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Example sentences for "rumour"

Lexicographically close words:
rummy; rumor; rumored; rumores; rumors; rumoured; rumours; rump; rumped; rumple
  1. Naturally, therefore, rumour had had it all her own way, and in Germany the general pessimism was undoubtedly fostered by the medical profession.

  2. Rumour has analysed and interpreted the dream.

  3. So far as I know rumour has not hitherto been investigated in this new capacity.

  4. They that speak without intelligence started the rumour that it was at La Trappe.

  5. And in all the rumour and storm, the master sits at the keyboard but does not play.

  6. And rumour went even further and said that no one would give me money and that I might have to break up and go out of business.

  7. Last year the best-liked rumour was that we were down in Wall Street hunting for money.

  8. There was a rumour that I did and, although I had never before been in contact with one, I undertook and carried through the job.

  9. Indeed, she told me that she had actually without any help made the ravishing suit of khaki in which she started for the front, having cut it out and set to work at the first rumour of trouble with the natives.

  10. But it was reported, though the rumour was most vague, that the temple had been burnt by means of Asclepiades the philosopher, of whom we have made mention while relating the actions of Magnentius.

  11. It is uncertain what share Gloucester had in his brother's death; but soon after the event the rumour gained ground that Clarence had been drowned in a butt of malmsey wine.

  12. Galeazzo promised with his daughter being exaggerated by the rumour of the time.

  13. Jean Jullien considers himself, if rumour speaks true, in no sense a revolutionist.

  14. On his return to Upsala, in the autumn, a rumour got abroad, an ugly rumour, which hung over the town like a black cloud.

  15. A second child, which was born about the same time, disturbed it still more and, to make matters worse, a rumour of the fatal accident was spreading through the town.

  16. It was said that Theodore Wennerstroem, in a paroxysm of passion had assaulted one of his friends, and the rumour did not lie.

  17. From village to village the rumour will fly that his own son has risen against his poisoner of a father at the head of the people, has cut to pieces every member of his family, and levelled his ancestral halls to the ground.

  18. A blind rumour has begun to circulate among the masses to the effect that the gentry are about to poison their peasants en masse.

  19. And then a still more terrible rumour began to raise aloft its dragon-like head.

  20. At the same time we mean to make a great fuss, and spread the rumour that the plague is spreading from the neighbouring states, and will be mortal to many.

  21. In those days very little was known among us of railways beyond the rumour (the newspapers mentioned it as a sort of curiosity) that a certain Englishman, called William Griffiths, wanted to make a wheel-track of iron.

  22. A hectic and grotesque rumour even whispered that Mr. Goebel's gallant hold on life had slipped before the credentials could be placed in his weakened hand--and that the oath was solemnly administered to a dead body.

  23. Those were days of tension and rumblings in the craters, and one day the rumour was born that the vote of Marlin County was to be counted out.

  24. The following day, when the rumour spread that two rich strangers had come, ready to lavish their gold, a crowd besieged their dwelling; but the figures of those who came out were widely different.

  25. Revenge, you gods, this Rumour craves, This blood and bloody shame.

  26. Since, as rumour asserts, I am to become his wife, it certainly befits me to inform myself of his antecedents, in order that I may be a true and sustaining helpmate to him.

  27. Rumour has credited me with having aspired to the command of this force, but erroneously so.

  28. The rumour that we were engaged to be married caused alarm amounting to consternation in certain circles.

  29. I need not have been afraid, for this was just the kind of rumour that challenged his insolent indifference to the public and the Press.

  30. The rumour of my engagement caused a sensation in the East-end of London as well as the West.

  31. Rumour said that many of these women were starving, and judging by the voracious manner in which they tackled pedestrians openly on the streets at night there was ample ground for that belief.

  32. Immediately we were all excitement, for the rumour had been current that we might be there for several days.

  33. I thought--rumour had it at college--that your affections were in process of transition when you graduated.

  34. Beside, he had become quite famous in political life in his adopted country, and rumour had it that he might have been President of the United States had he not been born in Canada.

  35. Rumour is always rife, and is seldom correct, concerning Mr. Stanley.

  36. Saat Tato reported that there were about twenty of them stealing plantains which belonged to the natives of Indepuya, who were probably deterred from defending their property by the rumour of our presence in the woods.

  37. I fear to send them by my boat, lest you should start from your place upon some native rumour of our having arrived here, and you should miss her.

  38. I may say they began sooner; for in the morning after his arrival, when Margaret was in my room, she fell to questioning me about the truth of the rumour that had reached the kitchen.

  39. So I explained to the supervisor that I was a busy man, although the rumour which ascribed to my shoulders the War Office, the Timber Control and the L.

  40. Shall I shrink For fear of idle Rumour wagging her chin?

  41. They tell me that I had two sisters, Tsarevnas, and that the truant whirlwind carried them away, and that the rumour of them vanished as if it were covered with snow.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rumour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.