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Example sentences for "siphonal"

Lexicographically close words:
sinuses; sions; sios; sip; siphon; siphoned; siphons; sipos; sipped; sippet
  1. Siphonal notch of the shell occupied by the siphonal fold of the mantle-skirt (Siphonochlamyda).

  2. Siphonal notch of the mouth of the shell.

  3. Prolonged siphonal notch of the shell occupied by the siphon, or trough-like process of the mantle-skirt.

  4. Probe passed into the superior division of the sub-pallial chamber through the excurrent siphonal notch, and issuing by the side of the foot into the inferior division of the sub-pallial chamber.

  5. The upper space (i) communicates with the outer world by the excurrent or superior siphonal notch of the mantle (fig.

  6. A probe (g) is introduced through this slit-like passage, and it is seen to pass out by the excurrent siphonal notch.

  7. It is through this passage, or indirectly through the pores of the gill-plates, that the water introduced into the lower sub-pallial space must pass on its way to the excurrent siphonal notch.

  8. Animal removed from its shell, a probe g passed into the sub-pallial chamber through the excurrent siphonal notch.

  9. The food of the Anodonta, as of other Lamellibranchs, consists of microscopic animal and vegetable organisms, brought to the mouth by the stream which sets into the sub-pallial chamber at the lower siphonal notch (e in fig.

  10. In Anodonta these pallial tentacles are confined to a small area surrounding the inferior siphonal notch (fig.

  11. As a rule, the lamellibranchiate molluscs have both valves united, and many of them, such as Mya arenaria, stand with the siphonal end upward, as when in a living state.

  12. The mantle lobes of the animal are not united on the ventral side, but at the posterior end they are continuous, except where they form one or two siphonal openings.

  13. The mantle of the animal is open in front, and the siphonal tubes are united and fringed.

  14. The mantle lobes are united in front, except where the sucker-like foot passes through them; the gills are long and narrow, and extend into the siphonal tube; and the two very long siphons are united almost throughout their length.

  15. The mantle lobes of the animal are united only at a point between the two siphonal openings.

  16. The mantle lobes are united on the posterior side by means of a kind of curtain that is pierced by two siphonal openings.

  17. The mantle lobes are united behind, where they form a single siphonal opening; and the margins are double, with a row of eye-like spots on the inner edge of each.

  18. Described as having the hinge edge smooth like Iridina, but having a "sharp siphonal inflexion.

  19. The posterior or hinder part of a bivalve shell, is that in which the siphonal tube of the animal is placed.

  20. The name applied by Mr. Gray, to the opening or winding sinus in the palleal impression of a bivalve shell, in the place where the siphonal tube of the animal passes.

  21. If in passing, it takes a bend inwards posteriorly, it is said to be sinuated, and that part is called by Mr. Gray, the Siphonal scar.

  22. The oval "aperture for the siphonal artery" is seen to the left of c', and the right-hand style in Fig.

  23. Between the ovario-cardiac ligament and this process lies the small oval aperture already described by Professor Owen, which gives passage to the siphonal artery.

  24. In /Buccinum/ this is merely a notch, but in /Fulgur/ the siphonal canal of the shell is much longer.

  25. Indeed, the fusion of the mantle-edges may become almost complete; but it always leaves the siphonal openings and a third opening through which the foot may be extended.

  26. Besides the siphonal openings at the end of the long projection to the left, the only other opening is the very small orifice marked "2," for the accommodation of a small, insignificant foot.

  27. The foot is longitudinally grooved, and there is a rudimentary siphonal fold in the mantle.

  28. The mantle-edges are quite freely open to the siphonal region and are highly papillate and waved.

  29. On the right side is the siphonal groove, which is much more clearly defined in the Siphonaria australis (Fig.

  30. The siphonal groove can be seen on the upper side of the figure.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "siphonal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.