Little akin as was the spirit of the people to that of the Puritans, life among them had been almost as granitic in its hardness and ruggedness and desolate unrelief.
The ruggedness of the country, and the insalubrity of the climate at any distance from the coast, have hitherto prevented our obtaining an accurate survey even of those parts in the interior under our own immediate control.
It was late before we reached the top of the Trincomale pass, and the rain, the darkness, and the ruggedness of the mountains put it quite out of our power to descend.
The indomitableruggedness of the hills--rough and forbidding, but never ugly.
Besides the ruggedness and strange aspect of its numerous volcanic peaks, the bareness and the loneliness of the coast, there is nothing in the Kurile group to entice the sightseer and the pleasure-seeker to a cruise among the islands.
But these rarely show ruggedness of relief like similar features on land.
At this time the range has reached its maximum height andruggedness of relief, with ridges and valleys higher and deeper than at any other time.
The above normal order of events may be disturbed at any stage, especially after maturity, by renewed uplift when the streams are revived in activity and increased ruggedness results.
These great movements have included notable foldings of strata, uplifts without folding, faulting, and igneous activity, the whole effect having been to greatly increase the general altitude and ruggedness of the continent.
None of the sea bottom compares with the ruggedness of mountains, and even the more level portions of land surface show many sharp minor irregularities such as stream trenches.
But their moral mistake is that they try to combine the ruggedness that should belong to simplicity with a superciliousness that should only belong to satiety.
Denham corrected his numbers by experience, and gained ground gradually upon the ruggedness of his age; but what was acquired by Denham was inherited by Waller.
The general covering of ice and snow as well as the ruggedness of the land makes this the most difficult of all the mountainous portions of North America to traverse.
The Appalachians abound in beautiful scenery, but, except about a few of the very highest domes and ridges, have little of the stern ruggedness which is typical of truly great mountains.
Their country abounds in olives and vines, but on account of its ruggedness the wheat is poor.
It is probable that this ruggedness of character is increased by the barrenness of the mountains and some of the places which they inhabit.
While beyond, walling in the river valley at some miles distant, ran a lofty ridge, far as the eye could see, stern with stately cliffs, alternating with the ruggedness of rock and boulder which crowned the height.
Therefore he spurred his willing horse against the hill, and up the many-winding ruggedness of road, hoping, at every turn, to descry in the distance the vehicle carrying that very plaguesome box.
The whole issue depends upon whether we realise the simple and essential fact that ruggedness is a mode of art like gloominess or extravagance.
Ruggedness being an essential quality in the universe, there is that in man which responds to it as to the striking of any other chord of the eternal harmonies.
Many who could understand that ruggedness might be an artistic quality, would decisively, and in most cases rightly, deny that obscurity could under any conceivable circumstances be an artistic quality.
Grace takes occasion, by the vileness of the man, to shine the more; even as by the ruggedness of a very strong distemper or disease, the virtue of the medicine is best made manifest.
And if, said they, while some of them are in a way of inclination, we should by ruggednessgive them distaste, we may set them further from closing with our summons, than we would be willing they should.
He sought then a place where, their valor and its ruggedness joining hands, they could make up, aided by the strength of the site, for the small number of their nation.
At length my conductor struck into a path which, compared with the ruggedness of that which we had lately trodden, was easy and smooth.
A sort of ruggedness of brow, the token of great mental exertion and varied experience, argued a premature old age.
In its age it has not the ruggedness of its kin, though it assumes a stately and somewhat formal habit, and, I must confess, accumulates some ragged dead branches in its interior.
And this ruggedness is held far into the spring, for the black walnut makes no slightest apparent effort at growth until all the other trees are greening the countryside.
I call ruggedness what they call frankness; and his pride of name and birth are, when unattached to either fortune or position, simply insufferable.
The country is sufficiently rolling to be picturesque, without any of the ruggedness which characterizes the central and western portions of the State.
The ruggedness of aspect common to most mountain lakes is here lost in the soft luxuriance of the green shores, the sparkling waters, and the rich blue sky.
Perhaps it was this early training that gave him his later ruggedness and rude health.
It was the necessity of protesting against this that has undoubtedly given much of their ruggedness to the homilies of Origen.
In looking at the course of this new-born River, he will see to the left of the mountain of Ecorchade, thus named for its ruggedness and its deep ravines.