Familiar and kind words were interchanged between those high-born ladies and the trustworthy follower of young Arvina.
The Special Tariffs for export and import traffic interchanged between different Belgian Railways are the same as those charged for local export and import traffic Nos.
Montini, as Camillo, enjoyed a warm reception; but as he advanced to deliver his canzone, it was seen that he and Rocco interchangedglances of desperate resignation.
So their first love-speech was interchanged with Italian simplicity, and made a divine circle about them in the storm.
They interchanged exclamations: "Is it you, Jenna!
And behold, they interchanged that unsweet feminine performance.
Speaking impartially--for I scarcely interchanged four words with an American during my stay--I thought the military element the most repulsive.
Visits of William and Kate were interchanged with Tom, who had delayed his journey to town until Eleanor was what he considered sufficiently recovered to spare him.
We will merely say that the usual excitement prevailed at the start, when the horses and their riders received respectively their due amount of praise from their various admirers, whose bets were interchanged on the result of the struggle.
Of his deformity I have myself been a witness; and though it is difficult to give an opinion of the intellect of a being with whom you have never interchanged a syllable, nevertheless his countenance does not contradict the common creed.
Is it rational to drain away the sap of special kindred that makes the families of men rich in interchanged wealth, and various as the forests are various with the glory of the cedar and the palm?
This idea appeared to be rather ludicrous to the ladies as well as to Cohen, and the family interchanged looks of amusement.
Thin and active, she glided about the room, and brought people into actual contact who had never interchanged a look till she appeared.
Matters proceeded in this train till our once social pair had scarcely a neighbour with whom they interchanged the usual hospitalities.
After we had interchanged a few complimentary phrases, I mentioned my astonishment on finding that the Pasha had expressed any doubts of my being a true Moslem, after I had now been a proselyte to that faith for so many years.
Pashas had interchanged visits, their officers followed the example, and were admitted to kiss the hands of the Pashas, when each of them received presents in money, according to his rank.
He gave in at last, wished a hasty good-night, and left the room, while his host and hostess interchanged looks of triumph.
The Vice-Warden and the Chancellor interchanged a wink or two.
I haveinterchanged the old semicolon at the end of l.
The two words are frequently interchangedin the MSS.
These questions and their answers being interchanged always with intense gravity on both sides, the mistress of the tent, without saying a word, holds out her hand to the visitor.
We then drank our tea, interchanged various civilities, and so the thing ended.
The signal was given by a letter concealed in the cakes which, as we have stated, are on that day, mutuallyinterchanged throughout the country.
With a joyful expression of surprise, they grasped each other's hands, and interchanged so friendly a greeting that Julian in an instant had scattered to the winds the gloomy impression which was beginning to creep over him.
I uttered the usual prayers, and after all had added the Amen with the ordinary stroking of the beard, the customary civilities were interchanged with the Mehter.
But they interchanged ideas on poetical and humorous topics, and did not perplex themselves with anything speculative or transcendental.
Cary was entirely without vanity; and he, who had traversed the ghastly regions of the Inferno, interchanged little courtesies on equal terms with workers who had never travelled beyond the pages of "The London Magazine.
The tender words of “my mother” and “my child” interchanged between them could scarcely add anything to the affection which they had borne to each other in their former relation of instructress and pupil.
Ada and I interchanged looks, and as we were going out in any case, accepted the offer.
A short, dry cough, and a barely perceptible nod of the head, was all her reply; but their eyes met, and any so sad an expression as they interchanged I never beheld!
At length the way became too steep for much converse, and slipping and scrambling, we now only interchanged a chance word as we went.
The wild and rapid utterance of his lips, and the strange fancies they syllabled, often exciting him to laughter, only deepened the gravity of their countenances, and cast over the glances they interchanged a tinge of sadder meaning.
There they held out for some time, frequent pistol-shots being interchangedwithout much injury to either side.