It was penalty for bloodshed--not in this world: penalty eternal in the next; and one slight figure under the dips staggered suddenly aside into the darkness.
God," each guest takes a bit of bread, dipsit in the honey and butter, and eats it.
He dipshis hands into the mud, and eats several handfuls thereof.
The sacrificer dips his hand in the blood of the animal, and impresses the blood on his palms on the wall near the door leading to the room in which the pots are kept.
Since the Hatteras well is only 17 miles from the continental slope, it seems reasonable to project the dips to the continental slope.
The several holes drilled in the vicinity revealed remarkably constant dips over a wide area.
Who can call any man friend that dips in the same dish with him?
The boy now fancies all the danger o'er, 70 And innocently sports about the shore, Playful and wanton to the stream he trips, And dips his foot, and shivers as he dips.
He gently marched along, and by degrees Left the dry meadow, and approached the seas; Where now he dips his hoofs and wets his thighs, Now plunges in, and carries off the prize.
To the cold water oft he joins his lips, Oft catching at the beauteous shade he dips His arms, as often from himself he slips.
The aquifer dips toward the region of the wells from higher ground, where it outcrops and receives its water.
Into this composition the "dipper" dips the bundle of matches, and in doing so he is forced to inhale the vapour given off, which is strongly charged with phosphoric acid, the effect of which upon him is sometimes most disastrous.
The motion given by the hand alternately dips these fine points into a tray of varnish, and then into each succeeding line of caps.
The sacrificer dips his hands in the blood of the animal, and impresses the blood on his palms on the wall near the door leading to the room in which the pots are kept.
The husband next dips his hands into a plate of milk three times, each time placing his wet hand on the wall.
The Jemadar dips his finger in the pitcher of blood, and afterwards touches the sugar and calls out loudly, 'If I have embezzled any money may Bhagwan punish me'; and each dacoit in turn pronounces the same sentence.
I know the countries where the white moons burn, And heavy star on star Dips on the pale and crystal desert hills.
At first, the roaddips rather abruptly, then rises to =Vrigny=.
The road dips down to Mailly-Champagne, at the entrance to which village turn to the right into the Rue Gambetta, then to the left into the Rue de Ludes (G.
The weight dips into one limb of a U-shaped glass tube (U), which contains mercury.
Next the direction of magnetization of the needle is reversed by stroking it a number of times with two strong permanent magnets, when the other end of the needle dips and the above four sets of readings are repeated.
It projects back as a great tongue-like structure over the roof of the fourth ventricle, while in front it dips downwards and projects under the roof of the mid-brain forming a highly characteristic valvula cerebelli.
To replace the air thus lost, fresh air passes in through the holes in the bottom of the incubator, and on its way must pass through the pores of the damp canvas which dips into the water in the zinc tray (Z).
Within the cylinder is a bell (B), the lower and open end of which dips under the glycerine-water mixture.
Around the raised cylinder is a wide trough containing water and into this dips a canvas cloth which is stretched out over a perforated zinc support (F).
Frequently a transverse fold of the roof dips down into the III.
In winter the surface of Tso-mavang falls 20 inches beneath the ice, which consequently is cracked and fissured, and dips from the shore; but Langak-tso sinks only one or two thirds of an inch.
Tundup is as pale as he can be with a sun-tanned skin; Shukkur Ali seems composed, but he does not sing to-day as he dips in his oar.
Rehim Ali's oar gives me a splash as it dips in, but I am soon dry again in the wind.
Westwards the bed seems quite level, but actually it rises slowly and evenly to a flat culmination, on the other side of which it dips down towards the Indus.
The road dips with some suddenness into a deep glen, dark with pine and beech forests; large rhododendrons and the Azalea pontica forming a dense undergrowth.
The conjurer then brings forward two slates, and in order to get them thoroughly clean wipes them with a small sponge which he dips into the jug of water.
Then, displaying his empty hand to the audience, he dips it into the water and takes out a handful of the wet sands and holds it up so that the audience can see it.
In that case he dips his hand into a bag, takes out a handful of sand, and lets it trickle back into the bag.
Once more he dips his hand into the bowl and takes it out closed.
He dips a little sponge into the jug of water and sponges over the slate which is facing the audience; the slate is turned over and the other side is washed.
The conjurer, having turned up his sleeves, dips his right hand into the water, and stirs it up.
The more dipsgiven to obtain a fixed shade, the faster will be the yarn to washing and rubbing.
Between dips add Stock Solution as required, if the vat goes blue and turbid add 3 to 4 fluid ozs.
The bunolero, with the swift precision of machinery, dips his hand into the bowl and makes a delicate ring of the tough dough, which he throws into the bubbling caldron.
The father dips his wooden spoon first into the vapory bowl, and mother and babes follow with grave decorum.
When drinking, it dips its paw, curved into the shape of a spoon, into the water, and thus brings the liquid to its mouth.
After a considerable number ofdips it alighted on a twig near at hand, and commenced pluming its feathers.
You look out on a wide smiling grass country, with dips and swales, and brushy river bottoms, and long slopes and hills thrusting up in masses from down below the horizon, and singly here and there in the immensities nearer at hand.
As we penetrated it, however, we found the bushes were more or less scattered, while in the wide, shallowdips between the undulations were open grassy meadows.
A moment, and he strikes, the spear making the water flash as it dips swiftly in.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dips" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.