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Example sentences for "ouer"

Lexicographically close words:
oucht; oud; oudeis; ouden; oudt; ouercame; ouercome; ouertake; ouertaken; ouerthrew
  1. VVith a linnen vaile ouer euery of their heades, with two Labels hanging ouer theyr eares, & the rest descending downe and couering their necks & backes, with the bodies of Lyons.

  2. In the middle of the edging of hir dressing, vpon the highest parte ouer the middest of hir forhead hoong a rare iewell.

  3. And ouer that a Zophor, conteining this woorke still throughout, that is, the bonye scalpes of Oxen, with myroll bowghes full of berries, tyed abowt theyr hornes by a towell of linnen.

  4. Two of the cõpassing about seates were couered ouer with water, and to the vpper margine of the third.

  5. The rest of hir long spreding hayre was not seene, but couered ouer with a thinne vayle, edged with gould, hanging downe from the said flower and knot of pearle, to hir delicate shoulders, and flingering abroade with the ayre.

  6. Al which was beautiful ouer compassed about with a Coronice.

  7. And by this meanes they hooked in to themselues the cognisance of all causes, or like Bellarmines distinction of the Popes power ouer all Kings, in ordine ad Spiritualia, whereby he giues him all temporall iurisdiction ouer them.

  8. Ouer this Towne, vpon Wensday being the ninth of this instant Moneth of April, 1628, about fiue of the clocke in the afternoone this miraculous, prodigious and fearefull handy-worke of God was presented.

  9. The wardens of the cinque ports bare a canopie ouer the king, supported with foure speares.

  10. About this time, Guy de Lusignan the kings halfe brother came ouer into England, after his returne out of the holie land, and was of the king ioifullie receiued.

  11. Sidenote: The countesse of Prouance mother to the queene commeth ouer into England.

  12. But though this prouision did much ease, yet the want was great ouer all the realme.

  13. Then prepare a box to put ouer the cestern, which ought to stand about six inches aboue the cestern.

  14. Saue me, saue me, you gratious Powers aboue, and houer ouer mee, With your celestiall wings.

  15. The fift is called Anchasi;[103] he is president and gouernour ouer iustices both criminall and ciuill: and doth determine with his counsell of matters in difference, whatsoeuer that do appeale vnto him from other meaner iustices.

  16. When that any one doth die, at the very instant yt he yeeldeth vp ye gost, they do wash his bodie all ouer from top to toe, then do they apparell him with the best apparell that he had, all perfumed with sweet smels.

  17. In ye same churche whiche I told you was nat all fynyshyd, ther is a lytle chapell seelyd ouer with wodde, on ether syde a lytle dore wher ye pylgrymes go thorow, ther is lytle light, but of ye taperes, with a fragrant smell.

  18. I haue saylede ouer a ryuer ot hell, I went downe vnto the gates of hell, I saw what was dõe ther.

  19. I haue saylede ouer a ryuer to hell was ot Additional Problems: [+] iiij.

  20. They haue thus vsed them selues euermore, and it is a token of constancy and stabilitie neuer to varye or geue ouer that whiche they haue once taken in hand.

  21. T has ⁊ he is gleu | ouer alle glade þinhes: S omits.

  22. Mid mede man mai ouer water faren And mid weldede of giue[;] frend wuerche,’ OEH ii.

  23. Which hath hanging ouer it fastned vnder the cappe, a large broad cape of some rich furre, that hangeth downe almost to the middes of their backes.

  24. An other ouer that of chainlet, or like stufle called an Alkaben, sleeued and hanging lowe, and the cape commonly brooched, and set all with pearle.

  25. August at eight of the clocke in the morning, and came to the East side of the riuer Volga ouer against Yeraslaue, with 25.

  26. When they are to passe ouer a riuer with their armie, they tie three or four horses together and taking long poles or pieces of wood, bind them fast to the tailes of their horse: so sitting on the poles they driue their horse ouer.

  27. But in the sommer, nothing but her two shirts (for so they call them) one ouer the other, whether they be within doores, or without.

  28. So they set on first discharging their arrowes, then dealing with their swordes, which they vse in a brauerie to shake, and brandish ouer their heads, before they come to strokes.

  29. We pray you for your owne sake to embrace your own safetie, and giue ouer this attempt Ros.

  30. You haue simply misus'd our sexe in your loue-prate: we must haue your doublet and hose pluckt ouer your head, and shew the world what the bird hath done to her owne neast Ros.

  31. That you insult, exult, and all at once Ouer the wretched?

  32. Whereunto she submitted hir selfe, blinded by Auarice and presumption, thinking that she had like power nowe ouer the Lord of Virle, as when she gaue him that sharpe and cruel penance.

  33. And to the Ende that wee bee better assured in what state he is, yf you wyll promyse me to gyue ouer your heauynesse, I wyll to Daye knowe of Fryer Laurence whether he is gone.

  34. In like sorte, another whych looketh for his owne vndoinge, seeth himselfe aduaunced to hys estate agayne, by reuenge ouer his Enimies.

  35. Yet Phileno was more pityfull ouer the 3 nymphes and fayre Goddesses of Bologna, whose Hystory you may reade in the 49 Nouell of my former Tome.

  36. Madame" (sayd the ouer wilful louer) "I take God to witnesse that of the thing which you shall commaunde I will not leaue one iote vndone, but it shall bee executed to the vttermost of your request and will.

  37. But finallie the commons were ouercome, and driuen to seeke their safegard by flight, which was sore hindered by their cariages that stood behind them, ouer the which they were forced to clime and leape so well as they might.

  38. The duke of Hereford tooke his leaue of the king at Eltham, who there released foure yeares of his banishment: so he tooke his iornie ouer into Calis, and from thence went into France, where he remained.

  39. Harold, with diuers other that were got into that citie, found meanes to flie, and so escaped ouer into Flanders.

  40. But when the peoples furie was not so quenched, the bishop himselfe casting the skirts of his gowne ouer his face, came likewise foorth, and was immediatlie slaine of the people.

  41. Vpon a time the King led his troupes ouer the foord of Dine; and when halfe his army had passed, the other halfe by reason of the rising of the Sea, was compelled to stay.

  42. So the victorers being weakened, and the vanquished wasted, the King with pleasure triumphed ouer both.

  43. At the request of Wolstane Bishop of Worcester, he gaue ouer a great aduantage that he made by sale of prisoners taken in Ireland.

  44. This vice did cast a great mist ouer his glorie.

  45. But the Duke gaue ouer the execution vpon good aduise.

  46. He had good command ouer his passions; and thereby attained both peace within himselfe, and victory ouer others.

  47. This straight was fortified cleane ouer with a stone vvall and a ditch without it, the saide wall being as orderly built vvith flanking in euery part, as can be set dovvne.

  48. From hence putting ouer to the West Indies, we vvere not many dayes at sea, but there beganne amongst our people such mortalitie, as in fevv dayes there vvere dead aboue tvvo or three hundred men.

  49. These Officers had commaundement ouer the rest of the land Captaines, vvhose names hereafter follovve.

  50. This their boate they tye vnto an horse tayle, causing a man to swimme before, and to guide ouer the horse, or sometime they haue two oares to row themselues ouer.

  51. Ouer Neper we went many daies vpon the ice.

  52. Well, sentence passed against Melich, that Dauid being his elder brother should haue superioritie ouer him, and should quietly and peaceably possesse the portion of land granted vnto him by his father.

  53. For they reioyced ouer vs, as ouer men that had bene risen from death to life.

  54. It was couered aboue with Baldakin cloth, but there was other cloth spread ouer that, next vnto the ayre.

  55. And ouer ten Millenaries or captains of a 1000, he placed, as it were, one Colonel, and yet notwithstanding ouer one whole army he authorised two or three dukes, but yet so that all should haue especiall regart vnto one of the said dukes.

  56. And oftentimes in the morning, we found our selues all couered with snow driuen ouer vs by the winde.

  57. And alwaies, when hee rides, there is a canopie or small tent caried ouer his head vpon the point of a iaueline.

  58. And when both letters were written, they made vs to reade them ouer twise more, least we should haue mistaken ought.

  59. And hauing appointed certaine deputies ouer the countrey, they returned home into their owne lande.

  60. Now to the degrees of their seuerall callings, wherein as I will poast ouer the Dukes to another place, so for Noblemen, I may deliuer in a word, that Cornwall at this present enioyeth the residence of none at al.

  61. Neither may I without wrong passe ouer Captaine George Wray in silence, who (by a rare temperature of vertues) breathed courage into his soldiers, purchased loue amongst his acquaintance, and bred dismay in his enemies.

  62. Ile make him pull his powting croscloath ouer his beetle browes for melancholie, and then my next booke shall be Martin in his mubble fubbles.

  63. Where tis to be noted, that they come in with a sleeueless conscience, and thinke it no good doctrine which is not preached with the cloak cast ouer each shoulder like a rippier.

  64. Father, for the old knaue, thinking by his bastardie to couer his owne heade, putteth it like a stagge ouer the pale.

  65. How often the Gentlewoman his wife laboured vainely to recall him, is lamentable to note: but as one giuen ouer to all lewdnes, he communicated her sorrowful lines among his loose truls, that iested at her bootelesse laments.

  66. Though he play least in sight now, yet we hope to see him stride from Aldgate to Ludgate, and looke ouer all the Citie at London Bridge.

  67. Now leaue we of them & speak we of the Chapman That passed ouer the sea into Egipt land.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ouer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.