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Example sentences for "rotatory"

Lexicographically close words:
rotation; rotational; rotations; rotative; rotator; rote; roten; rotenone; rotgut; rothen
  1. The hand, in a conical form, and in a state of half supination, must then be pressed steadily forward with a semi-rotatory motion against the perineum and sides of the passage, till it clears the orifice of the vagina.

  2. But the further introduction must be made with a slow semi-rotatory motion, keeping the point of the blade not rigidly, yet closely, to the head of the child, by raising the handle toward the pubes.

  3. Its rotatory motion would, of course, continue, and satellites might then be thrown off in turn from its body in exactly the same way as the primary planets had been thrown off from the sun.

  4. It is a well-known law in physics that, when fluid matter collects towards or meets in a centre, it establishes a rotatory motion.

  5. In uniaxial (tetragonal and hexagonal) crystals it is only for light transmitted in the direction of the optic axis that there is rotatory action, but in isotropic (cubic) crystals all directions are the same in this respect.

  6. Further, in the examples quoted above, the rotatory power is lost when the crystals are dissolved (except in the case of strychnine sulphate, which is only feebly active in solution).

  7. The rotatory power is thus due to different causes in the two cases, in the one depending on a spiral arrangement of the crystal particles, and in the other on the structure of the molecules themselves.

  8. The Jovian currents flow in a due east and west direction as though mainly influenced by the swift rotatory movement of the globe, and exhibit little sign of deviation either to N.

  9. These animals have a rotatory movement of the fibula on its long axis, in addition to the hinge movement of the ankle.

  10. Or a flat scoop, with a sharp round edge, is passed along till obstructed, and by slight rotatory motion of the edge, the neck of the tumour is divided.

  11. The drug on the market is usually composed of a mixture of the levoactive and the inactive forms, and as one or the other predominates the results differ: the rotatory power of a given specimen should be known.

  12. The higher the rotatory power of the drugs, the more active they are physiologically.

  13. The ball leaves the hand at once without any rotatory motion, and one ball of the same pitch and pace is like another.

  14. I have already shown that, in bowling, the apparent angle of reflection is rendered unequal to the angle of incidence by the rotatory motion or spin of the ball, and also by the roughness of the ground.

  15. Because one man gives the ball so much more rotatory motion on its own axis, or, so much more spin than the other.

  16. It is laevo-rotatory in aqueous or in alkaline solution, and dextro-rotatory in acid solution (L.

  17. It is dextro-rotatory in aqueous or alkaline solution, and laevo-rotatory in acid solution.

  18. In this case a relative motion of an opposite kind may result; and the current may retain an excess of rotatory velocity, tending continually to deflect it eastward.

  19. Legrand des Cloizeaux discovered the enormously enhanced rotatory polarization of cinnabar, a property also possessed--but in a lesser degree--by the sulphates of strychnine and ethylene diamine.

  20. The rotation of the plane of polarization by quartz was discovered in 1811 by Arago; if white light be used the colours change as the Nicol rotates--a phenomenon termed by Biot "rotatory dispersion.

  21. The rotatory power of certain liquids was discovered by Biot in 1815; and at a later date it was found that many solutions behaved similarly.

  22. He imagined light to be a pressure transmitted by an infinitely elastic medium which pervades space, and colour to be due to rotatory motions of the particles of this medium.

  23. To such a restless people, a continual change of rulers on the rotatory system seemed a great relief; any worse than their present masters they would not suppose.

  24. And in this rotatory government, the third part of the senate would be wheeled out at their fixed terms.

  25. A cogged contrivance in machinery by which a rotatory motion is converted into a reciprocating motion.

  26. A steam engine in which the connecting rod is led at once from the head of the piston to the crank, thus communicating the rotatory motion without the intervention of side-levers.

  27. That which is provided with spiral grooves in the interior of the bore, to give rotatory motion to the projectile, thereby much increasing its accuracy of flight, and permitting the use of elongated shot and shell.

  28. Well-built ships, however, are not always able to withstand the violence of rotatory storms.

  29. Sometimes we see miniature whirlwinds, even in our own temperate land, passing along a road in autumn, lifting the leaves and dust into the air and carrying them along in the form of a rotatory pillar.

  30. It was not its progressive, but its rotatory motion, that constituted its terrible power.

  31. It consists of a large disc of wood, to which a rotatory motion is given by the workman's foot.

  32. Rotatory motion, the capital fact of the Kosmos.

  33. The Anaxagorean Nous introduces order and symmetry into Nature, simply by stirring up rotatory motion in the inert mass, so as to release the Homoeomeries from prison.

  34. Both the one and the other initiate the rotatory cosmical motion; upon which follows as well the partial disgregation of the chaotic mass, as the congregation of like particles of it towards each other.

  35. Earth remained stationary in the centre, while fire and air were borne round it by the force and violence of the rotatory movement.

  36. It originates and maintains the great cosmical fact of rotatory motion; which variety of motion, from its perfect regularity and sameness, is declared by Plato also to be the one most consonant to Reason and Intelligence.

  37. A received negative and the wire B positive electricity; and as the marked pole was above, the result is in perfect accordance with the effect obtained by the rotatory plate (99.

  38. Hence, rotating the magnet causes no difference in the results; for a rotatory and a stationary magnet produce the same effect upon the moving copper.

  39. But the instant we conceive the earth put into rotatory motion from west to east, a change would take place in the course of these aƫrial currents, both above and below.

  40. Thus, if an ear of the wild oat be hung up, its awn or bristly points will be contracted by a rotatory motion in damp air, and relaxed by a contrary motion when the air is dry.

  41. For the same reason rotatory movements are to be avoided.

  42. The hand is generally pronated, the rotatory movements at the wrist are restricted and painful, while flexion and extension are comparatively free.

  43. After reduction, the limb is fixed with sand-bags, and massage and movement are employed to get rid of effusion, care being taken that no rotatory movement at the knee is permitted.

  44. These movements are interfered with if union takes place in a bad position with angular or rotatory deformity of one or both bones, or if callus is formed in excess and causes locking of the bones.

  45. Alternate flexion and extension combined with rotatory movements is sometimes successful.

  46. When the toes are pointed, however, slight side-to-side and rotatory movements are possible.

  47. If the first view of this creature, stalking in his rotatory isle, be a thing to shake the courage of the stoutest, on this nearer sight, he startles us with an admiring wonder.

  48. Here the commodore threw his heels into the air with such rapidity that I could not very well tell what he was about, though it was sufficiently apparent that he was acting entirely on the rotatory principle.

  49. I begin to understand your system, which is certainly well adapted to the monikin habits, and must give rise to a noble emulation in the practice of the rotatory principle.

  50. That a little wheel and a great wheel are as necessary to the motion of a commonweath, as to the motion of a stage-coach, and that what this gains in periphery that makes up in activity, on the rotatory principle.

  51. I felt a strong inclination to joke the rotatory republican on this coquetry; but then I remembered how sweet any stolen indulgence becomes; and, for the life of me, I could not give utterance to a bon-mot.

  52. As a reward for their dangers, they have a little wheel to themselves, although they, also, are compelled to submit to the rotatory principle.

  53. I commenced, my good Sir John, by telling you that we deal in duplicates, on a hint from nature; and that we act on the rotatory principle.

  54. That, as I understand it, is a stationary, while this is a rotatory system.

  55. The names of the remainder are put into the wheels to be drawn for against the prizes, on the rotatory principle.

  56. After this, he who would push his fortunes further, commences his career on the great rotatory principle.

  57. I find this rotatory plan exceedingly simple--pray, sir, does it work as well as it promises?

  58. The drill is held vertically against the alveolar border, and with a few quick, rotatory thrusts is pushed into the cavity.

  59. As the rotatory action is continued downwards and finally forwards, the incus is dislodged from its position and forced into the tympanic cavity.

  60. In this the cutting tool is of a tubular form, and receives a uniform rotatory motion, the result being the production of a cylindrical core from the rock of the same size as the bore or caliber of the tube.

  61. The rotatory motion of a nebula, in obedience to a well-known mechanical law, increases as its density becomes greater, and this goes on until the tangential force at the equator overcomes the gravitational attraction at its centre.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rotatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    ascending; axial; back; backward; cyclonic; descending; downward; drifting; flowing; fluent; flying; going; mounting; passing; plunging; progressive; refluent; regressive; retrogressive; rising; rotary; running; rushing; sideward; sinking; soaring; streaming; upward; vortical