What is needed is that the pendulum should be as little affected as possible by its connection with the rotating earth.
It is clear that if the earth is rotating about P O P' in the direction shown by the arrow, the rod a b is being shifted round, precisely as in the case first considered.
House: Mrs. Ernest, chairman; resident members of board and members of rotating committee on duty.
Slightly rotating the pipet will aid in accomplishing this.
Quickly wipe off the blood adhering to the tip, plunge it into the diluting fluid, and suck the fluid up to the mark 101, slightly rotating the pipet meanwhile.
Their location can be determined by moving the slide, rotating the eye-piece, and lowering the condenser.
It is desirable, sometimes, to convey the fire from a movable or rotating piece, to a fixed, or second rotating piece, which is effected thus.
The method we can adopt of altering the intensity of the comparison light is by means of rotating sectors, which can be opened or closed at will, and the two shadows thus made equally luminous.
This particular contrivance consists of an eccentric rod actuated by a rotating wheel.
A clockwork C carries a rotating arm, which makes periodic contact with a pool of mercury contained in the vessel V, once in a minute.
This is secured by causing rapid reversals of the primary current by means of a rotating commutator.
When the bronchoscope has been inserted to about the second or third tracheal ring, the heavy laryngoscope is removed by rotating the handle to the left, removing the slide, and withdrawing the instrument.
A rotating cask or box in which small articles are smoothed or polished by friction against each other.
And then his thoughts suddenly widen, and he asks himself whether the rotating earth does not generate induced currents as it turns round its axis from west to east.
Its pole being connected with one end of a galvanometer wire, and its equator with the other end, electricity rushes round the galvanometer from the rotating magnet.
Faraday saw mentally the rotating disk, under the operation of the magnet, flooded with his induced currents, and from the known laws of interaction between currents and magnets he hoped to deduce the motion observed by Arago.
Mr. Christie had also performed an elaborate series of experiments on a rotating iron disk.
Iron was in no way necessary: the only condition of success was that the rotating body should be of a character to admit of the formation of currents in its substance: it must, in other words, be a conductor of electricity.
The ship lay at an angle of forty-five degrees from the plane of the rotating storm, having been caught by the wind with a fearful shock, snapping several of the cables that bound cabins and decks together.
Captain Lavornal at this point stated that when the company regained the deck he would put the rotating wheel, placed at the stern of the ship, in motion, so as to produce the combination of a revolving as well as an onward flight.
In the shadows are chairs and another table bearing papers and books, a rotating bookcase dimly seen, a long window seat black in the darkness, and then the cool unbroken spectacle of the window.
But the City Merchants School still made the substance of its teaching Latin and Greek, still, with no thought of rotating crops, sowed in a dream amidst the harvesting.
There was a fine billiard-room on the ground floor with three comfortable sofas and a rotating bookcase containing an excellent collection of the English and American humorists from THREE MEN IN A BOAT to the penultimate Mark Twain.
Fabrics are printed by coming into contact with rotating rollers on which the pattern is engraved.
In this machine the wool is first spread out into a thin lap or sheet; then light wooden blades, rotating rapidly, beat upon every part of the sheet and break the burs into pieces.
Calico is a printed cloth, the printing being done by a printing machine which has a rotating impression cylinder on which the design has been stamped or cut out.
A represents the shell, and B the fuse, B' being the rotating band which is secured on the shell near the base in the usual way.
To take these grooves "rotating bands" of soft metal, generally copper, are fitted to the projectile as will be explained under "Manufacture of Projectiles.
The front wheel had retained its tyre, was intact, was still rotating slowly among the blackened and twisted ruins of the rest of the machine.
He found the missing drawings of the lateral rotating planes, on which the whole stability of the flying machine depended.
He tried to go away, and then it occurred to him that he might get a branch or something and push this rotating object out into the stream.
The air-fleet was keeping station in an enormous crescent, with its horns pointing south-westward, a long array of shining monsters with tails rotating slowly and German ensigns now trailing from their bellies aft of their Marconi pendants.
They were all cast off as rings of nebula at the equator of the rotating solar mass, and gradually condensed into independent bodies.
The substance of the rotating mass contracts more and more; the rapidity of its motion gradually falls off.
If then the earth be rotating more and more slowly, as time goes on, at present, it must have been rotating more rapidly in past time.
The motion can be better produced by mounting the vessel on a whirling-table, and rotating it about the vertical axis coinciding with its axis of figure; but the phenomenon can be quite well seen without this machinery.
The animal turns in its burrow from side to side when at work, adhering to the interior by the foot, and therefore only partially rotating to and fro.
They seem to aid the lower guide-bearing in keeping the machine rotating about the mechanical center and reduce the wear on the guide-bearing.
The step-lubricant is forced up through this hole and out between the raised edges in a film, floating the rotating parts of the machine on a frictionless disk of oil or water.
Its oblately spheroidal form is such as would be assumed by a rotating mass of matter in the transition from a vaporous and self-luminous or liquid condition to one of cool and dark solidity.
Kant and Laplace sketched the supposed evolution of the solar system from a gaseous nebula, slowly rotating round a more condensed central portion of its mass, which eventually became the sun.
The mixture of colors, by rotating them on disks, owes its possibility to the persistence of the color-sensations beyond the period of actual stimulation.
By rotating this Mason (black and white) disk color-sensations are produced.
These effects may be witnessed in their extensive variety by rotating disks so constructed that black and various colors stimulate the retina in definite orders.
Such a pattern can be made photographically by rotating before a photographic plate a disk with openings arranged properly in steps.
On this day also many Hungarian swineherds make fire by rotating a wheel round a wooden axle wrapt in hemp, and through the fire thus made they drive their pigs to preserve them from sickness.
We have seen that many Hungarian swine-herds make fire on Midsummer Eve by rotating a wheel round a wooden axle wrapt in hemp, and that they drive their pigs through the fire thus made.
Through the spare snowflakes above this loomed another line of vast windmills, and then suddenly the amorphous tumult of the rotating wheels was pierced with a deafening sound.
Halfway down the frail-seeming stem was a light gallery about which hung a cluster of tubes--minute they looked from above--rotating slowly on the ring of its outer rail.
A study of the figure will show that the centrifugal force round the axis RR will act on the equatorial protuberance of the rotating earth so as to make it tend in the direction of the arrows.
Make to yourself," he says, "a rotatingneedle of any sort of metal three or four fingers long and pretty light and poised on a sharp point.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rotating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: alternate; reeling; rolling; spin; spinning; successive; swirling; turning; whirling