Dinner went off very pleasantly, the wines soon communicating a little confidence to the flustered guests.
Titmouse, just a little flustered as he cut open the string of the parcel.
The Earl of Dreddlington was not a little flustered on seeing the above paragraph; which he read over half a dozen times with increasing excitement.
And he said it must a ben that the Gineral hed got flustered with the sperit and water, and put that 'ere will in among his letters that he was a doin' up to take back to England.
He returned, however, in a short time, and I saw at once by his nervous, flustered manner that something unusual had occurred.
I think he will, though I shall feel a little flusteredevery time he goes out.
She was plainly taken by surprise and was as near to being flustered as the girls had ever seen her.
Now we must go inform the dean," said Terry as she came out, flustered but triumphant.
He would then remark on the warmth of his feeling for Anastasie, and with inflamed cheeks and a loose, flustered smile, debate upon all sorts of topics, and be feebly and indiscreetly witty.
Maud Welsh, Edith thought, might have loved Ann in whatever flustered way she was capable of loving.
Begin with the talk, the flustered moment when Ann came into the apartment a little fogged up with wondering what it was all about.
It is not the accident itself that will cause the guests and the hostess to consider one ill-bred, but continued mention of it and many flustered apologies.
Do not become flustered and excited merely because someone else does not agree with you.
The only person in the church that wasn't the least bitflustered was Miss Penelope.
Sam was a cool-headed man, and nothin' everflustered him.
Although drinking more sake after a banquet's closing round of gohan is normally judged impolite, His Majesty just smiled and thanked their flustered host.
She remembered all the steaming sake and being ignored by flustered bar girls who were pretending that another woman wasn't around.
As he punched the button, his flustered secretary announced that an in-flight call was waiting, channeled through MITI's satellite security link.
There were no troublesome memories in his childish sleep; no token came to him of his brave days at college, of the glittering years when he flustered the hearts of many girls.
Lord Drelincourt, as the good old woman opened the door in a flustered manner, with the kettle in her hands, and dropped an awful courtesy on seeing Lord Drelincourt, whom she instantly recognized.
The earl was too much flustered to observe a knowing wink interchanged among the clerks behind, as soon as they had caught the words "Artificial Rain Company!
Every noise I heardflustered me, but I calmed in time, though I went to my bed without my supper.
Mrs. Devar, too flustered at first to gasp more than an "Oh!
It was simplicity to conclude that a snake was present, but not at all easy to see it, for the flustered birds began to change their manoeuvres directly help was at hand.
Notice 'ow flustered up she got when the coroner asked 'er about that book?
Mr. Barnham gave the appearance of a veryflustered man.
We've just time to wash ourselves and hurry over to supper,' his cousin said, as he overtook them, flustered and very breathless.
Before she had time to conjecture further, the door was opened by a servant man, who seemed rather flustered as the visitor entered quickly, unannounced.
Belton, and although Cardo looked a little flustered and puzzled, the pleasant smile and warm clasp of the hand with which he greeted them showed there was no great depth of distrust or fear in his mind.
They had begun at once to employ upon him the oldest arts known to woman, and he was not flustered or "gauche"--a word Winona had lately learned.
She was a plump, meekly prettyish woman with a quick, flustered manner and a soft voice.
Of course, I was flustered just at first--so sudden and all.
Merle chatted brightly with Winona, with such a man-of-the-world air that she herself became flustered at the memory that she had once been as a mother to him and drenched his handkerchief with perfume on a Sabbath morning.
In and out of the barn it went, Jock in full cry after it, through the hen-run, scattering the flustered fowls screeching in all directions, round and round the yard it leaped rather than ran.
It was the day for the washing to be counted, for one thing, and Lisbeth was always rather flustered in consequence, although the counting of it was all she had to do, as a woman from the village came to do the actual washing.
Merle was hot and flustered at the close of the hour, and closed her books with relief.
Miss Pollard was not there: she was busy in the hostel; and Miss Fanny, looking rather flustered and nervous, had evidently given over the conduct of the meeting to Miss Mitchell, and was present merely as a spectator.
In spite of his flustered state, he made all these exclamations in a carefully suppressed voice, lest the valet should overhear anything.
Then he said to the latter flustered woman, who was putting her cap on, 'Get out with you, and get up-stairs!
She managed that he should precede her through the narrow doorway, into the very presence of the unknown, and chuckled in delight over his sudden, awkward pause, his flustered manner, and his attempt to back out of the little kitchen.