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Example sentences for "seedlings"

Lexicographically close words:
seedes; seeding; seedless; seedlike; seedling; seeds; seedsman; seedsmen; seedtime; seedy
  1. It is very easily propagated from seedlings and grows rapidly.

  2. Rodents often destroy the nuts, and if this danger is apprehended it is best to poison the rodents or to stratify the seed, or grow seedlings and plant them when they are one year old.

  3. If planted in a cleared area the seedlings should be spaced about 5 x 5 feet if no cultivation can be done.

  4. Vernon for several years, thousands of seedlings of the year have been noted, but for some reason they do not survive a second year.

  5. At present seed collectors are not able to separate the species of ash, and as a consequence white ash seedlings bought from a nursery are not always true to name.

  6. However, all attempts to grow this species from seedlings at the Forest Reserve have failed.

  7. For this reason it is suggested that to obtain seedlings true to name that seed be collected and planted from a tree true to name.

  8. Nurserymen grew seedlings and through their agents plantations of all sizes were sold in many States.

  9. Each year the proportion of seedlings planted is less.

  10. The great vigor of growth of the seedlings of this hybrid, which comes from Mr. G.

  11. Seedlings must be planted in large numbers from which to select varieties.

  12. Already in this country there are thousands of these seedlings growing which are apparently disease-resistant.

  13. It would be of interest to try a few seedlings of these classes of nuts.

  14. They have not borne as yet and being seedlings we cannot know if they will be of value.

  15. Page 65 From photographs in the Ceylon Section of the Imperial Institute, by permission] There are differences of opinion as to the career of the seedlings which went to Singapore.

  16. Most of the seedlings that went to Ceylon were planted in the Botanic Gardens at Heneratgoda, near Colombo, which were specially opened in the low-country region as an experimental centre of rubber cultivation.

  17. Sometimes he would need to make another cross before he could get the seedlings for which he was striving.

  18. But I suggest that we send these seedlings out with the understanding that they are seedlings and that we don't know what they will produce.

  19. He was steadfast of purpose and there is nothing that shows this better than his lifelong work in plant breeding and the ruthless manner in which he rooted out his inferior seedlings as soon as he felt them to be valueless.

  20. I early learned from growers in California that seedlings are a waste of time and money.

  21. We had expected to have some black walnut seedlings grown from nuts presented to ex-President Linton by the superintendent at Mount Vernon, Washington's old home.

  22. Viewing her nursery of several thousand black walnut seedlings she casually mentioned that she would be very happy to present to any one desirous of planting such trees any consistent number he or she desired.

  23. The first trees planted were about one hundred Pomeroy seedlings and some fifty grafted trees, of the Rush variety.

  24. In California, where almonds and peaches are very often planted in close proximity, many seedlings are known which are very evidently natural crosses between the peach and the almond.

  25. Mr. Jones tells me that he expects to discard nearly 50% of his seedlings because not vigorous enough to bud or graft.

  26. The seedlings are now quite large trees but not over half a dozen of them have borne any nuts.

  27. So it is through seedlings that we are going to get better fruit.

  28. It is possible that some of the seedlings might be really worth while.

  29. There is rather great variation among seedlings in this respect, some being-quite superior, although no completely resistant seedlings have yet been found.

  30. And we have made progress on that, and we have demonstrated that there is a very marked difference between the graftability or budability of seedlings from certain parent trees.

  31. MacDaniels is after is what position should the Northern Nut Growers Association take in regard to planting seedlings or planting grafted stock.

  32. Such plantings might possibly produce seedlings of quite uniform and desirable characteristics, but this prospect, is not very promising.

  33. They should like to know whether they should do that or whether they should rely upon seedlings which they can develop into pure lines as best they may.

  34. But recently there seems to be a trend toward planting grafted walnut trees and grafting native seedlings to improved varieties.

  35. We also have a few seedlings of Turkish tree hazel obtained from nuts sent to us by one of our friends in the state of Washington and a few butternut seedlings grown from nuts of a tree on the college campus.

  36. Department of Agriculture so that seedlings resulting from cross-pollination of these types may exhibit an even wider range of characteristics and performance from the standpoint of commercial production than is commonly seen at present.

  37. In addition five varieties, including two of the Jones numbered seedlings from crosses between the American hazel and the European filbert, purchased from the J.

  38. Japanese walnut seedlings again showed great difference in hardiness, the more tender seedlings killing to the ground and others showing little damage.

  39. Seedlings are cheap or one could buy 2 or 3 bushels of Thomas nuts and raise their own.

  40. I would select the land and continue to grow seedlings and besides, import selected grafts to develop in Canada a hardy high quality grafted walnut tree.

  41. MCKAY: Yes, we find in those seedlings in some cases the tendency to vegetate very early and others very late.

  42. It may be involved that each of these seedlings is a cross between different local strains.

  43. After several attempts I now have two progenies of reciprocal crosses of which a few seedlings seem to show hybridity in the vegetative parts.

  44. Anybody in the audience that has an opinion that they think seedlings are better than grafted trees?

  45. Recently successful rooting of twigs on young seedlings by airlayering has been reported from Spain, and from France comes the report that stooling of young seedlings is highly successful.

  46. Naming New Cultivars General Let us suppose that a nurseryman, park superintendent, or amateur gardener has just flowered a batch of seedlings of, say, Helenium, and that he spots one as being of a new type and worthy of propagation.

  47. They have grafted on seedlings of absolutely unknown origin or mixed origin.

  48. My Black Walnut seedlings stand from six inches to six feet high.

  49. Some few have grown the seedlings for one year in beds underlain with wire screen netting or have undercut the seedlings to promote branching of the roots.

  50. Differences in size, appearance and quality of nuts from these seedlings were said to have been remarkable.

  51. And seedlings mostly do not have the kind of nuts you want.

  52. Some one year old seedlings died outright but older trees only suffered varying degrees of defoliation.

  53. But on looking closely between the stems of the heath, I found a multitude of seedlings and little trees, which had been perpetually browsed down by the cattle.

  54. Nor let it be supposed that no differences in the constitution of seedling kidney-beans ever appear, for an account has been published how much more hardy some seedlings appeared to be than others.

  55. Some of these seedlings would probably inherit the nectar-excreting power.

  56. How, then, comes it that such a vast number of the seedlings are mongrelized?

  57. With plants there is a vast destruction of seeds, but, from some observations which I have made, I believe that it is the seedlings which suffer most from germinating in ground already thickly stocked with other plants.

  58. The seedlings may need to be separated and transplanted indoors before it is warm enough to set them in the out-of-door garden.

  59. Allow as much space between the seedlings as possible, for if they are too close the roots will twine about each other and make it very hard to transplant them later on.

  60. If the box is to be kept in bright sunlight, shade the glass with a piece of paper, until the seedlings are up, which will be in a day or so with some sorts, and weeks with others.

  61. The little seedlings are sometimes put from the seed flat directly into small pots.

  62. Do not fail to pinch back seedlings and cuttings during their early stages of growth, to induce the formation of stocky, well-branched plants.

  63. It is usually best to transplant the seedlings just as soon as they are large enough to be handled, which is as soon as the second true leaf appears.

  64. Seedlings make the best plants, and are readily grown.

  65. Illustration: From left to right, cabbage seedlings just right for transplanting; seedlings of stocks; lanky seedlings that have been too thickly sown.

  66. If this method is used, the seedlings should be pricked off into small pots.

  67. Take care also that this soil is not much--if any--colder than the temperature in which the seedlings have been kept.

  68. Never attempt to pull the seedlings from the soil in the flat, as the little rootlets are very easily broken off.

  69. Grow thickly, irrigate during May/June, and fertilize well so the competing seedlings get leggy.

  70. When the prediction of a few days of cloudy weather encourages transplanting, the seedlings are lifted with a large, sharp knife.

  71. Irrigation: If the seedlings suffer a bit from moisture stress they'll catch up rapidly when the fall rains begin.

  72. Spacing: When seedlings are about pencil thick (December/January for overwintering bulb onions), transplant them about 4 or 5 inches apart in a single row with a couple of feet of elbow room on either side.

  73. If you only moisten a narrow band of soil close to the seedlings it won't take much water.

  74. My nursery is sown in rows about 8 inches apart across a raised bed and thinned gradually to prevent crowding, because crowded seedlings are hard to dig out without damage.

  75. The seedlings will be insignificantly small until late summer.

  76. Not only will presprouted seeds come up days sooner, and not only will the root be penetrating moist soil long before the shoot emerges, but the stand of seedlings will be very uniformly spaced and easier to thin.

  77. The nursery bed of leek seedlings has gotten large enough to transplant at this time, too.

  78. Were water more restricted I could start my cauliflower seedlings in a nursery bed and transplant them here in October.

  79. If the fall rains are late and/or the crowded seedlings are getting leggy, a relatively small amount of irrigation will moisten the planting areas.

  80. Instead of trying to irrigate the entire area that will eventually be occupied by a winter or overwintered crop at maturity, the seedlings are first grown in irrigated nurseries for transplanting in autumn after the rains come back.

  81. After potting the seedlings remove them to a cooler house and keep them near the glass.

  82. When the seedlings are large enough pot them off singly in the smallest-sized pots or round the edges of 6-in.

  83. When the seedlings have made six or eight leaves, prick them out into pots or beds.

  84. Prick the seedlings off into shallow boxes as soon as they are large enough to handle, and keep them rather close and warm until they are established.

  85. Place the seedlings in a cold frame and let them have plenty of air.

  86. And all around him yearling seedlings had pushed up through the charred wreckage.

  87. Tufts of alpine roses grew on it, and slippery lichens, and a few seedlings which next spring's torrent would wash away into the still, misty depths below.

  88. That the secretion acts on the seeds was also shown by some of them being killed, or by the seedlings being injured.

  89. That the secretion penetrates their coats is also evident from the large proportion of cabbage, raddish, and cress seeds which were killed, and from several of the seedlings being greatly injured.

  90. Of the eleven seedlings raised, three had the edges of their cotyledons slightly browned, as if scorched; and the cotyledons of one grew into a curious indented shape.

  91. This injury to the seeds and seedlings may, however, be due solely to the acid of the secretion, and not to any process of digestion; for Mr. Traherne Moggridge has shown that very weak acids of the acetic series are highly injurious to seeds.

  92. Seeds subjected to the action of the secretion are sometimes killed, or the seedlings injured.

  93. For the few pots and pans and boxes of cuttings and seedlings which you require, it is well worth while to get a small stock of good compost from a nursery gardener; leaf mould, peat, and sand, whether for seedlings or cuttings.

  94. After a time, however, I persuaded him to let Harry transplant seedlings of the things that sow themselves and come up in the autumn, if they came up a certain distance from the parent plants.

  95. On each side of the long walk in the kitchen garden there are flowers between you and the vegetables, herbaceous borders, with nice big clumps of things that have suckers, and off-shoots and seedlings at their feet.

  96. Injurious Influence of Bark of Black Walnut Roots on Seedlings of Tomato and Alfalfa.

  97. Their worst competitor is a nurseryman who sells seedlings for named varieties, who advertises widely and prospers upon the work of others.

  98. The key is based upon seedlings grown in the field and in the greenhouse at Ithaca, New York.

  99. Many are also planters of seedlings from selected and named varieties with which they are experimenting and from which they are making selections for future tests.

  100. Already he has seedlings of many varieties growing at Canfield.

  101. I have several Chinese chestnut seedlings which are making a fairly good growth and in time may become productive trees.

  102. Brown reported on page 97 of the Thirty-third Annual Report of the Northern Nut Growers' Association, on the injurious influence of bark of black walnut roots on seedlings of tomato and alfalfa.

  103. More of the Chinese seedlings have been planted than of the Japs.

  104. He hopes for first nuts in 1944 from seedlings planted in deep loam only.

  105. I believe that most useful trees, both fruit and nut, that are now commercially important, were developed from selected seedlings grown in the area in which they are being used.

  106. A Key to seedlings of some species of Juglans 1.

  107. Suitable black walnut seedlings are now growing on the Mahoning Valley Sanitary District for projects 6b and c.

  108. Several Illinois horticulturists have planted seedlings of these strains and have already brought one or more of them into bearing.

  109. Something puzzling to me is that two Broadview seedlings we now have growing from seed I obtained from Mr. Corsan of Islington, Ontario, are growing slowly but are still healthy after the '40 and '41 seasons.

  110. They should regard such families as an eager horticulturist regards beds of seedlings of some rare variety of plant, but with an enthusiasm of a far more patriotic kind.

  111. Not only do the roots depending from the branches grasp and colonize new mud, but the seedlings are also specially adapted to fulfil the same office.

  112. This probably includes all burned-over lands, in much of which the standing timber is not destroyed, but the saplings and seedlings are killed as well as the grass for grazing and for the protection of the roots.

  113. There is nothing more difficult in the rearing of cacao seedlings than in growing any other evergreen fruit tree.

  114. The consequent alternative lies in rearing seedlings in seed beds that are under immediate control, and, when the plants are of sufficient size, in transplanting them to their proper sites in the orchard.

  115. Blattella vaga may occasionally damage seedlings in the laboratory (Flock, 1941a), but no damage has been reported in the field (Ball et al.

  116. Periplaneta fuliginosa is also troublesome in greenhouses because of its tendency to feed on seedlings and succulent plants (Dodge and Rickett, 1943).

  117. This species was very plentiful in a propagating pit in England where it did much damage to various seeds and seedlings (Lucas, 1930).

  118. The Oregon trees furnish seed to European nurseries and seedlings from Europe grow quickly into superb ornamental trees.

  119. But trees thus planted are seedlings and seedling apple trees "revert" to the ancient parent of the race, the wild apple of eastern Asia.

  120. Finally, this paragon of conifers surprises Eastern nurserymen by outstripping other seedlings in vigor and quickness of growth.

  121. In the native groves the seedlings do not show the virility of the redwoods, though to the south the range of the species is being gradually extended.

  122. In flowers, again, we see the gradual abortion during successive seedlings (though this is more properly a conversion) of stamens into imperfect petals, and finally into perfect petals.

  123. He might then, if the organization of the plant was plastic, attempt by continued selection of chance seedlings to make it grow on less and less rotten wood, till it would grow on sound wood{225}.

  124. The young plants should be two-year-old seedlings or three-year-old "transplants.

  125. In woodlands, it is well to plant as close as six feet apart where small seedlings are used and about twelve feet apart in the case of trees an inch or more in diameter.

  126. Two-year-old seedlings are trees that have been grown from the seed in seed beds until they reach that age.

  127. An ordinary ground or surface fire on a woodland area will burn up the leaf-litter and vegetable mold, upon which the trees depend so much for food and moisture, and will destroy the young seedlings on the ground.

  128. Lettuces are very fine, and may be cultivated easily, and very early, by transplanting the seedlings that appear as soon as the ground is free from snow.

  129. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seedlings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.