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Example sentences for "dwelled"

Lexicographically close words:
dwarfness; dwarfs; dwel; dwell; dwelle; dwellen; dweller; dwellers; dwellest; dwelleth
  1. And hee also saith, that about some eighteene yeares agoe, he dwelled with one Robert Nutter the elder, of Pendle aforesaid.

  2. There dwelled in the citie of Metelyne a certain Duke called Clerophantes" ("Greenes carde of fancie").

  3. There dwelled in Bononia a certaine Knight called Signior Bonfadio" ("Morando").

  4. No rattlesnake, no lizard, no scorpion dwelled in this burning sand.

  5. It must often have been such as this in the great Teutonic forest where my ancestors dwelled thousands of years ago.

  6. There Helca had dwelled and ruled more mildly than any hath done since, save Kriemhild, who likewise gave freely of her goods.

  7. What tongue might tell how merrily King Etzel dwelled there?

  8. Where a cloister still standeth, and the Inn floweth into the Danube, a bishop dwelled in the town of Passau.

  9. Twenty-Third Adventure How Kriemhild Thought of Revenging Her Wrong So, in high honour (I say sooth), they dwelled together till the seventh year.

  10. At Worms, by the Rhine, they dwelled in might with many a proud lord for vassal.

  11. And his heart dwelled on the mickle joy her love must bring him, and he looked at her sweetly.

  12. So dwelled Launcelot and Galahad within that ship half a year, and served God daily and nightly with all their power.

  13. And for to repose him he went to a good knight that dwelled in Cornwall in a castle, whose name was Sir Dinas the seneschal.

  14. Then the lady rode to that knight's brother that hight Sir Belliance le Orgulous, that dwelled fast thereby, and then she told him how his brother was slain.

  15. Now will we begin at Sir Gawaine that held that way till he came unto a fair manor, where dwelled an old knight and a good householder, and there Sir Gawaine asked the knight if he knew any adventures in that country.

  16. And then they joyed much, and dwelled there all that day.

  17. I am of your kindred, the which have dwelled in this heat this three hundred winter and four and fifty, to be purged of the sin that I did against Joseph of Armathie.

  18. Sir, said she, I dwelled with the greatest man of the world, and he made me so fair and so clear that there was none like me, and of that great beauty I had a little pride, more than I ought to have had.

  19. Thus leave I here Sir Bedivere with the hermit, that dwelled that time in a chapel beside Glastonbury, and there was his hermitage.

  20. So Sir Marhaus dwelled with the earl nigh half a year, for he was sore bruised with the giant, and at the last he took his leave.

  21. So when they had reposed them, and spoken together, they took their horses and rode to a castle where dwelled an old knight that made all knights errant good cheer.

  22. And then Sir Launcelot dwelled with that good man that night.

  23. And so this squire was benighted, and by misfortune he happened to come unto a castle where dwelled a baron.

  24. Was it, he wondered, because that, there upon the sea, whatever of shadow dwelled about him on the land was no longer visible?

  25. Herein is a veine of meane seacole, which the people dig out of the shore at the low water; and in this Iland dwelled one Henrie sometime a famous heremite, who (as his life declareth) came of the Danish race.

  26. The second dwelled at Yorke, and his power stretched from Humber to the furthest part of all Scotland.

  27. Scots dwelled somtime in this Ile, as also in Ireland, which Ethicus also affirmeth of his owne time, and finallie confirmeth that the Scots and Irish were sometime one people.

  28. The grasiers themselues also then dwelled in mooueable villages by companies, whose custome was to diuide the ground amongst them, and each one not to depart from the place where his lot laie (a [Sidenote: Criacht.

  29. Silures, which then dwelled vpon the west coast of our Iland, and euen so farre as Dunbritton, and beyond: but to our Cair kybi.

  30. Cane, twelue inches longer, by the iudgment of such as saw it, than anie man which dwelled in the countrie.

  31. And on the bankes hereof stood the famous abbeie called Founteines or Adfontes, so much renowmed for the lustie monks that sometimes dwelled in the same.

  32. And Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain.

  33. Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent toward Sodom.

  34. This chapter in Jim's life need scarcely be dwelled upon in any detail.

  35. All the evening he had dwelled with rapture upon the object of the gamble.

  36. At this period there were six families took refuge in a large cave in a mountain, where they dwelled for a long time.

  37. Yet he dwelled with the sons of Essua, who as they toiled murmured about their stolen birthright.

  38. The Fountain Abbey of which I speak is no such rich and proud place as the other, but a simple little cell; yet, withal, as cosy a spot as ever stout anchorite dwelled within.

  39. With him were young Sir Henry of the Lea and two other knights and three barons of Nottinghamshire; but the King's mind still dwelled upon Robin Hood.

  40. So turning their backs upon the stream, they plunged into the forest once more, through which they traced their steps till they reached the spot where they dwelled in the depths of the woodland.

  41. Thus they dwelled for nearly a year, and in that time Robin Hood often turned over in his mind many means of making an even score with the Sheriff.

  42. Thus Allan sang, and as he sang all eyes dwelled upon him and not a sound broke the stillness, and even after he had done the silence hung for a short space.

  43. Here he and Pocahontas dwelled together "civilly and lovingly.

  44. In England there dwelled a man named James Edward Oglethorpe, son of Sir Theophilus Oglethorpe of Godalming in Surrey.

  45. Those who had named and had first dwelled in Jamestown were in number about a hundred.

  46. The forest was everywhere, and the Indians dwelled in the forest.

  47. There, there before us dwelled countrymen, fellow mariners, fellow adventurers forth from the Old into the New!

  48. Thankful was she that her son Miguel dwelled ten leagues away!

  49. His parents dwelled here in this house by the Tinto and they gave me shelter.

  50. In some regions they dwelled thickly, in others were few folk.

  51. Asked about that, they pointed to the south and seemed to say that yonder dwelled men who had all they wished of most things.

  52. And there dwelled here a host of those who sold entertainment,--mummers and jugglers and singers, dwarfs and giants.

  53. And when he had long sought and demanded where he should find Christ, at last he came into a great desert to an hermit that dwelled there.

  54. And, as it is read in some histories, when he served and dwelled with the king of Canaaneans, it came in his mind that he would seek the greatest prince that was in the world and him he would serve and obey.

  55. Years dragged themselves along heavily, and still I dwelled within the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass; but a second change had come upon all things.

  56. We had always dwelled together, beneath a tropical sun, in the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass.

  57. And on this half is the kingdom of Comania, whereof the Comanians that dwelled in Greece sometime were chased out.

  58. Hebron was wont to be the principal city of the Philistines, and there dwelled some time the giants.

  59. In that kingdom of Chaldea, in a city that is clept Ur, dwelled Terah, Abraham's father.

  60. And right fast by that place is a cave in the rock, where Adam and Eve dwelled when they were put out of Paradise; and there got they their children.

  61. That city of Bagdad was wont to be clept Sutis, and Nebuchadnezzar founded it; and there dwelled the holy prophet Daniel, and there he saw visions of heaven, and there he made the exposition of dreams.

  62. And he trowed that she had been a common woman, that dwelled there to receive men to folly.

  63. In that town dwelled Abraham the patriarch, a long time.

  64. And then in that country dwelled many good Christian men, the which that left their goods and would have fled into Greece.

  65. There were enclosed twenty-two kings with their people, that dwelled between the mountains of Scythia.

  66. I ought right well to know it; for I dwelled with him as soldier in his wars a great while against the Bedouins.

  67. And there dwelled Joseph, when he was sold of his brethren.

  68. I am of your kindred, the which hath dwelled in this heat this three hundred four and fifty winter to be purged of the sin that I did against Joseph of Aramathie.

  69. Sir, said she, I dwelled with the greatest man of the world, and he made me so fair and clear that there was none like me; and of that great beauty I had a little pride more than I ought to have had.

  70. The land along the Connecticut River was very fertile, and the Pequot Indians, who sided with the Dutch, had driven away the original tribes which had dwelled there.

  71. People dwelled at the back or on the second floor of their shops.

  72. Only one mortuary may be taken of each deceased and that in the place where he most dwelled and habited.

  73. But mercy dwelled not with the angry lord Is this, cried he, the answer?

  74. In faith, even straight to all the freres, And with them I dwelled many years, And they crowned Folly a king.

  75. Yea, yea, man; he is full nigh of my kin, And in Newgate we dwelled together; For he and I were both shackled in a fetter.

  76. By my faith, in England have I dwelled yore, And all mine ancestors me before.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dwelled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.