Thus far he thought with Mahomet; so he put on his hat and sallied forth, leaving Mrs. Jennings in undisputed possession of his bed.
My ghost, and the compact phalanx in which we sallied against it, were long the subject of merriment.
With some reluctance the wish was complied with, and both the butlers sallied forth on their way through the principal streets of Kilkenny, just as the evening was beginning to assume somewhat of a dusky hue.
He made a careful toilet, and then the twosallied forth into the blazing streets and pleasure-seeking throngs.
Jack Clare was in the highest spirits as he embraced his wife and salliedforth into the Boulevard St. Germain, with a flat, square parcel wrapped in brown paper under his arm.
Debriseau joined, and they all three sallied forth to make arrangements for placing our hero "en pension," where they had been recommended.
We sallied forth and went into these fluid heavens, into which, generally, only the Alps carry us up.
Nor were there during this war any men that ever sallied out of the city who were their superiors, either in their boldness, or in the terror they struck into their enemies.
Burke, the two sallied forth, after the late hotel breakfast.
Sticking their swords and pistols into their girdles, they sallied out, and were pleased to find that no one paid the slightest attention to them.
One day, I changed my clothes and putting money in my sleeve, sallied forth to explore the holes and corners of this city, and as I was going about, I saw a handsome house.
Then they went forth to the field and Khedidan also came forth and ranged his troops and took the spear and sallied out in person and fought a sore battle and overcame his enemy, who fled, he and his troops, ignominiously.
They sallied forth one day upon a caravan in the land of Seistan, and there were in that caravan strong and valiant men and with them merchandise galore.
Then he sallied forth and went round about the city, in quest of his friends, so he might assemble them; but found none of them in his house.
It chanced one night that the king sallied forth without the city and drank and the wine got the mastery of him and he became drunken.
They sallied out with some Spaniards and attacked the enemy.
Immediately afterwards the pair sallied forth for a walk.
A considerable body of the Chinese sallied out of the western gate of the city, from which a narrow, irregular causeway, led down to the landing-place at Tsingpoo.
He took the address of the bureau from his father, and sallied forth.
Rollo left his father and mother at this table, taking their coffee, and sallied forth to find his way to the bureau of the diligence.
They sallied forth, therefore, not unlike Amadis de Gaul or Don Galaor after they had been dubbed knights, eager in their search after adventures in love, war and enchantments.
Riding out, he sallied down through the long grass with its haze of flowers, his eyes turned with a steadfast eagerness to the pool in the meadows.
On the morrow, after more goat's milk and brown bread, with some wild strawberries to smooth it, they sallied early, and held on their way to Winchester.
Afterwards she sallied out into the garden, where Mr. Montfort was enjoying his morning cigar, with Margaret at his side.
The Dutch garrison had sallied out from Williamstadt, on the repulse of the French, and cut the dyke in several places.
Leaving my dragoon friend to act as master of the ceremonies, I sallied forth.
One day they had sallied out to hunt a troop of hartebeest, which ran on a distant part of the farm.
Some of the veterans took arms themselves, andsallied forth with tottering steps.
And the Moors beset them so close that they cut off their water, and albeit the Castillians would have sallied against them, my Cid forbade this.
On a hunting day the Farmer breakfasted by candlelight, generally upon corn cakes and milk, and at daybreak, with his guests, Billy and the hounds, sallied forth to find a fox.
The lad accordingly loaded an old British musket with two ounce-balls, sallied forth and wounded one of the patriarchs of the herd, which was then chased into the Potomac and there slain.
Noting the address of these carefully, the Devil sallied forth, and nothing but his ignorance of the topography of the hotel, which made him take the back stairs, saved him from the clutches of two bailiffs lurking on the principal staircase.
I thought I understood, and sallied forth for the battle.
Lockhart nodded his assent to the boast, and after cautioning the men who were left behind we sallied forth.
Isabel, as she sallied out with Basil for a final look at Quebec.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sallied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.