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Example sentences for "sipos"

Lexicographically close words:
sip; siphon; siphonal; siphoned; siphons; sipped; sippet; sippets; sipping; sips
  1. The breeze, not felt below, stirred in the topmost branches, setting the twisted and looped sipos in motion, which creaked and groaned in a great variety of notes.

  2. The sipos might serve well enough for rope; but the timber won't do, even if we had an axe to cut it down.

  3. Besides making the new belts, therefore, Munday had mended the old ones, giving all the shells an additional coating of caoutchouc, and strengthening the sipos that attached them to one another.

  4. As soon as he saw that the eyes of his sentinels were no longer upon him, he wriggled himself out of the sipos with as much ease as if he had been an eel, and, sliding gently from the log, swam off.

  5. All he wants here is the sap of that tree, and some of the sipos clinging to its branches.

  6. Tied hand and foot by the toughest sipos that could be procured, he was also further secured by being fastened to the monguba.

  7. Our adventurers passed a tolerable night among the sipos of the seringa.

  8. These were of a peculiar sort,--the true sipos of the South American forest, which serve for all purposes of cordage, ropes ready made by the hand of Nature.

  9. We made, however, but slow progress, as in many places the sipos which had overgrown the path had to be cut way to allow of our passage through the forest.

  10. Fastening sipos to it, they accordingly dragged it away.

  11. Unless we clear away those sipos we shall be unable to get there.

  12. While some of the party hewed at the trunk, others climbed the neighbouring trees to cut away the festoons of sipos and other creepers which might impede its fall.

  13. The walls were formed by interweaving sipos between the uprights, a space being left for ventilation.

  14. Sometimes we got a few feet without impediment, and then had to cut away the sipos for several yards.

  15. Get the axe from Duppo and hand it to me; I must cut away some sipos and bushes, and then we shall get there.

  16. They then, fastening some sipos round the bodies, dragged them and the hog to the camp.

  17. Sometimes we passed through wooded regions, where the giant trees, falling from age, remained suspended in the network of sipos or wild vines, which hung from the branches of their neighbours.

  18. We were close to the edge of the river, though so thickly grew the tangled sipos and the underwood that we could only occasionally get glimpses of it.

  19. The whole machine we strengthened by passing long sipos round it, and thus in a short time had a buoyant and sufficiently strong raft to carry us safely, we hoped, down the igarape.

  20. Going a few yards further on, there was John himself, seated high up on the bough of a tree, to which numerous sipos hung.

  21. Mr. Sipos passed by his own dwelling three times before he knew that he had reached home, so confused was he by what he had just learnt.

  22. In a word Mr. Sipos declined to have anything more to do with the Lapussa family or its affairs.

  23. Mr. Sipos was completely beaten; you might have knocked him down with a feather.

  24. Henrietta thanked him sincerely, but said she would rather take it to Pest herself in order that she might have a long confidential talk with Mr. Sipos personally about her poor brother.

  25. When Mr. Sipos got home he went straight up to the room of his young protegé.

  26. Mr. Sipos in a tone of friendly familiarity; "did the doctor call to see you to-day?

  27. Mr. Sipos was therefore not very much surprised when one day he received a commission from the baroness's agent to pay over the forty thousand florins in question to a financial agent at Pest.

  28. Mr. Sipos bowed and promised to carry out the mournful commission.

  29. Mr. Sipos was also present, he had been told all about the business.

  30. So Mr. John made a rattling good profit out of the transaction and Henrietta in return for her generosity had to pay up in cash as Mr. Sipos had shrewdly anticipated she would have to do all along.

  31. Palm-trees of various species prevailed; there was no underwood, or it had been destroyed by water, but the sipos or vines hung in dense masses among the upper branches.

  32. We met, also, several floating islands, composed of trunks of trees bound together by their branches, and interwoven by sipos or long vines.

  33. Here the underwood is less dense, the sipos retiring to weave their tracery among the upper branches alone.

  34. But the examination of Sipos was beginning.

  35. Though I did not see them I know what their names were, for I heard the castellan address them as Sipos and Nagy.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sipos" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.