Separatist conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia have been dormant since spring 1994, although political settlements remain elusive.
As a result of this policy, the Separatist church of Canterbury did not have a very good prospect of immediate ability to accept the good-will of the First Church, which went even farther than the resolution cited above.
Yet it is probable that it was Browne's influence which turned Greenwood's puritanical convictions to Separatist principles.
If in his petitions the Separatist demanded only exemption, only that much toleration, in his controversial writings he ably argued the right of all men to full liberty of conscience.
Greenwood had become so enamored with Separatist doctrines, that within five years of his graduation he was deprived of his benefice, in 1586, and sent to prison.
In answer to this, and for the purpose of vindicating the religious practices and opinions of the Separatists, Ebenezer Frothingham, a Separatist minister, took the field in 1750 as the champion of religious liberty.
This contains the famous Separatist Petition to the King in 1756.
Appeal" of eleven Separatist churches to the General Assembly in May, 1770.
A few Separatist churches, a dozen or more, continued the struggle for existence until victory and toleration rewarded them.
In the same year, 1762, the Separatist Israel Holly published a defense of his opinions, quoting freely from Dr.
The two Cleveland brothers, John and Ebenezer, had spent the fall vacation of 1744 [c] with their parents at their home in Canterbury, and by request of their elders had frequented the Separatist church there.
Nor was it till nearly a score of years after the passage of the Missouri Compromise bill that the separatist spirit began to identify itself for good with the idea of the maintenance of slavery.
Tyler had completely identified himself with the Democracy, and especially with its extreme separatist wing, to which Calhoun also belonged, and which had grown so as to be already almost able to take the reins.
Previously to that there had been outbursts of separatist feeling in different states, but always due to entirely different causes.
But before the close of the principate this loose organization had been completely changed as a result of separatist tendencies among the Christians themselves and the increasing official oppression to which they were exposed.
These separatist tendencies were active both in the East and in the West and led to a temporary dissolution of the unity of the Empire.
Governor Bradford says that the first Separatist or Independent Church in England was that of which John Rough, the minister, and Cuthbert Symson, the deacon, were burned alive by Bonner, in the reign of Queen Mary.
Separatist conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia have been dormant for more than two years, although political settlements remain elusive.
The Georgian government has also faced armedseparatist conflicts in the Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions.
Internally, the central government in a number of cases is losing control over resources as separatist regional movements - typically based on ethnicity - gain momentum, e.
In 1832 the Legislature formally incorporated the "Separatist Society of Zoar," and a new constitution, still in force, was signed in the same year.
At Tabriz a separatist movement was beginning to make itself felt with a view to bringing about the union of Persian Azerbaïjan, of which this town is the centre, with the Republic of Azerbaïjan, the capital of which is Baku.
Despite peace talks, a southern separatist group sporadically has clashed with government forces since 1982.
After that period Mr. Clay's policy of compromise prevailed, and the result was that the separatist movement was identified with the maintenance of slavery, and steadily gathered strength.
While he had not shrunk from extreme opposition to the administration during the war, he had kept himself entirely clear from the separatist sentiment of New England in the year 1814.
With the next step, which went outside the Union, and which his friends at home were considering, he would have nothing to do, and he would not countenance any separatist schemes.
His brasileiro was not the caboclo nor the Negro nor the Portuguese; he was already the son of the soil, able to ridicule the separatist pretensions of the three races.
Circumstances, skilfully directed by separatist leaders, had led the Americas to proceed out of what was at first a feeling of patriotism to the royal government to what eventually resulted in embittered wars against it.
To the usual quarrels there was added a new separatist tendency, more serious than that of Galicia had been.
The separatist political crisis of 2002 undermined macroeconomic stability, with the estimated drop in output being subject to a wide margin of error.
This society inspired, watched over and protected the labor of its successor, the Katipunan, the fighting machine of the separatistor filibuster element.
In 1890 he took over the proprietorship of La Solidaridad then published by Marcelo del Pilar for separatist ends.
It is however difficult to distinguish between the filibuster so called, and the true separatist; perhaps the only admissible distinction is that the separatist is a man of peaceful methods whilst the filibuster is a man of struggles.
What Pilar's ambition was, it is hard to say; from his actions and writings one is almost driven to the supposition that he had none in particular, but was led to the separatist labors he performed by force of compromise.
Among the separatist element Pedro Roxas was known as the Emperor Pedro I.
Among this element, separatist ideas spread with marvelous rapidity owing to the peculiarity of the character of the native and of the half-caste, more especially the Chinese half-caste.
It is almost needless to say that this latter was in the minority; later on Pilar suffered a marked change of temperament and became more decidedly separatist than Rizal.
Alice must often have seen William Bradford in the Separatist community at Leyden.
If I succeed in convincing any separatistcritics that the costume and armour in the Iliad are much less like the costume and armour of Ionia in the seventh century B.
Into such minutiae I would not enter, if they were not the main stock of separatist critics.
If we should compare the English Separatist of the seventeenth century with this American Separatist of the nineteenth, we should be in still greater danger of misleading.
It was only to a prophetic genius like the Separatist Roger Williams that it was revealed that civil government had no concern to enforce "the laws of the first table.
With Dale was associated as chaplain Alexander Whitaker, son of the author of the Calvinistic Lambeth Articles, and brother of a Separatist preacher of London.
The ministers had not departed from the Nationalist and anti-Separatist principles enunciated by Higginson from the quarter-deck of the "Talbot.
The Separatist churches formed in New England by the withdrawal of revival enthusiasts from the parish churches in many instances became Baptist.
The conflict that arose was not unlike that which from the beginning of New England history had subsisted between Separatistand Nationalist.
In theory and in practice the bourgeois-dominated planet is divided into economic and political states and spheres of influence, each equipped with the separatist institutions of political sovereignty.
This process of fragmentation is giving separatist forces ascendancy over the forces of integration and unification.
In every case the needed steps take us away from division, from single shot interventions, separatist tendencies and driving ambitions and greeds.
The work began with a widespread Revolutionary and Separatist (Ukrainian) propaganda among the prisoners of war.