeelandia, of the burden of three hundreth and sixtie tuns.
From the place where these two riuers are diuided, that is to say, from the mouth of Paraguai are sixtie leagues vnto the citie of Assumption.
Also Signor Ioffo Dore my father in law doeth intende to put into my handes the whole Ingenio with sixtie or seuentie slaues, and thereof to make me factor for vs both.
From the sayd Northwest sunne vntill foure of the clocke in the morning (21) North and by East ten leagues and a halfe: and then Northnortheast vntill a South sunne, the latitude being sixtie nine degrees, and a halfe.
Munday (13) I sent a man to the maine in Gabriels boat and he brought vs aboord 8 barricoes of fresh water: the latitude of the said Morgiouets is sixtie eight degrees and a terce.
Friday (17) I went on shoare and obserued the variation of the Compasse, which was three degrees and a halfe from the North to the West: the latitude this day was, sixtie nine degrees ten minutes.
Then we discouered certaine Islands, called Heilick Islands, lying from vs Northeast, being in the latitude of sixtie sixe degrees, 40 minutes.
From that vntill Wednesday (20) a South sunne Northnortheast, except the first watch Northeast: then had we the latitude in sixtie seuen degrees, thirtie nine minutes.
Next I find, that aboutsixtie yeeres from the landing of Hengist, [Anno Do.
And where in other places we were much troubled with yce, as in the entrance of the same, so after we had sayled fiftie or sixtie leagues therein we had no let of yce or other thing at all, as in other places we found.
The rest of the Fleete following the course of the Generall which led them the way, passing vp aboue sixtieleagues [Sidenote: The coast along the Southside of Gronland 60 leagues.
Whereupon they caused the Carpenters and Masons to come before them, and demanded in what time they would take vpon them to erect vp a lesse house for sixtie men.
Then Captaine Fenton seeing the scarcitie of the necessary things aforesayd, was contented, and offred himselfe to inhabite there with sixtie men.
From whence he went to Rochell, within the which at that present was the said Sauerie de Mauleon with seuentie knights, and Richard Graie, with Geffrey Neuill, who had in their retinue sixtie knights.
King Edward to withstand their malice, had rigged and furnished foorthsixtie ships of warre, with the which he himselfe went to the water, [Sidenote: Simon Dun.
When wheat is sold for two shillings, manchet shall wey sixtie shillings, and cheat foure pound.
She was laden with "sixtie thousand pezos of golde, and much victuals.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sixtie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.