Only in multiple they merged into the seasons which glided so smoothly, one into the other, that the change was unnoticed, until it had taken place.
But our Swiss people are so accustomed to the scrutin de liste, or multiple vote, that we could not obtain from them the profound modification which would have been necessary to pass to the Hare-Spence system.
The time has come when she will brood, and interpret more and more the underlying truths, and body forth an art which shall be a spiritual guide, shed light, and show the meaning of her multiple existence.
This earth is made too subtly, of too multiple warp and woof, for prophecy.
So, for convenience in thinking about man's unlearned equipment, this appearance of multiple response to one same situation and multiple causation of one same response may be taken roughly as the fact.
Morton Prince's book The Dissociation of a Personality is a classic case study of multiple personality.
What is particularly interesting in connection with this phenomenon of multiple personality is the fact that it reveals in a striking way the relation of the subconscious to the conscious.
Investigation in this field, invaluable for an understanding of the person, has been made in the study of dual andmultiple personality.
The phenomena of double and multiplepersonalities occur when this unity becomes disorganized.
The psychiatrist, in dealing with certain types of abnormal behavior like hysteria and multiple personality, was forced to study human behavior objectively.
These bracelets, pendants, and gold beads, these multiple rows of the richest necklaces, bear witness to the extraordinary luxury of the courts of Darius and Xerxes, and may well dazzle us.
In 1743 the Abbe d'Olivet spoke indignantly of ``ces ana, dont le nombre se multiple impunement tous les jours a la honte de notre siecle.
The term ``alloy'' does not necessarily imply obedience to the laws of definite and multiple proportion or even uniformity throughout the material; but some alloys are homogeneous and some are chemical compounds.
Those lines are perfect circles that make a multiple of ten.
With practical unanimity, mankind rejected the dual or multiple scheme; it insisted on unity.
The single and multiple rows of resin-ducts in the wood of the first year may prove to be a reliable sectional distinction, but this character has not been sufficiently investigated to test its constancy.
The stem of the tree is often multiple by the vertical growth of some of the lower branches.
Instead of stopping at this multiple beauty, it must be abandoned to rise (to the Good), the supreme principle.
The sense-world, taken together with its multiple objects, is more of an essence than the things it contains, merely because it is their totality.
Chance occurs only in the lower and multiple things.
Being thus both unity and plurality, Intelligence, by virtue of its multiple nature, produces the plurality (of beings).
Who then will be able to contemplate this multiple and universal Life, primary and one, without being charmed therewith, and without scorning every other kind of life?
Later in the night that curious effect disappeared and a multiple lunar rainbow of amazing beauty and perfection was to be admired.
Then there were high mounds, also of sand, and dunes of all kinds, some with a double crescent, or with the inside of the crescent much indented, others with multiple concave curves.
From there his thoughts would branch out into his multiple uncertainties, confusions and puzzlements.
Multiple disc insulators are used, four discs being used to suspend each conductor from standard towers and ten discs to each conductor on strain towers.
Knife switches are used for low pressure service, the multiple break form being used where it is desired to reduce the arcing distance.
If a constant be used to reduce the reading to kilowatt hours, it should be some multiple of 10, to avoid errors in multiplication.
These, together with the corals, form the division of the coelenterates known as the Zoantharia, characterised by the possession of simple tentacles, the number of which is a multiple of either five or six.
The leaves of exogens have their veins in the form of a network, and the parts of the flower are generally arranged in whorls of two or five or of some multiple of these numbers.
On this paper, therefore, we get the following-- Multiple Crown C.
Illustration] In May, 1905, appeared also three new values printed onmultiple Crown C.
The newmultiple watermarked paper had been adopted for the 1d.
The peace party was in very considerable majority, and though Gambetta received the distinction of a multiple election in nine separate districts, Thiers was chosen in twenty-six.
And no one was more alive than I to the multiplesignificance of the daily drama.
Not that I got any inkling of the conception of a multiple world.
But the whole matter is indefinitely complicated by what may be called man's multiple allegiance.
The multiple allegiance of the individual does not mean that a man is subject to a multitude of independent masters whose several claims have no relation to one another.
XZMs can explain the somnambulistic-effect, multiple personalities or even some nonsense crimes.
On symbolic model, this problem does not occur, due to multiple cross-checks between elements and relations.
The extension of this idea to substances in general necessarily led him to the law of combination in multiple proportions, and the comparison with experiment brilliantly confirmed the truth of his deduction" (A New View, &c.
Houses were most often situated in those osage orange trees that had been cut one or more times, and had regenerated with spreading growth form, the multiple branching stems offering substantial support.