When more space is desired, as when the daughters of the house marry and require room for themselves, another house is built in front of and adjoining the first one, and a second story is often added to the original house.
On continuing the line of this buttress through the governor’s house we find a projecting fragment of second story wall, the character and finish of which is clearly shown in Pl.
The nave and aisles are of the first half of the XI century, the chevet and transept of the early XII, as is the cloister, which once had a second story.
Over these rooms was a second story reached by stairs leading from the colonnade (18).
Over these rooms was a second story, reached by a broad stairway (9).
Digest reference is more than once made to cases in which a person passing along the street was injured by an object falling upon him from the second story of a shop.
The new colonnade had a second story of the Ionic order, of the columns of which (though not of the entablature) considerable fragments have been found.
Ukhaiḍir, second story, rooms to south and east of court.
In the twenty-second story of the fifth book of Afanassieff, the young man transforms himself into a dog, and lets his father sell him to a great lord, who is the devil in disguise, but tells him not to give up the collar.
In the twenty-second story of the third book, the fox falls with the bear, the wolf, and the hare, into a ditch where there is no water.
The triangular cavity formed by it is too small to permit the passage of a person, and was available only from the second story.
In a few cases the kiva has an upper or second story, but when this occurs no attempt is made to preserve the circular form, and the upper rooms are really rectangular with much rounded corners.
This is really a flying wall, covering only the upper portion of the space, and its purpose is not clear, as the opening left is not large enough to permit the passage of a person, and was available only from the second story.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "second story" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.