Here shall you find armour and force, neither shall you, whilest life remaineth in your capteine (whom ye ought to follow) depart without the victorie.
The oration of a capteine in the audience of the English and Danish armie.
Scotland against his enimies, the Welshmen tooke occasion to rebell vnder the conduct of their capteine Owen Glendouer, [Sidenote: Iohn Stow.
Among other prisoners, sir Manserd de Bos a valiant capteine was taken, and shortlie after put to death, as diuerse other were which the Burgognians bought of the Englishmen that had taken them prisoners.
And amongst other people that perished of that pestilentiall sickenesse, that worthie knight and noble capteine the earle of Warwike died at Calis in the moneth of Ianuarie, after his returne from Harflew.
Capteine thereof also was one sir Iohn de Vienne, a valiant knight of Burgoigne, hauing with him diuerse other right hardie and expert capteins, knights, and esquiers.
Sir Arnold stood valiantlie to his defense, and would not yeeld, till by verie force the Englishmen entered the citie, slue the soldiers, and tooke their capteine the said sir Arnold prisoner.
Sir Godmar du Foie was there before as capteine of the towne, so that it was prouided of all things necessarie.
He likewise required that one Dulcitius a capteine renowmed in knowledge of warlike affaires might be sent ouer to him for his better asistance.
And so was the commotion staied without bloudshed, the armie as it were hauing by couenant obtained to liue licentiouslie, and the capteine suertie to liue without danger to be murthered.
He was a capteine much watchfull, as one contented with verie little sléepe, and desirous to haue his souldiers also vigilant and carefull to kéepe sure watch in the night season.
While this Romane capteine was thus occupied, he was called backe by the rebellion of the Yorkshire men, whome forthwith vpon his comming vnto them, he appeased, punishing the first authors of that tumult with death.
The head capteine yet, and eight centurions, and euerie one else of the companies being most forward, were slaine.
To withstand those dooings if good fortune would giue him leaue, that most able capteine going [Sidenote: Theodosius passeth ouer into Britaine.
Now appeared it that the gods had taken some pitie of the poore Britains, who by their diuine power did withhold the chiefe capteine of the Romans with his armie, as it were banished [Sidenote: Occasion not be neglected.
I had come to this citie rather as a friend than as a capteine *: neither should I haue thought scorne, being borne of most noble parents, and ruling ouer many people, to haue accepted peace by waie of ioining with you in league.
His death suerlie was greatlie bewailed of king Henrie, openlie protesting that he had lost the worthiest capteine that then liued.
Howbeit their chiefe capteine the forenamed Iohn of Monmouth escaped, with a few other in his companie.
Their chiefe capteine Dauid fled into Scotland, hauing lost in that battell the most part of all his souldiers which he had there with him.
Sidenote: Richard Gray capteine of Douer castell, and lord warden of the ports.
And to be the better able so to doo, they made the lord Scales, and that renowned Capteine Matthew Gough privie both of their intent and enterprise, beseeching them of their helpe and furtherance therein.
Upon this abstinence, this rake-hell capteinefor making him more friends, brake up the gaites of the kings Bench and Marshalsie and so were manie mates set at libertie verie meet for his matters in hand.
Britains the forsaid Blederike, which was chiefe capteine of the field in that battell, chanced to be slaine.
Also that he ouercame the Romans in the countrie about Paris, with their capteine Lucius, and wasted the most part of all France, and slue in singular combats certeine giants that were of passing force and hugenesse of stature.
Horsus, and the Britains their capteine Katigerne (as before ye haue heard.
Saxons lost theircapteine Horse that was brother to Hengist, and the Britains lost Catigerne an other of Vortigerns sonnes.
Sidenote: Sir Edward Poinings a valiant capteine sent into Flanders with an armie.
The Frenchmen lost twelue hundred men, and amongst other, that valiant Italian capteine Iames Galeot.
In which meane time, the earle of Lincolne had gotten togither by the aid of the ladie Margaret about two thousand Almains, with one Martine Sward, a valiant and noblecapteine to lead them.
Sidenote: Martine Sward a valient capteine of the Almains, assistant to the earle of Lincolne.
Sidenote: The lord Euerus de M[=e]doza made capteine of the house roiall.
The earle of Tendiglie capteine of the palace, feasted the king and queene, and all the nobilitie at his owne costes and charges.
In the meane time, Iames Twichet lord Audeleie being confederate with the rebels of Cornewall ioined with them, being come to Welles, and tooke vpon him as their cheefe capteine to lead them against their naturall lord and king.
The lands of Athole were giuen to Atholus, another capteine and his people.
The lands of Lorne and Kintier, with the hilles and mounteins thereof, lieng from Mar to the Ireland seas, were giuen to capteine Nanance and his people.
Thane, was giuen vnto one Cornath, a capteine and his people.
The lands betweene the water of Thane & Nes, now called Rosse, being in bredth from Cromart to the mouth of the water of Locht, were giuen to Lutorke, another capteine and his people.
Sidenote: The capteine of Berwike will not suffer the duke of Lancaster to enter into the towne.
Be not troubled nor offended at the death of a traitor and ribald; I will be your king, capteine and leader, follow me into the fields, and you shall haue all things that you can desire.
The capteine of the Norfolke rebels forceth the noblemen and gentlemen to serue him at the table.
Then a great clamor and lamentable outcrie was made, and heard a great while togither, saieng; Our guide is dead, our capteine is dead.
Their capteine sir Iohn Harleston, fighting in the foremost presse, was felled, and laie on the ground at his enimies féet in great hazard of death.
The king made at the winning of Touque eight and twentie knights, and left sir Robert Kirkelie capteine there.
The king appointedcapteine of this towne, the duke of Glocester, and his lieutenant sir Ralfe Lentall.
The earle of Worcester was made capteine of Dreux, and sir Henrie Mortimer bailiffe there.
Sidenote: The lord of Kilmaine capteine of the Irishmen.
Sir Thomas Ramston was made capteine there, and after him sir Iohn Fastolfe.
Sidenote: Hasting the capteine of the Danes besieged.
Sidenote: Robert Huldorne capteine of the rebels taken and beheaded.
Heere manie men haue maruelled, whie the marquesse thus put to death the capteine of those people, which had procured this their rebellious enterprise.
Herevpon, the lord Iohn Spenser, comming to heare what the matter might meane, the capteine caused Lewin to be let downe to him, togither with the letters safe, and not touched by him at all.
On the same day was the towne of saint Seuere deliuered vnto the Englishmen, the which Hugh or (as Abington saith) Robert Veer, brother to the earle of Oxenford tooke vpon him to keepe as capteine there with two hundred men of armes.
Seuere, rehearseth not who was capteine as then of the towne, but in the yeelding of it vnto Charles de Valois, after he had laine more than three moneths before it, he agreeth with other writers.
The earle put new men of warre into the towne, and made capteinethere sir Iohn Cornewall.
Sir Robert Veer was capteine of the castell, and sir Henrie Radford capteine of the dungeon.
In the meane time his mother queene Elianor, togither with capteine Marchades entred into Aniou, and wasted the same, bicause they of that countrie had receiued Arthur for their souereigne lord and gouernour.
He was brother vnto Hubert de Burgh capteine of Douer castell.
They furnished the castell of Rochester with a strong garrison of men, and placed therein as capteine one William Albeney, a verie skilfull warriour.
A great number of Englishmen were taken, and amongst other their capteine the foresaid Hubert de Burgh.
None euill capteine was he in the warre, as to which his disposition was more meetlie than for peace.
Their capteine hight Corineus, a man of great modestie and approoued wisedome, and thereto of incomparable strength and boldnesse.
But it should appeare by other writers, that it was inhabited long before those daies, by the people called Hibernenses, of Hiberus their capteine that brought them also out of Spaine.
These ships were fraught with men and women, and had to theircapteine one called Bartholin or Partholin, who being [Sidenote: Matth.
For in the wit and policie of the capteine consisteth the cheefe adeption of the victorie, and ouerthrow of the enimies.
In the front he placed the archers, of whome he made capteine Iohn earle of Oxenford.
Wherefore like a valiant capteine he first determined to set on them, and either to destroie or to take them into his fauour, and after with all his power and puissance to giue battell to his mortall enimie king Richard.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "capteine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.