He turned the man over, and there met his eyes the cold blue stare and Roman nose and bleeding lips of Allan McLane, apparently returned from the bottom of the river.
The little girl, as if well-born, received his strong stare steadily.
They scarcely showed surprise at being caught, yet their fixed starewas somewhat strained.
By this time the Highlanders were out in the courtyard again--two gigantic figures, grotesque and even fearful in the eyes of Arabs; but there were no Arabs to stare at them now.
Victoria started, and turned fully round to stare at her sister with wide, bright eyes.
Mrs Barclay started and followed Isaac, to stare in wonder at the fine soldierly young fellow, who eagerly asked her a score of questions about Claire and May, and, declining to be questioned in turn, hurried away with troubled mien.
So saying, he stooped, and lifting the unconscious knight, flung him across his shoulder and strode off, leaving the twain to stare upon each other shame-faced.
Being come near, the grim and warlike figure halted, and leaning gauntleted hand upon long shield, stood silent a while seeming to stare on Beltane through the narrow slit of his great casque.
But Beltane stood awhile to swing the great blade lightly to and fro and to stare upon it with shining eyes.
Now did Beltane stare with eyes of wonder upon Sir Fidelis who managed his fretting charger with a gracious ease, yet held his face ever averted.
Now indeed did Sir Pertolepe stare upon my Beltane in amaze and spake no word for wonder; then, of a sudden he laughed, scornful and loud.
A while he stood to stare up at the sky where yet a few stars showed paling to the day, and to drink in mighty breaths of the fragrant air.
The nature of his subject compelled him to use many words "That would have made Quintilian stare and gasp.
Then, fearing that my stare might be misunderstood, I turned away and soon forgot her when the bald waiter returned with an omelet, bread and butter, radishes and a flask of white wine.
As for Sir John Malyoe, he stood in the light of a lantern, his face gone as white as ashes, and I do believe if a look could kill, the dreadful malevolent stare he fixed upon Barnaby True would have slain him where he stood.
But if he himself has driven love forth, he will cross the deserted threshold with a lagging step, for the ghost of his own act will stare at him everywhere from the silent rooms.
Come, Josepha, don't stare steadily at the empty space where the body lay.
If you leave that chair,†he said, “a Devil will occupy it, and stare at me until daylight.
As for me, I could only stare at him, and look out of the window into the darkness.
I cannot afford now to keep a horse," he declared, in answer to Mr Grey's stare of amazement.
They poured out to stare at him, some shouting that they should not have him long to look at, as they would get a better doctor soon.
Philip fixed his eyes upon her with an earnestness from which, for one moment, she shrank; but she instantly rallied, and returned him a stare which lasted till she reached the door.
Now, then, up you get, and I'll stareout of the window.
He only wanted to be let alone, to be allowed to stare at the fly on the wall, or the crack on the ceiling.
She would stare at him and flush and say-'Didn't you go out every day to work?
The crowds would stare at us, the street urchins would swarm about us, until we blocked the traffic and the police ran us in!
The storm of Mary Magna stopped long enough for her to stare from one to another of us.
He but giveth them respite against a Day when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror,- P: Deem not that Allah is unaware of what the wicked do.
Her communicants are taught that it is their duty to increase and multiply, and this in spite of the fact that poverty and crime, want and ignorance stare in the face a large per cent, of the very class which it is thus sought to swell.
They won't want a family record of hereditary diseases made and put on file to stare them and their descendants in the face just for the sake of professional etiquette toward some young M.
She met the heavy-lidded gaze of his brown eyes with the downward stare of her green-grey eyes; touched his hand suddenly, turned her back, and went into her room.
All the same he found the old buffer quite fascinating, and would have continued to stare if his mother had not touched his arm.
And he continued to stare at her, afflicted by the thought that where Beauty was, nothing ever ran quite straight, which, no doubt, was why so many people looked on it as immoral.
His brown eyes rested on Annette with a stare of almost startled satisfaction.
But he stood holding on to them, trying to stare into her eyes which did not waver.
Well," snapped Brayley, pushing back his hat and returning the cook's stare fiercely.
Now they stare at you as though they'd eat you, and I know that Markovitch feels them because he keeps looking up at the beastly thing.
She had found that it would not do to stare at him.
He dropped him not far from Portland Place, telling him to go and look at the number, but not stare at the house.
Without a moment's hesitation, without a single stare of unbelief or even astonishment, Blue Peter pulled off his bonnet, and stood bareheaded before the companion of his toils.
He did nothing butstare and gasp at her in his consternation; and, more still, he was betrayed.
When the two sisters were left standing together at the door, they could do nothing but stare at each other in the extremity of their amazement.
Take care she does not go back again into the draught," were her parting words, and even the culprits themselves could do nothing butstare at each other with consternation and shame.
But she continued to stare into the fire, as though she had not heard me.