Washington Irving's claim to rank in the first class of historians may be dismissed on other grounds.
With a certain allowance for variations to be accounted for on other grounds, these traditions are determined, more or less rigidly, by the pecuniary plane of life of the class.
Conspicuous wastefulness does not directly afford ground for variation and growth, but conformity to its requirements is a condition to the survival of such innovations as may be made on other grounds.
But it is, on other grounds, worth noting that the term "waste" in the language of everyday life implies deprecation of what is characterized as wasteful.
This is more particularly true as regards certain luxuries, the use of which by the dependent class would detract sensibly from the comfort or pleasure of their masters, or which are held to be of doubtful legitimacy on other grounds.
The reality of those experiences, or states of being, which constitute experimental or spiritual religion, rests on other grounds.
Considerable assumption, however, underlay the pleasing simplicity of the correlation on other grounds, consequent not so much upon any lack of astronomic knowledge as, curiously, upon a dearth of knowledge of ourselves.
The fact that impregnation mainly consists in the union of two nuclei gives an importance to the nucleus which would probably not have been accorded to it on other grounds.
The most that can reasonably be contended for is that super-normal occurrences of this kind may possess a certain corroborative value in support of a Revelation claiming to be accepted on other grounds.
If, on internal or other grounds, there is cause to believe they have any higher authority, that will be another matter.
On other grounds, he was ultimately deposed; [1534] but the ferment of heresy was great.
Their destruction, on other grounds, does not seem to have altered the conditions for the thinkers; but Haroun's incompetent son Emin was a devotee and persecutor.
On other grounds, too, a removal to London was advisable or necessary.
London property, the House of Commons would look farther into his case, and he might have more to pay on other grounds.
And, as on other grounds we may consider Hesiod to represent the Pelasgian side of the Greek mind, we seem justified in referring the distinctive tone of his mythology in some degree to his Pelasgian characteristics.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "other grounds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.