Congress passed resolutions of respect for his "eminent services and personal purity and worth.
Various societies in various cities passed resolutions of respect and honor for the dead.
The Union League Club, the Lotos, the Typographical Society, the Associated Press, German and colored clubs, and temperance organizations passed resolutions of sorrow.
Pageot is bearing fruit; the vetos which I have advised and secured have obviated resolutions which would have been disgraceful and dangerous.
One might bet with equal certainty upon either issue, so impossible is it to rely upon a consistent or regular policy when definite resolutions are required.
The following Resolutions were agreed to unanimously: I.
That these resolutions be inserted in the public papers.
On February 16 the managers resolved that their resolutions of February 2 should be communicated to Dr.
The Earl of Winchester, the President of the Royal Institution, was requested to sign these resolutions and to convey them to Sir Humphry Davy, and Mr. Brande was elected to the professorship of chemistry.
Waterford Corporation instantly endorsed their member's utterance, and throughout the week similar resolutionswere passed all over the country, Unionist members of these bodies joining in to second the proposals.
Lord Midleton's motion had been dropped, by consent, for a series of resolutions tabled by Lord MacDonnell which were in substance an acceptance of Government's proposal.
Text and names have been copied from a photostatic copy of the original manuscript by Florienette Matter Knight, Organizing Regent, Leedstown Resolutions Chapter, N.
This type, however, as will be set forth in greater detail hereafter, already approximates closely to the resolutions of Nicæa and Chalcedon.
The Roman bishop Cornelius informs Fabius, bishop of Antioch, of theresolutions of the Italian, African, and other Churches (Euseb.
This situation is already evident in Hermas and dominates theresolutions of the Church leaders in succeeding generations (see below).
The resolutions were passed and their author was made chairman of the committee for which they provided.
In 1775, in the second revolutionary convention of Virginia, Henry, regarding war as inevitable, presented resolutions for arming the Virginia militia.
They at the same time passed a number of resolutionscondemning the king's advisers, and ordered the sheriffs to place in the king's own hands a copy of these resolutions as well as of those passed on Midsummer-day, signed by the Town Clerk.
Resolutions were passed to illuminate the Guildhall and to go to the expense of a City banquet, but they were afterwards rescinded.
At the same time, he signified his willingness to lay a copy of the resolutions before the king in the manner adopted since the cessation of public levées.
The livery therefore had once more to console themselves with passing a number of resolutions after the usual manner.
All which Resolutions are accompanyd wth our daily and fervent prayres that your Maty may Vanquish and overcome all your enimyes and that the yeares of your happy reigne over us may be many and prosperous.
The resolutions were read, and after some remarks had been made upon them, adopted, and the meeting adjourned.
Some speeches were made, resolutions offered, but nothing practical was proposed.
The most absurd resolutions were then offered, and carried, when the chairman returned thanks for the honor done him amid the most uproarious laughter, and what had threatened to be a serious riot ended in a wild, lawless frolic.
The Common Council of the city exhibited in this respect a most pusillanimous spirit, by offering resolutionsto have the constitutionality of the law tested, when, the entire constitution and laws of the State were being subverted!
These resolutions were carried with acclamations and shouts and stamping of feet.
At last Alexander appears and receives the grateful homage of Aminta, who expresses most virtuous resolutions for his future rule.
Resolutions were passed in favour of an equal representation of the people in Parliament, shorter Parliaments, and co-operation with "the Friends of the People" in London.
These defiant resolutions were proposed by Sinclair; and, as he afterwards became a Government informer, they were probably intended to lure the Convention away from its proper business into seditious ways.
That motive of course could not be disclosed to Chauvelin; and Grenville declined to explain it at all until the resolutions arrived at in Paris were clearly set forth.
Equally threatening were theresolutions of the Constitutional Society of London.
Resolutions were passed deprecating violence whether in language or action; and the presence either of Lord Daer or Colonel Dalrymple in the chair showed that some, at least, of the gentry were for Reform.
A committee was appointed to draft resolutions regarding the project.
Resolutions were adopted and a Memorial sent to the President and Congress of the United States.
He was followed by a number of the Twelve and others, who spoke to the point in an edifying manner, and at the close of {666} the conference, a number of resolutions were adopted.
Thus far they had been temporarily successful, and on the 16th day of May the house of representatives passed resolutions declaring that Kentucky "should during the contest occupy the position of strict neutrality.
Motions were made, resolutions were adopted, and various duties assigned to volunteer committees.
In pursuance of these resolutions we endeavoured to ply to the westward to gain our intended port, but were often interrupted in our progress by calms and adverse currents.
In pursuance of these sentiments, several projects were examined, and several resolutions were taken by the council.
Resolutions were passed expressive of firm attachment to the Union; of acquiescence in the Compromise measures; and affirming the duty, on the part of all citizens, of unconditional submission to the laws.
The resolutions of the Nashville Convention of 1850 are sanctioned and approved.
The political parties have begun to hold State Conventions, the proceedings and resolutions of which are of some importance, as indicating the temper and policy which may be expected to characterize the ensuing elections.
The resolutionswere sent to the Senate at a late period of the session, where various motions of amendment were made, all of which were lost.
The series of resolutions presented and adopted, advocate the principle of protection to American industry, and declare the tariff of 1846 to be unequal in its tendencies, and ruinous to the interests of Pennsylvania.
Convention, appeal, or even compulsion from without, are now reinforced by the good resolutions arising from the pupil's own subjective states.
As long as his judging lacks clearness, energy, and completeness, his resolutions are without a foundation in his mind and heart.
In order to exclude the morally evil, the praiseworthy traits of the objective side of character need to be reinforced by the good resolutions of the subjective part.
Again in another striking passage Aristotle says that there are democracies in which the ultimate authority is not the established constitution but the mass of the people and the resolutions which the people chooses to make.
Though the assembly had supreme power to make laws and pass resolutionsdetermining the policy of the city, it submitted to certain restraining formalities.
Among the names appended to these resolutions there may be selected such as: Lach.
But I confess I did not anticipate that we should lose a week from the discussion of the Indian Resolutions on account of the question which I then asked the hon.
The scheme was unpopular, and Lord Russell proposed that it should be withdrawn, and that resolutions should be passed in a Committee of the whole House, the acceptance of which might prove a guide to the proceedings of the Government.
It will be seen that these resolutions were in direct opposition to the views of those who wished to re-erect the monarchy and to place Louis Philippe upon the throne.
The indignation of Parliament was roused, and very vigorous resolutions of remonstrance were adopted, and presented to the king.
But these resolutions were passionately adopted, by the most radical portion of the party, in the midst of a scene of the wildest tumult.
Many of the populace were also ignorant of the resolutions to which the committees had come at a late hour of the evening of the day before the procession was to have been formed.
The resolutions of the chiefs in this conjuncture surprised and delighted Pottinger, who was little prepared for the unanimity with which they determined on protracting the defence.
They make resolutionsone day and break them the next.
I suppose they will call a special meeting and pass resolutions to condemn me and my proceedings.
Their purport had practically been embodied in a number of Resolutions now to be laid before the meeting.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "resolutions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.