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Example sentences for "countesse"

Lexicographically close words:
countervailing; counterweight; counterweights; counterwork; countes; countest; counteth; counthry; countie; counties
  1. All that is mine, graue Countesse & no lesse.

  2. Is it not Ida the Countesse of Arains daughters?

  3. The countrie Countesse of Northumberland, Doth greete you well, and hath requested mee, To bring these letters to your Ladiship.

  4. But Countesse you would be gone, therfore farwell Yet Ida if thou wilt, stay thou behind, To accompany my Queene.

  5. Enter the Countesse of Arrain, with Ida her daughter in theyr porch, sitting at worke.

  6. As much salute as may become my sex, And hee in vertue can vouchsafe to thinke, I yeeld him for the courteous Countesse sake.

  7. This is the Countesse Eugenias house, I thinke.

  8. Since your Lordship will shorten the length of my follies relation, the woman that I so passionately love, is no worse Lady then your owne Neece, the too worthy Countesse Eugenia.

  9. What an unmannerly tricke is this of thy Countesse to give the noble count her uncle the slippe thus?

  10. My Lord Momford intreates your Lordship, and these knights and captaine to accompany the Countesse Eugenia, and the other two Ladies, at his house at supper to night.

  11. Sidenote: The countesse of Boughan set the crowne on Robert Bruce his head.

  12. The same yeare died Gilbert de Clare earle of Glocester, which left issue behind him, begot of his wife the countesse Ione the kings daughter (beside three daughters) one yoong sonne named also Gilbert to succeed him as his heire.

  13. This yeere Humfrey Bohun earle of Hereford departed out of this life, after whome succeeded his sonne Humfrey, who afterwards maried the kings daughter, Elizabeth countesse of Holland, after that hir first husband was dead.

  14. Amongst other that did their homage to the king himselfe, was Marie queene of Man, and countesse of Stratherne, vpon the 24 daie of Iulie, the king being thus in S.

  15. This Guie was the son of Margaret countesse of Flanders, whom she had by hir second husband William lord of Dampire in Burstoine.

  16. The countesse his wife, after hir husbands deceasse, married a knight of meane estate, borne in the bishopricke of Duresme, named sir Rafe Monthermer, that had serued the earle hir first husband in his life time.

  17. This yeare died William de Forz earle of Albemarle, in whose place succéeded Baldwine de Betun by the kings gift, and married the countesse of Albermarle.

  18. I am King Edward's daughter right, The Countesse clear, young Bessy, In all hast with mean and might Thou must come speak with the Earle of Darby.

  19. In this yeare died in Guien the countesse of Comings, to whome the French king and also the earle of Arminacke pretended to be heire, in so much that the earle entred into all the lands of the said ladie.

  20. About the same time, deceassed also the countesse of Warwike, and Henrie archbishop of Yorke.

  21. Of which two tables, for the bishops, began the bishop of London and the bishop of Durham; and for the ladies, the countesse of Stafford, and the countesse of March.

  22. Vpon the same hand and side, neere the boords end, sat the duchesse of Yorke and the countesse of Huntingdon.

  23. By me sir Richard Braie, chapleine to my ladie the old countesse of Warwike; Iesus Maria, Amen, Pater noster, Aue Maria.

  24. The countesse of Kent sat vnder the table at the right foot, and the countesse marshall at the left.

  25. After that time, the Countesse spake to her many times, but she could neuer perceiue by her countenance, any cause of certaine suspicion.

  26. Wherunto the gentlewoman did willingly recline her eare: and bicause he was poore, and the father of the damosell rich, she thought that her father would neuer accorde to the mariage, except it were by meanes of the Countesse of Arande.

  27. Yee shall peruse hereafter an history of a Countesse of Celant, that was a passing fayre Dame, singularly adorned with Nature's gifts.

  28. The Countesse which partely beleued, and partelye mistrusted his talke, went vnto her daughter, and demaunded wherfore she cried out so loud.

  29. The Viceroy knowing that the Countesse of Arrande did passe through his countrie, went to mete her, as well for auncient amitie, as for the honor he bare vnto her being allied to the kyng.

  30. The Countesse of whome I spake, arriued thus at Saragossa, was very well intertained of the king, and of his whole Court.

  31. The Countesse demaunded of him, saying: "Amadour what is the matter?

  32. The Countesse suspecting very much the affection that Amadour bare vnto her daughter, which he suffered and dissembled for his vertue's sake, called her daughter aside, and told her the pitious newes.

  33. Sidenote: The countesse of Prouance mother to the queene commeth ouer into England.

  34. The countesse of Cornewall went ouer with a noble traine of lords, gentlemen, and others, to be present at the meeting of hir two sisters, the queenes of England and France, so that the roialtie of the assemblie on ech part was great.

  35. Sidenote: The countesse of Penbroke, sister to the king married to Simon de Montford.

  36. This yeare the nunrie of Marran not farre from Lin was founded by the ladie Isabell countesse of Arundell.

  37. There died also the ladie Elianor the countesse of Britaine, wife vnto Geffrey, that was sometime earle of Britaine (which countesse had beene long kept prisoner at Bristow) with diuerse other.

  38. Sidenote: The death of Isabell the countesse of Cornewall.

  39. About the same time, the countesse of Cornewall at Berkehamsteed was deliuered of a sonne named Edmund.

  40. Sidenote: The countesse of Prouance dealeth vniustlie with the king of England hir sonne in law.

  41. Ione countesse of Penbroke, the wife of William de Valence the kings halfe brother, demanded hir right of dower, in such lands as belonged to hir by title of inheritance.

  42. But when the countesse of Leicester would not consent to quite claime and release hir right in such parcels of Normandie as belonged to hir, which king Henrie had couenanted with the residue to resigne vnto the French king.

  43. Nere a six houres but the Countesse cloyd mee with her companie.

  44. It is the Countesse Iuliana the Marquesse of Mantuaes wife and no other, that hath complotted our confusion.

  45. The first ground I toucht after I was out of Zacharies house, was the Countesse Iulianaes chamber: little did I surmise that fortune reserued mee to so faire a death.

  46. So it is, that the pope is farre out of liking with the countesse of Mantua his concubine, and hath put his trust in me his phisition to haue her quietly and charitably made away.

  47. In a leafe or two before was I lockt vp: heere in this page the foresaid goodwife Countesse comes to me, shee is no longer a iudge but a client.

  48. To the Right Honourable, my very good Lady, the Countesse of C.

  49. To the right honourable the Countesse of Ar.

  50. To the Right Honourable the Countesse of C.

  51. To the right honourable my very good Lady, Anne Countesse of Ar.

  52. Wyth that a hurly burly rose amongs the people, euery man maruellinge what the matter shoulde be.

  53. He also builded a temple to Diana, with the helpe and assistance of the Latine people.

  54. Whereof he would not aduertise her whome he loued, for greuing her, knowing well that she would bee tormented with the newes.

  55. The great conquerour Alexander Magnus wan a great and notable Citie for wealth and spoyle.

  56. And to say the trouth, such was his exceding curtesie, as fewe may be found to imitate the same.

  57. A mocion moued aboue amongs the heauenly route, and not an ac{t} wrought in the grosenes of man's infirmitie.

  58. The one by small sute sone won and obteyned, the other by earnest requestes and great payne pursued and followed.

  59. SIR, When I saw your good Countesse last, she let me think that her message by her foot-man would hasten you up.

  60. The good Countesse spake somewhat of your desire of letters; but I am afraid she is not a proper Mediatrix to those persons, but I counsail in the dark.

  61. And in this yere prynce Edward wedded the countesse of Kent.

  62. This same yere[125] deyde the countesse of Arundell and of Huntyngdon, in Gascoigne.

  63. Enter Renel at the vault, with the Countesse being blinde.

  64. See, here's the Guises Duches; The Countesse of Mountsurreaue, Beaupre.

  65. Then did the king marie the countesse Alfred, and of hir begat two sonnes, Edmund which died yoong, and Etheldred or Egelred.

  66. Elizabeth at Harefield by Countesse of Derby.

  67. Say shall I make thee countesse ere I sleep?

  68. Lacie, enjoy the maid of Fresingfield; 125 Make her thy Lincolne countesse at the church, And Ned, as he is true Plantagenet, Will give her to thee franckly for thy wife.

  69. The introduction is in the following words: To The Right Honourable, Thrice Noble, and Vertuous Lady, Lucy Countesse of Bedford, one of the Ladies of Her Majesties Privie Chamber.

  70. St. John's College in Cambridge being an ancient hostell, was conuerted to a college by the executors of the Countesse of Richmond and Derby, and mother of Henry VII.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "countesse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.