Inasmuch as ordinary temperatures are still far removed from the absolute zero, one must suppose that dry salts must be ionized, minimally at least, even at room temperature, and should therefore react with each other.
A well-developed squamosal minimally extends one-fourth the distance from the dorsal end of the quadrate to the maxillary, and maximally is separated from the maxillary by a suture.
They minimally extend one-fourth the distance from the dorsal end of the quadrate to the maxillary, and maximally are sutured to the maxillary.
They are narrow in dorsal view, and minimally extend one-fourth the distance from the dorsal end of the quadrate to the maxillary, and maximally, two-thirds the distance.
What awaited them was a minimallyfurnished but elegant living room, with a small couch and table.
The stem cells were delivered to damaged heart muscle via angioplasty catheters, a minimally invasive procedure.
Karl had worked with her every day, but no medication he had tried had even minimally slowed the Syndrome's progress.
The intensity of the induction shock is adjusted by gradually changing the distance between the secondary and the primary, till a minimally effective stimulus is found.
By the employment of a sliding induction coil, the intensity of the shock can be regulated with great accuracy; the secondary if gradually brought nearer the primary till a stimulus is found which is minimally effective.
Within such a pragmatic framework, education and the sharing of experience wereminimally differentiated from each other.
Historic and systematic aspects of functional illiteracy, as well as language degradation, are minimally addressed.
Remembrance was dictated minimally by instinct and was only slightly genetic in nature.
Individuals in Melanchton's time formed a set of expectations and pursued goals that changed minimally over their lifetime, since the pragmatic context remained the same.
Behind each word that people comprehend, there is either a common practical experience, or a shared pragmatic framework, or minimally some form of shared understanding, which constitute what is known as background knowledge.
Sowing date: It is easiest to sow in April or early May, minimally fertigate a somewhat gnarly plant through the summer, push it for size in fall and winter, and then harvest it next March.
The rest of the garden was given no irrigation at all or minimally metered-out fertigations.