Through the narrow door they passed in single file, the warders following immediately behind with their rifles upon their shoulders.
The savages considered this a flight, and commencing a most hideous yell, rushed forward with their rifles and tomahawks, and cut the retiring line to pieces.
Fire they dared not kindle, and the report of one of their rifles would bring upon them the entire force of the Indians.
Our men fired their rifles upon a steady aim, and rushed in.
He had no sooner started, than several Indians followed in his rear and discharged their rifles at him as he galloped across the prairie.
They were surrounded and attacked by a party of twelve natives armed with rifles and assegais.
He only made trouble while he lived, not only for poor Maria, but for his country, where many have been killed with the rifles he has smuggled in.
If he had wished to use them for a good purpose and not for rifles to kill innocent people, Maria would have given them gladly.
Rifles by the dozens packed in all the boxes we had time to open.
The prize they looked for was Ruiz, the famous filibuster and desperado who had smuggled hundreds of rifles into Venezuela and had robbed and pillaged and even killed, but had never been caught.
But who should say how many rifles lined that ridge?
All kinds of worthy old gentlemen, moreover, who had received us civilly enough the day before, produced rifles from various hiding-places and shot at us from off their verandahs.
The train was returning from Potchefstroom, guarded by six armed burghers, and on rifles being pointed, it stopped obediently and surrendered.
So regular was their order that it was not until their levelled rifles were seen pointing south that they were recognised as foes, and artillery opened on them.
At length, however, the cannonade slackened and ceased, and the rifles soon imitated the merciful example of the guns.
The Gordons' rifles spluttered accordingly, and back came the answer hot and sharp--a close and accurate musketry fire pinning the little party of Regulars to the earth behind their flimsy shelters.
The Boers raised their rifles in menace, and the unarmed British envoy flourished his white flag indignantly.
The two men here lay down and got their rifles ready.
On the following night the remainder was removed, after my own men had stored in the Castle the rifles and ammunition reserved for its defence if necessary.
The rifles were now cracking fast, as the marauders--those that were left of them--came rushing out into the open.
When the time comes, then shall be sound in his honour--not of rifles alone, but bells and cannon and the mighty voice of a free people shouting as one.
The rifles and ammunition were stacked on the quay.
I want to see those Ingis-Malbron rifles either safely stored in the Castle or, what is better, divided up amongst the mountaineers--a thing which will be done at the very earliest moment that I can accomplish it.
He had not only secured the rifles and the ammunition for them, but he had purchased from one of the small American Republics an armoured yacht which had been especially built for war service.
Whilst he was speaking, two of the men of our party, who I knew to be good sharpshooters, and who had just before lain on their faces and had steadied their rifles to shoot, rose to their feet.
The only immediate sound was that made by their rifles as they clanked against the brass parts of their saddles.
Miles Swiney had been shot in the side by one of the Louth Rifles on the North Denes.
Nevill, the Artillery had fired a salute of 21 guns from the South Battery, and the Rifles a feu de joie in the Market-place.
The transport “Himalaya” had brought the former, and taken away the latter regiment; the Louth Rifles had given a ball on board that ship.
One of a recently-arrived advance party of the Louth Rifles named John Carret had been found drowned in the Yare.
The Donegal Regiment was to succeed the Louth Rifles at Yarmouth.
The officers of the Louth Rifles had given a Ball at the Town Hall, for which about 180 invitations were issued.
More than half of them were now having the trouble in loading their rifles that Kennedy had experienced--and was having again.
Dropping their rifles and bombs, they broke and fled in a wild rush back to their trench, amid the cheers of "D" Company.
You have got to be able to use your rifles as well in the dark.
But they all stood peering intently over the low ridge of earth that protected the top of the trench and on which their rifles rested.
The sound of others working with their rifles let him know that he had not been the only one to get into difficulty.
Yet at the Hot Springs the Tibetans fired off their matchlocks and rifles into the thick of us, and at Guru an hour afterwards the Gurkhas walked right up to a house held by the enemy, under heavy fire, and took it without a casualty.
We had been informed that large quantities of Russian rifles had been introduced into the country, and it was rumoured that the Tibetans were reserving these for the defence of Lhasa itself.
More often than not the mounted infantry found the butts of their rifles frozen in the buckets, and had to dismount and use both hands to extricate them.
The Tibetans have learned to make riflesfor themselves now.
They made no stand, though they were well armed with a medley of modern rifles and well mounted.
Soldiers heard, and used their clubbed rifles in an effort to get through to the scene of disorder.
On the flat floor behind this the sailors had thrown themselves, aiming their rifles over the parapet.
As I have but fifty-two naval rifleswith me, that makes up a total force of only eighty-four rifles.
In a twinkling, and almost without protest, the sailors seized the rifles of the yellow soldiery.
Scattered around the outside of this building were nearly a score of Chinese soldiers carrying their riflesat shoulder arms.
At times the swarms coming up the ladders pressed so close that sailors and marines fought them with the butts of their rifles and with fists, even.
Once more ladders had been tipped over, the last of the yellow men hurled to the ground below, and again the machine guns and the infantry rifles poured their shots into the thousands below.
Even that had to be shouted, for the clamor beyond the walls was indescribable, and the roar of machine guns and the rattle of navy rifles was all but deafening.
I'm so pleased to be in the first squad to get rifles I don't mind his manner.
He found some fault with two of those whose rifles were tossed up, and there were only four all told.
From the opposite side of the square came the crack of rifles again, quickly answered.
The boy fired twice in quick succession at men who had raised their rifles ready to fire at them, and although in answer a dozen bullets sang past them, the aim was faulty in the excitement.
We would have with us our little rifles and some fishing tackle.
We showed him the silencers set on the rifles and tried to explain them, but he shook his head; his physics wasn't up to such juggling with sound.
Our guide (Jan was his name) and Carlos rode before; Robert and I carried our little rifles slung at our backs.
Pigeons were plentiful, and we spied a predatory hawk, at which Robert and I got our little rifles out of their cases.
In the last year of the war five regiments of Mounted Rifles and a Constabulary Force, which saw active service, were recruited.
This time the Canadian authorities decided to send a regiment of Mounted Rifles and three batteries of artillery.
I glanced to the spot where the rifles were lying, and then surveyed the bushrangers, as they lay stretched out before the fire, perfectly unconscious that we were plotting their destruction.
Bad luck to it, couldn't ye manage somewhat differently than to want to fight two Americans, who were born wid rifles in their hands.
At any rate he managed to answer in a quiet tone that we were to accompany him, and that the rifles which we carried, and which he had previously expressed a great dread of, would cover his body during our march.
The Yankee chaps vid their rifles 'ave gone vid the green vons, and now the colonel don't care an old button for the rest.
We slung ourrifles over our shoulders by the means of leather straps, and in a few minutes were cantering across the prairie at an easy gait, and in the direction of the bushrangers' late retreat.
We drank our coffee in solemn silence, and then started for the rendezvous, Smith carrying the rifles and ammunition, and uttering comments at every step at the folly of our proceedings.
Our rifles were reloaded, and revolvers examined, and after we had indulged in the luxury of a smoke, we heard the voice of the convict shouting in no gentle tones to his oxen, as they stopped in front of the hut.
You will find it for your interest to do so," was the composed reply, and bidding him follow, we took our rifles and led the way towards the buried treasure.
Because, in this case, if we do not obtain your most solemn pledge that our lives shall be spared, we will die with our rifles in our hands.
I would like to know if we are to carry our rifles for the purpose, of guarding against bushrangers or to kill kangaroos?
I think that for once the Sharp's rifles and the revolvers were employed in a righteous cause.
As if they could never exhaust the burden of their swelling emotions, they roared forth their cheers, waving caps and rifles high in the air, while down their cheeks poured, unheeded and unhindered, a rain of tears.
Then the battalion broke ranks and flinging rifles and kitbags to the ground, they rushed across the tracks, eager to bring their tribute of pride and love to their brothers from their own country, far across the sea.
The latter had been fully enough impressed (such was the story) by the reports of the columns of our west-bound farmers, with rifles leaning at their wagon seats and plows lashed to the tail-gates.
By snowfall, as we believed, the balance of power would be all upon our side, and our swift-moving rifles would outweigh all their anchored cannon.
Given another year, and your rifles and your plows would make your claims still better.
But it was too late; all the rifles were in use in the firing-line.
At his bidding their rifles were all deposited in one place.
Those who had emptied their rifles brandished their tomahawks and tried to make amends by the fierceness of their cries for their lack of more formidable ways of attacking.
Instantly both were listening breathlessly, and were holding their rifles in readiness, while they peered anxiously into the brush from which the threatening sound had come.
Above the shouts and cries were heard the frequent reports of the rifles of the attacking party.
Sheltered behind nearby trees, Peleg watched the approaching surveyors, some of whom were loading their rifles rapidly, while others were firing at the enemy.
Before the startled men were fully aware of what was occurring a band of Indians rushed from the woods, some armed with rifles and others using their bows and arrows.
The entire band halted, for their own rifles were not loaded at the time and they were depending upon a similar condition among the whites.
Almost as if it was one sound, the rifles of Daniel Boone, Peleg, and Israel rang out together.
It was not long before the report of rifles was heard from the distant road, and gradually the sound indicated that the men were being decoyed farther and farther from the fort.
There are other rifles from which you may make a selection," Boone added.
They concluded that discovery was not to be avoided, and after Peleg had whispered to his companion to follow his example, one after the other the boys raised their rifles and fired upon their enemies.
Again the rifles spoke, and this time, to the chorus of howls there was added a command from the leader to retreat, and the men rushed from the cave, which was filled with smoke.
To the reports of the rifles there succeeded howls of pain.
They found the door and, while the others with rifles in readiness stood in a semi-circle about it, Jerry made ready to knock and demand admittance.
We must arm ourselves," and he began to get out the rifles from the bottom of the car, and hand them around to his companions.
All through my middle Cambridge period, the guns boomed and the rifles crackled away there on the veldt, and the horsemen rode and the tale of accidents and blundering went on.
This insolent behaviour was very galling to the Mounted Rifles and their Kat River comrades, and they were naturally impatient to accept the challenge and teach the sable warriors a sharp lesson.
But they did not attempt to come to close quarters, their sole object being to carry off their dead and wounded, not to renew their attack on the white men, whose terrible rifles had already done to death so many of their company.
They all took up their rifles and opened fire upon the advancing enemy, who showed no lack of courage, and sent their assegais hurtling amongst the trees in a style that would have done credit to Zulu warriors.
The four rifles rang out nearly together, and three of the enemy rolled over and over, but their fall did not stop the rush of the others; on they came, bent on the destruction of the little band of white men.
Your friend B--of the Mounted Rifles has got leave for you to be attached to his troop for to-day.
A sergeant's party of the Rifles are to fetch them in the course of a week or so, and I propose to return with them.
Still they came rushing on, shouting and brandishing their weapons, when suddenly and to their great consternation, the reports of the rifles were heard and fourteen bullets struck fourteen warriors.
The united party then again advanced, with rifles cocked and primed, towards the Indian camp.
The traders not wishing to commence the conflict, began to move on, leading their animals and with their rifles cocked, watching every movement of the intruders.
Before the savages had recovered from their consternation the rifles were reloaded and every man was ready for another discharge.
With almost the rapidity of thought the rifles were again loaded and the whole united band rushed forward upon the Indians who were now flying wildly in all directions.
I turned squarely round, with my back to the Indian, when I saw the boys at the fort suddenly raise their rifles with their muzzles directed towards us.
They were also armed with rifles and had learned how to use them skillfully.
If any of you, after that, are within reach of our rifles you will die.
The savages had a very salutary caution of rifles which could throw a bullet twice as far as the strongest bow and the most sinewy arm could speed an arrow.
In a body they retired to seize their rifles and to submit the question to the arbitrament of battle.
Almost with the rapidity of thought the rifleswere loaded, and the little band rushed upon the bewildered, terror-stricken, bleeding savages.
The animals were tethered in the rich herbage within the protection of their rifles and were carefully watched, night and day.
The family of Mr. Carson occupied a log cabin, which was bullet-proof, with portholes through which their rifles could command every approach.
It might compel them to abandon, not only their traps, but also their rifles and their ammunition.
His two comrades are soundly asleep with their rifles on their arms, ready at the slightest alarm to spring to their feet prepared for battle.
Gaby found another gap in the wire, and entirely by himself approached the strong point, while machine guns and rifles were still being fired from it.
Three or fourrifles laid parallel across the top of the trench.
This personnel should carry torches and, besides rifles or revolvers, bombs are recommended as being useful for dealing with any of the enemy who may be found in dug-outs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rifles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.