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Example sentences for "little gray"

  • Passing over what might or might not have been a link in the true, weird history of our bodiless tenant, I leap a chasm of a dozen years to wind up the tale of the “little gray lady,” so far as it bears directly upon our family.

  • And now we are going home, little Gray Goose.

  • Little Gray Mouse, "who is afraid of a bear?

  • So Mrs. Robin called to the children to come and hear Robert Robin tell the story of the Great White Bear and the Little Gray Mouse.

  • Whenever Horace caught one of the horses which acted obstinately, and would not be led, he immediately threw him to the ground, put a saddle and bridle on him, and gave me Little Gray to take care of.

  • The new horse being a small gray, we named him "Little Gray.

  • Little gray messenger, Robed like painted Death, Your robe is dust.

  • Among lilies and closed buds At dusk, Whom do you seek, Little gray messenger, Robed in the awful panoply Of painted Death?

  • There are a lot of little gray rocks on the altar.

  • Little gray one of the black cap has likes for suet.

  • The other egg I could not take because when I did kneel to pray, in some way it did roll out of the bucket, and before I was through my prayers a little gray rock by my hand just rolled off the altar and met the egg.

  • She came fluttering in a minute late from her tea; and right after her came the little gray wisp of a woman, who sat down in a chair by the door so unpretentiously as to make it appear as though she did not belong among them.

  • As she was speaking a little gray wisp of a woman detached herself from the group and moved slowly down the row of cots.

  • Then came a little gray-haired faery with a nosegay of Thoughts-for-other-folks, all dried and ready to put away like sweet lavender.

  • In the house left by the Richest Trustee a little gray wisp of a woman sat huddled in a great carved chair close to the hearth, thinking and thinking and thinking.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little gray" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    conspicuous part; little beyond; little business; little chance; little disappointed; little doubt; little dove; little dreaming; little east; little face; little fine; little frightened; little golden; little jelly; little land; little lard; little niece; little puss; little puzzled; little salt and cayenne; little silver; little table; little tired; little walk; little wife; little wonder