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Example sentences for "fader"

Lexicographically close words:
faddists; fade; fadeaway; faded; fadeless; faders; fades; fadeth; fading; fadir
  1. Lily wouldn't run and tell French that her fader was coming to gain victory?

  2. Quhethir a Clerk suld erar help his Fader or his Bischop, and he haue were.

  3. And I pray you, send me sum tydyngis as sone as ye may after that ye be comyn to London, how your fader spedyth and your brother in here materes.

  4. Reverend fader in God, I recomaunde me to you.

  5. Dewk will be bond in as moch to prove the contrary; and I wot weel the seyd Dewkis Cowncell wil not claym the seyd maner be the tytill of the fader of the seyd William Pool.

  6. Sir, as I am enfourmed, ye sent me wourde how that my fader was dede long tyme passed, and also ye desired to knowe my titylle of ryght.

  7. I wold ye shuld send me word howghe ye doo, and howghe ye have schevyfte for yourself syn ye departyd hens, be som trosty man, and that your fader have no knowlage therof.

  8. Item, as for your fader ys wyll, I wold ye shold take ryght gode counsell therin, as I am enformyd it may be prevyd, thogh no man take no charge thys twelfmonth.

  9. Lady, if your fader wull aggrey therto I hold me right wele pleasyd; for I wuld be right clad that she shuld do her servyse be for any other, if she cowde do that shuld pleas my ladyes good grace.

  10. Your fader thowght, and thynkyth yet, that I was asentyd to your departyng, and that hathe causyd me to have gret hevinesse.

  11. And as my fust is ful hand Y-holden togideres; So is the Fader a ful God, Formour and shappere.

  12. And is noght but gendre of a generacion Bifore Jhesu Crist in hevene; So is the fader forth with the sone, And fre wille of bothe.

  13. Ac Pharisees and Sarzens, Scribes and Jewes, Arn folk of oon feith, The fader God thei honouren.

  14. And the fader of the freres Defouled her soules, That was the dyggyng devel, That dreccheth men ofte.

  15. Unto my fader gladly wil I wende, go And with him duelle unto my lyves ende.

  16. Byforn the folk hirselven strippith sche, herself And in hir smok, with heed and foot al bare, head and feet Toward hir fader house forth is she fare.

  17. He calls yer to be a fader to her; an' from dis day yer is her fader--'member dat.

  18. Pears like de Lord has got more work for Fader Abram," he said simply; and shortly after he found a way to do the Lord's work.

  19. My fader give it me, and his fader give it him, but now who shall I give it to?

  20. See, we all worka in da mine, da coal mine, me an' my fader an' Gianni.

  21. Broder and fader day stay der, on da floor, an so quieta, lika dead, an' den dey come an lay downa in ma bed.

  22. Ma fader him no wanna trouble; him old man, no boder nobody.

  23. You know watta for ma fader an' Gianni come outa da grave?

  24. Jesu Cristo, me see ma poor broder in da cella 'ere, an' den me fader he come.

  25. After what seemed to me an interminable time I heard a slight rustling sound, and almost at the same moment there was a hand upon my arm, and directly after a warm pair of lips upon my ear: "Jimmy no find um fader yet!

  26. Iss, Jimmy fader dead, little pickaninny boy; Jimmy go look for him, find him dere.

  27. Lots a do find um fader all over big country.

  28. Jimmy want go 'cross sea find him fader bad.

  29. Jimmy find Mass Joe fader right 'long this way," cried the black.

  30. Mass Joe find um fader all along," said the black.

  31. To þe king~ he goþ to take his leue, And his Fader bade him byleue.

  32. To mi fader ihc bidde mi bone Þ{a}t he for[gh]iue hit hem welsone.

  33. She young and strong; her fader say she good to work.

  34. O, fader he like the old, and Jacob is old, thirty year!

  35. Dey say," interjected a young ragamuffin, "dat Fader Letheby is going to take Simon Barry into his new choir.

  36. My fader give me to him when I picaninny.

  37. At a merchauntes house in London there was a mayde whiche was great with chylde, to whom the maystres of the house cam, and comaunded[79] her to tell her who was the fader of the chylde.

  38. Thys wenche perceyued her fader rysinge, [and] cam to the gentylman and sayde: take hede syr to your selfe: for my fader comyth.

  39. Why, quod the maystres, it is not possyble but som man is the fader thereof?

  40. It fortunyd than that one of hys frendys came to hym, and sayd he was sory that he had wasted so moch, and askyd hym how he wolde performe hys promyse made to hys fader that he wolde kepe one to syng for hym.

  41. But than because of the sauour of the draught it causyd hym to coughe moche more and louder, that the wenchys fader herde it, and askyd of hys daughter what man it was that coughed in her chamber.

  42. But euer this yong man coughed styll more and more, whom the fader herynge sayd: by Goddes body!

  43. Thys wench, than fering her fader that lay in the next chamber, bad hym go put hys hede in the draught, lest that her fader shold here hym: whych after her councel rose in his shyrte, and so dyd.

  44. Ther saw I graven eek how he, His fader eek, and his meynee, With his shippes gan to sayle 195 Toward the contree of Itaile, As streight as that they mighte go.

  45. This is the meed of loving and guerdon That Medea received of Iasoun Right for her trouthe and for her kindenesse, That loved him better than her-self, I gesse, 1665 And lafte her fader and her heritage.

  46. And helples so, that, or that she fer wente, Her cruel fader dide her for to hente.

  47. At shorte wordes, right so Demophon The same wey, the same path hath gon (70) That dide his false fader Theseus.

  48. And to my fader shal I senden here 2050 This worthy man, that is now your gaylere, And, him to guerdon, that he shal wel be Oon of the grettest men of my contree.

  49. And thou hedis not the harme of that hend lady, Ne tentes not thy trouth that thou tynt has; Soche a maiden to mar that the most louet, That forsec hir fader and hir fre londe.

  50. But unwist of her fader is she goon To Tessaly, with duk Iasoun her leef, That afterward hath broght her to mescheef.

  51. For Philomene, with salte teres eke, Gan of her fader grace to beseke 2285 To seen her suster, that her longeth so; And him embraceth with her armes two.

  52. But sooth is this, the quene hath mad swich chere Un-to this child, that wonder is to here; And of the present that his fader sente She thanked him ful ofte, in good entente.

  53. Tak heed what I thy fader sey thee here, And werk after thy wyser ever-mo.

  54. Wherefore I counsaile yoᶙ, my fader dere, To have mynde of Sir Ferumbras.

  55. I don't care now vot dey takes, I will valks home and tells fader and moder dot I lost it, den won't they be mad!

  56. De colt is lost and now dey takes mine gun from me; if I goes back dot way, fader will whip me harder than ever.

  57. Mass' Morgan an' Pomp fader gone down to de boat, and carry big bag somefin to eat.

  58. Yes, sah, and I want um fader to hoe um yam while I go kedge terrupum.

  59. You wait bit--Pomp and um fader get hold you, gib you de 'tick.

  60. Pomp and um fader see some fis' good to eat," said the boy.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fader" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.