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Example sentences for "next week"

  • Anything I don't tell you you can read in next week's Item.

  • I should think a next week's bride would be too busy to call on any one except possibly the dressmaker.

  • And next week--next WEEK I was to be married.

  • I am not afraid to have him know to-day what the world will know next week.

  • Next week she is to go to Schloss Marlanx.

  • Next week Tantora's big circus is to give a private performance for him.

  • He wavered, and finally promised that he would come the first chance he had; that in fact he would come some time during the next week.

  • I have company here from tonight till middle of next week.

  • But to change the subject, I suppose we may look for the rest of our party about the last of next week?

  • But I will make necessary arrangements beforehand and I think we may leave for the South by Wednesday morning of next week, if that will suit you, my dear?

  • By the first of next week if my husband wishes to start by that time," returned Violet gayly.

  • I propose to sail from this place the beginning of next week, and I trust my arrival will shortly follow.

  • I expect Admiral McBride the beginning of next week; at which time we shall either go to Plymouth or Portsmouth, to complete our provisions.

  • I do not expect the Crescent will be ready to leave the harbour before the middle of next week; what our destination will then be must remain uncertain.

  • I shall walk to Coniston again, next week," he announced.

  • And Lockhart, next week, was coming to Hampton to make a great speech and look over the ground for himself.

  • Next week, at the latest, men would point to him as the head of the largest railroad interests in the state.

  • Next week, for instance, some prominent women in the Working Girls' Relief Society are coming, and on July the twenty-third I give a garden party for the delegates to the Charity Conference in New York.

  • We leave New York for Philadelphia after next week, and shall remain there three weeks.

  • I must now tell you what I do next week, that you may know where to find me.

  • Next week," she confided, "we are to have written examinations in everything and there are a thousand spots where I haven't caught up with the class.

  • It's for the dancing school party; next week, you know.

  • Next week," said she, "Jeannette will be going to school.

  • Well, John, you know the Follingsbees are coming next week?

  • My dear Lillie," quoth John one morning, "next week Wednesday is my birthday.

  • True, my Bet, true, but next week is--next week.

  • This Jack Welles is coming up next week, isn't he?

  • Let's ask the Gays and the Hildreths and Warren and Richard--next week will be a good time.

  • You know the doctor and Jack Welles are coming up next week to stay two weeks and Winnie and I want to have as much done ahead as we can.

  • Mrs. Tompkins would like to have her by the first of next week.

  • Next week we send Wilson to see her mother near Sheffield and the baby with her, which is a great stroke of fortitude in me; only what I can't bear is to see him crying because she is gone away.

  • Wilson has not come back, nor will till the end of next week, and though I can get away from my child for two or three hours at once during the daytime, for the whole day I could not go.

  • I have arranged for your letter to appear in next week's number; but I may have more light on Pugh's attitude by then.

  • But at about the end of next week, say, everything ought to be ready.

  • I imagine it more or less corresponds to next week; and we have only one spare bedroom yet, which is occupied by a nurse who is giving my wife a treatment that seems to be doing her good and which I don't want to stop if I can help it.

  • Tomorrow night when I get paid I'll have two twenty and, by the end of next week, if I can manage to scrape up an extra nickel, I'll have two fifty exact.

  • Next week, you know, you can begin saving in earnest.

  • And vacation, mind you, comes at the end of next week!

  • I've already got the passage engaged for next week to shoot the company over to France.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "next week" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    clean napkin; great affliction; had hoped; island home; much improved; next after; next come; next day; next door; next issue; next lecture; next letter; next mornin; next proceeded; next reached; next time; next winter; next year; officers killed; opened unto; quality very; really don; saw nothing; strong current; vice vers; written records